Sunday, December 21, 2008


Uneasy thanks to TJB.

I've been inducted into a gam of tag. The rules are as follows:

1. Link to the person who tagged you. 2. Post the rules on your blog. 3. Write six random things about yourself. 4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them. 5. Let each person know they've been tagged and leave a comment on their blog. 6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

1. I never lie about my age and disapprove of those who do.
2. I will take an ice cold glass of gin and blissful solitude at a bar over ininteresting company ALWAYS
3. I am truly starting to believe that I need a man in my life, like a fish needs a bicycle.
4. Despite number 3, I might not say no.
5. But I probably will, I am my own worst enemy.
6. I am a bit of a loner and thus am not sure I know five other people on blogger who may not already been tagged

But I will try &

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