Thursday, September 30, 2010

Overview Create Your Own Forex Trading Strategy

You need a plan. As you read the books and study the process, you will undoubtedly run into some "systems" that can be used successfully. In addition, you'll come up with your own guidelines as you gain experience with trades, either real or in demo accounts. Some of the popular systems being used successfully and have proven histories are called swing trading, trading news and arbitrage. Trading Forex Currency

Along with fundamental Forex education and training, developing your own Forex trading strategy is a highly important thing you'd consider to ensure successful trading on the Forex market. A proper and sound Forex strategy should be based on the effective method of optimizing your reward, limiting loses and making the most out of currency rate moves.

If you're serious about online Forex trading
and planning to make it your full-time occupation, you should always remember that sticking to a certain trading strategy is not a good idea, as no single Forex strategy is going to work for a long period of time. Because of the volatility of the global economy, Forex market and constant changes in the volumes traded, currency pairs, price fluctuations, etc. Make A Million Dollars

you won't be able to keep up with modern trends by using only one standard Forex trading strategy. Once you develop your Forex strategy and ensure it works fine and delivers profits, don't depend on using it forever, keep your strategy flexible and perfect or change it depending on the current trading trends of the Forex market.

Beginners/amateurs would be best off leaving the forex day trading market to the professionals and traders provide the liquidity the forex needs to exist. Be careful, become educated, or get professional advice before embarking on a forex day trading strategy.

How Can Cloud Computing Impact a Business ?

Technology has put forth many new possibilities for the businesses to explore from. Internet has been one of the most amazing inventions of all, making many things possible which weren't earlier possible. It is due to the availability of internet in every nook and corner of the world that cloud computing has become possible. Cloud computing is basically the outsourcing of all the software and hardware requirement resources to a company. The company which is providing the service will be charging for the facility provided.

There are a lot of useful benefits that can be derived out of cloud computing for all the different kinds of businesses involving computer hardware and software in their systems. Businesses were earlier tied up in maintaining the resources of hardware and software which required a lot of their attention. By using cloud computing businesses would be able to direct their focus on more useful and core operations relating the business, instead of wasting their energy at something which can be taken care of by someone else.

Cloud computing companies have huge computing power as well as storage capacities. This has enabled the companies to get more benefits from the continuously upgraded hardware gear and software applications. The cloud computing provide unmatched storage capacity, which businesses usually can't have because of the high cost. The systems offered by the cloud computing are more flexible in adapting to the changing requirements of the organizations. Hardware and software setup of an organization however is difficult to maintain and keep up with the increasing number of people. As the system is very large in resources, it is easy to change its dynamics and even the processes involved much easily then a setup by an organization. It eliminates the great costs of remote computing and collaboration, which are high to setup for an organization. Usually the cloud computing is setup by highly professional organizations, which ensure that your data is secure and no irrelevant party can access your data with your consent.

It is very difficult to setup new offices when your business expands. One of the most important aspects of cloud computing is that it has no effect of people geographically dispersed and far away from each other. In spite of all the benefits mentioned above cloud computing is being adopted with some hesitation by big as well as small companies. The real impact of cloud computing is still to be seen, where a lot of giants of software and hardware products are eyeing the trends to enter into it, to make big bucks from it.

Leg Press. 860 lbs.

'nuff said!

Running through my head, going on three days now.....


Sadly Just heard the news that Tony Curtis passed away. I guess I'll be viewing Sweet Smell of Success this weekend in requiem..

New York City, many years ago: A young, poor, struggling Walter Matthau is standing in the rain, wiaitng for a bus. A limo pulls up, a window rolls down and Tony Curtis shouts, "I just f***ed Yvonne De Carlo!" and sails away"

Would that all exists were that grand!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Merah Darahku, Putih Tulangku!

Kalian lahir di mana?
Di Indonesia!
Kalian Besar di mana?
Di Indonesia!
Kalian Tinggal di mana?
Di Indonesia!
Kalian orang mana?

Waaa, nggak terasa sudah melewati hari “jadi” Indonesia. tanggal 17 agustus Kemarin Indonesia genap berusia 65 tahun, Bendera Merah Putih ramai di kibarkan dimana- mana.
Apa yang terpikirkan kalau kita sedang berada pada saat- saat seperti ini? Apakah ditengah semua kesibukan tersebut, di hati kita memang masih muncul rasa gembira luar biasa menyambut Ultah tanah air tercinta? Atau, upacara akbar bulan agustus kemarin Cuma sekedar seremonial tanpa arti buat kita, atau mungkin karena rasa nasionalisme kita yang makin hilang??
Upss, Jangaaaan dong…! Jangan biarkan rasa nasionalisme kita hilang, Sob!. Karena diseluruh permukaan bumi, Indonesia Cuma satu. Dan, Indonesia Cuma milik kita!

Terus, agar rasa nasionalisme kita nggak akan pernah hilang, gimana kalo sekarang kita bangkitkan lagi rasa nasionalisme itu?? Setuju??

Hhmm, begini, Indonesia kan terkenal mempunyai beragam jenis kebudayaan dan banyaknya bahasa daerah. Jumlahnya mungkin ratusan. Tapi dengan adanya semua itu, kita Cuma mempunyai satu bahasa pokok yang Nasional, “Bahasa Indonesia”. masyarakat Indonesia yang tinggal dari sabang sampai merauke pasti kenal betul dengan Bahasa Indonesia.
Terus, peran Bahasa Indonesia sendiri sampai sekarang penting nggak??
Yups, Sob! Kalau kalian bertanya begitu, saya jawab : Pastilah penting banget sampai sekarang. Belajarlah bahasa Indonesia dengan benar. kenapa begitu? Karena dengan satu hal itu saja kita dapat berkomunikasi dengan seluruh masyarakat Republik Indonesia dari ujung sabang sampai merauke tanpa adanya hambatan dalam komunikasi. Hal ini juga yang menjadi salah satu pelopor bagaimana cara membangkitkan rasa nasionalisme kita.

Sedikit cerita, beberapa tahun belakangan ini kita sering mendengar banyak banget berita negative tentang negeri ini. Entah itu soal pelecehan HAM, soal korupsi gila- gilaan yang dilakukan sama pejabat Negara dan masih banyak lagi berita jelek lain yang nggak enak didengar kuping.
Sempat juga hati bertanya- tanya, apalagi yang bisa dibanggain sama kita, anak- anak Indonesia. mulai deh pikiran saya menerawang. Mencari- cari, hal yang masih bisa dibanggain sama anak- anak Indonesia.

Dulu, waktu belajar PPKN dan Bahasa Indonesia, selalu ditanamin kalau kita adalah bangsa yang ramah, sopan santun dalam perkataan. Yang murah senyum dan tidak suka ribut. Mengaku juga kalau kita adalah bangsa yang bisa rukun, saling menghormati dalam bermasyarakat.
Tapi, baru- baru ini, ada kabar nggak sedap datang dari Kalimantan Timur di Tarakan tepatnya. ada keributan masyarakat disana penyebabnya sih karena berbeda paham saja. Wahh, kalo begini, apa yang diajarkan guru PPKN dan Bahasa Indonesia kita dulu sudah berubah. Tanpa disadari, kita malah jadi bangsa yang suka ribut sendiri. Malu- maluin, sob!

Sempet berfikir juga, apa benar udah nggak ada lagi nilai- nilai mulia dalam bangsa ini??
Lagi sibuk mikirin jawaban pertanyaan ini, tiba –tiba terlintas memoriam 4 tahun yang lalu. Dikota Yogya sana (flashback sedikit), gempa 5,9 skala Righter meluluh lantahkan beberapa desa. Ribuan bangunan hancur. Ribuan orang tewas jadi korban. Berita ini membuat hati tergerak untuk membantu saudara kita yang kesusahan disana. Ternyata, selain saya, banyak banget teman- teman kita yang berfikir sama. Dari seluruh penjuru tanah air, bahkan mereka ada juga yang langsung terbang ke Yogya untuk memberi bantuan. Entah berupa uang, obat- obatan atau menyumbang tenaga.

Jujur, hati gw terketuk, sob! Ternyata, sejelek- jeleknya sifat orang disini, masih banyak yang punya hati. Mau berkorban waktu dan tenaga untuk menolong saudara- saudaranya yang kesusahan. Ada juga yang rela berpanas- panasan di tengah jalan demi ngumpulin dana sekedarnya buat saudara- saudara kita di Yogya. Mereka Cuma punya satu tujuan : mengumpulkan dana buat membangun kembali Kota Yogyakarta tercinta.
Diluar sana, masih banyak banget rekan –rekan yang punya niat semulia mereka, bahkan lebih. Artinya, masih banyak orang Indonesia yang punya hati dan mau berkorban demi kesejahteraan saudaranya yang sedang terpuruk dalam penderitaan. Dan saat –saat seperti ini nggak terasa jiwa Nasionalisme kita bangkit lagi.

Hmm! Kalo begini caranya, sampai kapan pun gw akan selalu bangga jadi orang Indonesia. (Kid-oest News).

It'd be a bitch to attempt down before your first cup of coffee

But I think my mornings would start out a hell of a lot better if they began by my descending this staircase, if only to yell at the help regarding the shortcomings of whatever breakfast they'd been slaving over....

Monster Lele Dari Indonesia

Foto berupa ikan lele tersebut sangat luar biasa, perhatikan moncong dengan sungutnya. Bandingkan ukurannya yang lebih besar dari tubuh manusia dewasa!. Ikan lele monster? Disebutkan bahwa Ikan lele raksasa ini adalah penghuni alami danau Kebiu yang bermuara ke Sungai Kapuas di pedalaman Kalimantan Barat, tepatnya di Kabupaten Sintang.

Heran! tidak ada referensi mengenai jenis lele ini, padahal penduduk setempat sudah terbiasa menangkap dan menyantap lele raksasa ini. Berarti ada banyak lele raksasa yanng hidup di danau tersebut. Berarti jika penduduk satu kampung tersebut misalnya ingin makan pecel lele, cukup menangkap seekor sudah kenyang dimakan ramai-ramai!

Semoga akan ada penelitian untuk ikan lele tersebut, karena jika berhasil dibudidayakan, siapa tahu dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif pemenuhan kebutuhan pangan orang Indonesia!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Project X

Hi all !!

I am in need for an Insane Web Designer, a Wicked Photographer, Female Alternative Models ( Locally or Internationally ), My Tattoo Canvases and Sinners - For a long term project which I am working on.

Web Designers, Photographers and Female Alternative Models, pls send me your portfolios. The rest, just let me know why I should ink your Rotting Carcasses - Email to -

( Ladies who wanna model but can't travel to Singapore, don't worry !! Just get back to me and we will work something out )

Guys and Gals clothing lines - Join Us !!

- Latrommi Clothing -

I am also looking for anyone who wants to get Devils, Demons or anything related to Darkness tattoos, here is your chance !!

October Sacrifice 2010 !!

- I am charging $66 per session ( usual $300 ) for the first 6 people who are interested !!

So email me now -


Flyer Distributors Wanted !!

$5/hr - Minimum 3 hrs. 2-3 times a week !!

Sejarah Pizza

Kata "pizza" adalah salah ucapan kontemporer dari kata "pita", merupakan jenis roti yang ada sejak waktu purbakala di Timur Tengah dan Mediterania serta di Napoli. Namun sejal abad ke-16 sebuah restaurant bernama flatbread Galette merubah nama pita menjadi Pizza.

Kata pizza dalam bahasa italia adalah adonan yang digunakan untuk melihat suhu pada oven. Dahulu pizza merupakan hidangan untuki orang miskin, dijual di jalan. dan tidak dianggap sebagai makanan favorit italy.

Pizza History
Pizza pertama kali dibuat oleh tukang roti bernama Raffeale Esposito di Naples, Italia. Menurut legenda, Esposito ingin menciptakan jenis roti yang akan berdiri terpisah dari semua jenis lain yang dijual di Naples.

Dia pertama kali bereksperimen dengan menambahkan keju pada roti, lalu menambahkan saus di bawahnya dan biarkan adonan mengambil bentuk kue bundar besar. ciptaan-Nya segera menjadi favorit, dan Esposito dipanggil untuk membuat pizza untuk kunjungan Raja dan Ratu Margherita Umberto di Italia pada tahun 1889. Dia membuat pizza keju tiga warna yaitu putih roti, merah saus tomat dan hijau bumbu kemangi, sebagai cermin bendera Italia dan menunjukkan kesetiaannya kepada negaranya. Itu adalah hit pada saat itu, dan ia menamai ciptaan-Nya pizza Margherita setelah ratu tersebut mencicipinya.

Pada tahun 1830, restoran pizza didirikan di Naples, sehingga memungkinkan untuk Italia menikmati nya. Lalu Pizza menyebar ke kota-kota Italia lainnya dengan cepat. Pada saat itu pizza terkenal karena tekstur dan rasa yang luar biasa tajam. Adonan adalah urusan yang sederhana, dibuat hanya dari ragi, tepung, garam, dan kondensasi alam. Proses memasak pizza dalam oven bata mulai saat ini.Sementara ada variasi lain Bologna menggunakan saus daging pada pizza, dan daerah-daerah tertentu Venice ditambah sayuran segar dan bumbu-pizza Neopolitan menjadi ciri penciptaan makanan Italia.

Pizza menyebar ke Amerika, Inggris, Perancis dan Spanyol sangat cepat setelah kelahiran Italia tersebut. Ini masih kecil-dikenal di negara-negara ini masing-masing, namun, sampai Perang Dunia Kedua. Setelah menduduki wilayah Italia, tentara Amerika dan Eropa mencicipi pizza dan membawa memori ke tanah air mereka.

The Topping
Sebelum abad ke-17, pizza ditutupi dengan saus putih yang kemudian digantikan oleh minyak, keju, tomat atau ikan. Pada tahun 1843, Alexandre Dumas, Pere menggambarkan keragaman topping pizza. Pada bulan Juni 1889, untuk menghormati Ratu mendampingi Italia, Margherita dari Savoy, koki Naples Raffaele Esposito menciptakan "Pizza Margherita" pizza hiasi dengan tomat, keju putih, dan kemangi, untuk mewakili warna bendera Italia. Dia adalah yang pertama untuk menambahkan keju.

Inovasi terindah yang memberi kita roti pizza terenak adalah penggunaan tomat sebagai topping. Untuk beberapa saat setelah tomat dibawa ke Eropa dari benua Amerika pada abad ke-16, diyakini oleh banyak orang Eropa merupakan racun untuk manusia. Namun, pada abad ke-18 merupakan hal yang lazim untuk orang miskin di daerah sekitar Naples untuk menambahkan tomat untuk ragi roti mereka, dan sejak itulah pizza lahir sebagai roti yang penuh popularitas dan menjadi sebuah atraksi wisata turis di Naples.

They're good wholesome food!

Yeah,...right. And just as you can sing all of Emily Dickinson to "Yellow Rose of Texas" you can substitute "Donuts" for any another product: "Cigarettes", Bourbon", "Cocaine" and the copy still makes sense!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Maybe there's something to their claim...

I wouldn't attempt to handle Stevie either, he looks as though he's a real horror. However, when I was in grammar school Sister Mary used to keep us after school for detention at the drop of a hat. Fortunately my desk stood in a corner next to a bookcase stocked with a collection of old Childlcraft and Oz series books. As Sister Mary didn't care what we did in detention so long as we were quiet I took to reading them books!

Unfortunately Sister Mary eventually figured out that I was enjoying myself( a Catholic sin of epic proportions) and both a) stopped giving me detention and b) disallowed me from voluntarily staying after school to read. Yes I know I was, and still am, a bookworm dork....

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Cambodian Food street, sweet snack

And finally a sweet snack, I suspect. I didn’t actually get to eat any of these dishes, which is a bummer, but between the vegetarian guide and Mrs. MM who is less comfortable in these colorful eating arenas, I think I will have to return another day to sink deep into local Cambodian fare… :)

vendor food in cambodia

A row of vendors were offering noodle dishes of all sorts, from duck broths, to chicken, to pork with large, medium and fine, glass and wheat noodles. And the stir-fried egg noodles with soy and veggies, similar to the one I had had for breakfast at the hotel was cooked up to order…Closer to lunch time, the “turo-turo” stalls near the street had a more varied selection of viands and dishes on offer…

Stir-fried egg noodles in cambodia

Some of these ladies were decked to the nines, looking like they had just come out of the parlor, with lots of jewelry to boot!  And the stir-fried egg noodles with soy and veggies, similar to the one I had had for breakfast at the hotel was cooked up to order…Noodles and simple fried foods are a big thing for breakfast in Cambodia. At least that’s what it seemed like at the market. With a guide that practically wouldn’t look at anything with meat or fish in it, it was kind of hard to keep track of everything I was taking photographs of! But suffice it to say, it all looked incredibly honest and delicious. There is something about a market food vendor and her (mostly her) way of life. Such an incredibly hard life, and yet the joy they bring to so many customers on a daily basis…

Food market in cambodia

Noodles and simple fried foods are a big thing for breakfast in Cambodia. At least that’s what it seemed like at the market. With a guide that practically wouldn’t look at anything with meat or fish in it, it was kind of hard to keep track of everything I was taking photographs of! But suffice it to say, it all looked incredibly honest and delicious. There is something about a market food vendor and her (mostly her) way of life. Such an incredibly hard life, and yet the joy they bring to so many customers on a daily basis…

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Water Festival in cambodia

Another very colorful festival is the Water Festival or the Festival of the Reversing Current. It takes place in late October or early November and marks the reversal of the Tonle Sap River so that it once again flows south from the Tonle Sap Lake into the Mekong River. The highlight of the three-day festival is the boat races that are held in Phnom Penh. Individual villages build their own boats by hollowing out a log to make a dugout canoe that is rowed by as many as forty people! The prow and the stern of the canoe turn upward and the prow is painted with an eye, just like the war vessels on the wall of the temples at Angkor Thom. On the first two days of the festival, pairs of boats race each other. At sunset on the third day, there is a big race and everyone believes that the river is happy, the fish will be plentiful and the rice crop will flourish.

Religious ceremony, Pchum Ben in cambodia

Pchum Ben is a religious ceremony in September when everyone remembers the spirit of dead relatives. For fifteen days, people in Cambodian villages take turns bringing food to the temples or pagodas. On the fifteenth and final day, everyone dresses in their finest clothing to travel together to the pagodas. Families bring overflowing baskets of flowers, and children offer food and presents to the monks. Everyone says prayers to help their ancestors pass on to a better life. According to Khmer belief, those who do not follow the practices of Pchum Ben are cursed by their angry ancestors.

Cambodian New Year

The Cambodian New Year takes place from April 13th -15th, during the dry season when farmers do not work in the fields. Astrologers determine the exact time and date by calculating the exact moment the new animal protector (tiger, dragon, or snake) arrives. Cambodians spend the entire month of April in preparation for the celebration, cleaning and decorating their house with candles, lights, star shaped lanterns and flowers. During the first three days, everyone travels to the pagodas to offer food to the monks.

Ceremonies for death in Cambodia

Most Cambodians are Buddhists. Accordingly, they do not look on death as the end of life. Rather, they consider it the beginning of a new life that they hope will be better than the one which ended. Therefore, just as performing the wedding rituals correctly is very important, it is also very important to perform the ceremonies for death in the correct Buddhist tradition. Otherwise the relative will not be able to pass on to their new life. When a person dies, their body is washed, dressed and put into a coffin. Flowers and a photograph of the deceased are usually put on top of the coffin, which is then carried to a special Buddhist pagoda to be cremated. All the family members walk with the coffin to the pagoda. If the dead person was important, everyone in the village also joins the procession. Family members sometimes show their sorrow by wearing white clothing and shaving their heads.

Ceremonies for death in Buddhist tradition

Most Cambodians are Buddhists. Accordingly, they do not look on death as the end of life. Rather, they consider it the beginning of a new life that they hope will be better than the one which ended. Therefore, just as performing the wedding rituals correctly is very important, it is also very important to perform the ceremonies for death in the correct Buddhist tradition. Otherwise the relative will not be able to pass on to their new life. When a person dies, their body is washed, dressed and put into a coffin. Flowers and a photograph of the deceased are usually put on top of the coffin, which is then carried to a special Buddhist pagoda to be cremated. All the family members walk with the coffin to the pagoda. If the dead person was important, everyone in the village also joins the procession. Family members sometimes show their sorrow by wearing white clothing and shaving their heads. White is the traditional color of death instead of the Western idea of black. Because the rituals connected to death affect the ability of the dead person to have a happy next life, many Cambodians were distraught that they were not able to perform the correct rituals for loved ones who died under the Khmer Rouge regime.

Celebration of birthdays in Cambodia

Cambodian children do not celebrate their birthdays and it is not a special day for them. Often their parents just remember what season they were born in, but not the exact day so they don't know for sure. During the Khmer Rouge years, many people were separated from their families and they lost their birth certificates. However, all Cambodians know which year they were born, and what it means in the Chinese animal calendar: Do you know which year were you born in and which characteristics you should have?

Traditional wedding in Cambodia

The traditional wedding is a long and colorful affair. Formerly it lasted three days, but in the 1980s it more commonly lasted a day Cambodian  wedding and a half. Buddhist priests offer a short sermon and recite prayers of blessing. Parts of the ceremony involve ritual hair cutting, tying cotton threads soaked in holy water around the bride's and groom's wrists, and passing a candle around a circle of happily married and respected couples to bless the union. After the wedding, a banquet is held. Newlyweds traditionally move in with the wife's parents and may live with them up to a year, until they can build a new house nearby.

Divorce is legal and relatively easy to obtain, but not common. Divorced persons are viewed with some disapproval. Each spouse retains whatever property he or she brought into the marriage, and jointly-acquired property is divided equally. Divorced persons may remarry, but the woman must wait ten months. Custody of minor children is usually given to the mother, and both parents continue to have an obligation to contribute financially toward the rearing and education of the child.

Courtship, marriage, and divorce in Cambodia

In Cambodia, premarital sex is deplored. The choice of a spouse is a complex one for the young male, and it may involve not only his parents and his friends, as well as those of the young woman, but also a matchmaker. In theory, a girl may veto the spouse her parents have chosen. Courtship patterns differ between rural and urban Khmer; romantic love is a notion that exists to a much greater extent in larger cities. A man usually marries between the ages of nineteen and twenty-five, a girl between the ages of sixteen and twenty-two. After a spouse has been selected, each family investigates the other to make sure its child is marrying into a good family. In rural areas, there is a form of bride-service; that is, the young man may take a vow to serve his prospective father-in-law for a period of time.

Business Meetings in Cambodia

Business Meetings
. Meetings do not stick to any schedule or agenda.
. Issues may be tackled separately and altogether if need be - once an issue has seemingly been resolved it may later be addressed again.
. Meetings will continue until the attendees feel everything has been satisfactorily covered.
. Building a relationship on mutual trust is crucial so initially time should be invested in getting to know your counterparts.
. Small talk should always be employed at the beginning of meetings.
. Cambodians are very indirect communicators so some reading between the lines is a necessary skill.
. They will always consider the implications of making statements or using particular words especially if it involves anything negative as this draws in the issue of face.
. In fact if Cambodians disagree with someone they would rather remain silent than make any comment.
. If they disagree with an idea, they generally remain silent.
. If unsure about statements be sure to double check.
. Cambodians prefer ideas to be brought forward in a gentle way and to wait for others to respond.
. Pushy, pressured or boastful communication styles are a real turn-off.
. Punctuality is important. Arriving late shows a lack of respect for the person with whom you are meeting.
. Non-verbal behaviour is just as important to be aware of.
. For example, smiling in Cambodia is situational and can have many meanings; it may mean a person does not understand what has been said, they are nervous or even irritated.
. Showing emotions is considered a negative behaviour. Anger, impatience or frustration should be hidden as it would lead to a loss of face.
. overtly is not part of the culture and is considered a sign of weakness as well as poor manners.
. Modesty and humility are emphasized in the culture, so compliments and praise are generally responded to by a deprecating comment.
. It is a good idea not to speak with bravado, which may be interpreted as boasting.
Avoid prolonged eye contact.
. Be sure to speak clearly, slowly and to avoid use of slang, adages and colloquial sayings.

Business and Business Card in Cambodia

Business Cards
. Business cards should be exchanged after the initial introductions.
. Have one side of your card translated into Khmer if possible.
. Present your card so the Khmer side is readable to the recipient.
. Use the right hand or both hands when offering or receiving a business card.
. It is important to treat business cards with respect as the way you handle the card is indicative of the way you will treat the person.

Business Etiquette and Protocol in Cambodia

  • . As Cambodia is a hierarchical culture the business world follows suit in terms of protocol and behaviours.
  • . Respect and deference must always be shown to the most senior person.
  • . When meeting a group you will be introduced to the highest ranking person, similarly you should have the most senior of your group greet them.
  • . If groups are involved you should introduce people according to rank so that your Cambodian counterparts understand the dynamics of the group.
  • . Handshakes are normal although be careful not to be too firm as this may be construed as aggressive.
  • . If men are dealing with women they should wait and see if they extend a hand before doing so. Eye contact should be kept to a minimum.
  • . Cambodians address people with the honorific title "Lok" for a man and "Lok Srey" for a woman with the first name alone or both the first and surname.

Meeting & Greeting in cambodia

Meeting & Greeting
. Greetings between Cambodians are dependent on the relationship/hierarchy/age between the people.
. The traditional greeting is a bow combined with a bringing of the hands together at chest level (similar to bringing hands together for prayer).
. If one intends to show greater respect the bow is lower and the hands brought higher.
. With foreigners Cambodians have adopted the western practice of shaking hands. Women may still use the traditional Cambodian greeting.
. The simple rule is to respond with the greeting you are given.
. In Cambodia people are addressed with the honorific title "Lok" for a man and "Lok Srey" for a woman followed with the first name or both the first and surname.

Dining Etiquette in cambodia

  • . Table manners are fairly formal.
  • . If unconfident with the dos and don'ts simply follow what others do.
  • . When invited to the dining table wait to be told where to sit as you would not want to upset any hierarchical arrangements.
  • . The oldest person is usually seated first.
  • . Similarly the eldest person should start eating before others.
  • . Do not begin eating until the eldest person starts.
  • . Never discuss business in such social settings.

Gift Giving Etiquette in cambodia

  • . Gifts are usually given at Cambodian New Year (Chaul Chnam).
  • . Birthdays are not big events like in the West and people of the older generation may not even know their date of birth.
  • . Unlike most other cultures, Cambodians do not celebrate birthdays. In fact, many older people may not know the exact date of their birth.
  • . A small gift can also be taken if invited to someone's home for food.
  • . If invited to a home, take nicely presented fruit, sweets, pastries or flowers.
  • . Avoid giving knives.
  • . Gifts are usually wrapped in colorful paper.
  • . Do not use white wrapping paper, as it is the color of mourning.
  • . When giving gifts use both hands.
  • . Gifts are not opened when received.

Cambodian Etiquette and Customs

Greetings between Cambodians are dependent on the relationship/hierarchy/age between the people.
. The traditional greeting is a bow combined with a bringing of the hands together at chest level (similar to bringing hands together for prayer).
. If one intends to show greater respect the bow is lower and the hands brought higher.
. With foreigners Cambodians have adopted the western practice of shaking hands. Women may still use the traditional Cambodian greeting.
. The simple rule is to respond with the greeting you are given.
. In Cambodia people are addressed with the honorific title "Lok" for a man and "Lok Srey" for a woman followed with the first name or both the first and surname.

Etiquette and protocol guidelines in Cambodia

Cambodia is a collective society - individuals take second place to the group whether this is the family, neighbourhood or company.
. In such societies, etiquette and protocol guidelines are used to maintain a sense of common harmony - for example subtle communication styles are employed in order to minimize the chances of causing offense to others.
. The concept of face also ties in with this collective outlook.
. Protecting both one's own and other's face is extremely important.
. Face can roughly be translated as a combination of honour, dignity and public reputation that is attributed to a person.
. Face can be lost, given and accrued.
. Foreigners in Cambodia need to be aware of the mechanics of face to ensure they do not cause anyone to lose face as a result of unintentional actions.
. Face is lost when someone is criticized, embarrassed or exposed in public.
. It can be given by complimenting someone publicly, i.e. for their business acumen or hospitality.

Theravada Buddhism in cambodia

The majority of Cambodians follow Theravada Buddhism.
. Originating in India, the religion teaches that life and death in this world are intertwined through the concept of reincarnation.
. Every person lives a life as a worldly being and depending on their behaviour will come back in their next life as a higher or lower being.
. "Karma" is the term used to describe this - i.e. if you do good you will have good karma. A rough translation of this is, "you reap what you sow."
Theravada Buddhism has the following principles:
- Have the right thoughts.
- Have the right goals.
- Speak the right words.
- Perform the right deeds.
- Earn a living in the right way.
- Make the right effort.
- Be intellectually alert.
- Meditate.

Cambodian Society & Culture

The majority of Cambodians follow Theravada Buddhism.
. Originating in India, the religion teaches that life and death in this world are intertwined through the concept of reincarnation.
. Every person lives a life as a worldly being and depending on their behaviour will come back in their next life as a higher or lower being.
. "Karma" is the term used to describe this - i.e. if you do good you will have good karma. A rough translation of this is, "you reap what you sow."
Theravada Buddhism has the following principles:
- Have the right thoughts.
- Have the right goals.
- Speak the right words.
- Perform the right deeds.
- Earn a living in the right way.
- Make the right effort.
- Be intellectually alert.
- Meditate.

Official language of Cambodia

Khmer is the official language of Cambodia and is used in most social contexts including government administration, education at all levels, and in the mass media. It is spoken by some 7 million people living there, roughly 90% of the population.
Regional differences are slight and normally mutually intelligible. Based on the dialect of the capital city of Phnom Penh, Modern Khmer is used throughout the nation and widely understood by its inhabitants. Much Khmer vocabulary used in literature, the military, and administration is borrowed from Sanskrit, or Pali. Due to years of French colonial rule, numerous French words have been incorporated into the language as well.

Cambodia Business Etiquette

Khmer is the official language of Cambodia and is used in most social contexts including government administration, education at all levels, and in the mass media. It is spoken by some 7 million people living there, roughly 90% of the population.
Regional differences are slight and normally mutually intelligible. Based on the dialect of the capital city of Phnom Penh, Modern Khmer is used throughout the nation and widely understood by its inhabitants. Much Khmer vocabulary used in literature, the military, and administration is borrowed from Sanskrit, or Pali. Due to years of French colonial rule, numerous French words have been incorporated into the language as well.

Registration of Penang Bridge International Marathon 2010

Since my first run of 10km in Kuala Lumpur International Marathon 2010, I've been eyeing another event to keep up my effort to push myself into half marathoner status. The obvious international event coming up, of course if the Penang Bridge International Marathon 2010.

The Penang Bridge International Marathon 2010 is schedule on 21st Novemebr 2010. My plan is to hit the half marathoner status by end of the year, but I target to hit at least another 10km run before going for the big one like this. Caught up with work loads and forgotten my aim earlier, easily I slipped and I only left a few months before the major event.

I'm already motivated with my new pair of running shoe, plus encouragement from my buddy that's planning to do 21km run as well, I log-on and sign up for the 21km run. Without knowing, I'm done and started to sweat ...

I struggled during my run of 10km earlier. Although I finished the run in 1 hour 12 minutes and 54 seconds, which is well within the qualifying of 1 hour and 30 minutes, still I struggled and rank only 1209. One of the reason why I dare to sign up for this 21km is because the qualifying time for the Penang Bridge International Marathon is longer at 3 hours and 30 minutes, comparing to 3 hours only of other event. That additional 30 minutes should serve a good buffer for me to complete the run, even if I walk, I suppose.

But still, I'm worried. I started to did some search online and found the following.

Photo courtesy of Penang Bridge International Marathon 2010 website. Very beautiful.

The stretch from the island till the top of bridge looks so short from this photo, but in fact is quite a distance away. I did a measurement in the google map and it's approximately 3km long and the slope up to the top of the bridge is the scary part. It's confirmed the gradient of the slope is only 3%, but I doubted it. It does look scary from this photo. The entire stretch of the 3% slope is 500m long. That would be hardest part I thought, but experience marathoners say otherwise. I think I will wish to be roll down after hitting the top ...

Experience marathoners said the slope is quite manageable but the real difficult part is when you are going down the slope. Reason being you are looking directly to the stretch of the wide road without end. That's very de-motivating. I will see how it goes on that day.

Continuing to a short brief of the registration process, it's very simple. Go to their website (given below) then choose your category. Start throwing in your details and choose your running singlet.

I can't really recall what I took for my earlier KL run, but I take up XL by the measurement given. I dont think the given measuremet is not very accurate, so I take up a safe bet living up XL. A little loose don't kill.

My friends asked me how to collect the singlet, good thing is that this is an international event. So they should be expecting lots of registration from all over the states. Delivery to doorstep is offered. It cost an additional charges, but much well worth it than traveling down a day or two earlier just to register and collect the goodies pack just does not work. I paid to save the trouble, just a small sum, nice.

Then I did a good search around the entire webpage and found lots of information. Manual booklet for download, 21km route, qualifying time and etc. This will be definitely an experience of my lifetime.

The qualifying time for 21km is 3 hours and 30 minutes. When I told my parents that I joined up for the run, first thing they said is "you can run meh? dont join la". You know, parents always do that, especially when there are news that a young chap passed away in the last KL Marathon. I'm determined and I will complete this 21km. I think I might stop at 21km rather than pushing myself to 42km, the Full Marathon challenge. Let's see how I do this time, will let you know the plan =)

The registration is done, training time is up and my targer is within 3 hours. Wish me luck!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Jangan Takut Bermimpi

Dulu nih!, manusia bisa terbang Cuma mitos. Kita pernah dengar soal mitologi Icarus. Manusia yang berhasil terbang tapi akhirnya jatuh karena sayap- sayapnya meleleh saat mendekati matahari. Tapi sejak Wright bersaudara membuktikan bahwa manusia bisa terbang (*dengan pesawat terbang) mitos manusia terbang itu pupus.

Manusia mendarat di bulan, dulu juga impian. Impian atau khayalan itu menjadi sebuah dongeng klasik yang asik, yang Cuma bisa terjadi dalam novel karya Jules Verne (*penulis Novel). Tapi ketika Neil Amstrong menjejakkan kaki di Bulan pada tanggal 20 Juli 1969, kita percaya bahwa apa yang diangan- angankan Jules Verne bukan sesuatu yang mustahil.

Segala macam benda atau teknologi yang kita jumpai hari ini, dulunya juga Cuma mimpi. Tapi kalo mau baca sejarah, ternyata helikopter, tank, kapal selam, sudah ada dalam sketsa yang di gambar oleh seorang Leonardo Da Vinci (15 april 1452 – 2 mei 1519). Bayangin, lebih dari 500 tahun lalu! Terus apa khayalan kita hari ini??

Apapun, menurut gw, nggak ada yang mustahil. Mungkin banyak yang ngetawain, dan menganggap impian kita Cuma isapan jempol. Tapi percayalah, sejarah nunjukin bahwa para penemu hebat awalnya ngalamin hal serupa.

Yang membuat mereka hebat ternyata bukan Cuma mimpinya, tapi usaha untuk mewujudkan apa yang selama itu dianggap nggak mungkin. Biarpun pelan, dan dimulai dari hal kecil, mereka akhirnya bisa sampai ketujuan akhir (*pembuktian).

Dalam sejarah orang- orang hebat (*penemu disegala bidang) menunjukan beberapa gejala. Pertama, mereka yakin sama konsepnya, berani memulai, dan nggak takut di- cap sebagai orang yang menentang arus. Mereka juga bersifat konsisten abis.

Ini modal lain yang cukup berarti. Karena kalo nggak berani, mereka pasti nyerah tergilas sama arus besar yang menghadang. Kita bisa juga kayak mereka. Dan itu bisa kita mulai dari sekarang ini. (Kid- oest News).

Empu Nala Laksamana Majapahit

Tahun 1339-1341 / Seluruh Nusantara bagian barat berturut-turut diserang dan ditaklukkan armada Kerajaan Majapahit pimpinan Laksamana Nala. Dimulai dengan menghancurkan Kerajaan Pasai, selanjutnya menuju Jambi dan Palembang. Kemudian mereka menaklukkan Langkasuka, Kelantan, Kedah, Selangor, Tumasik (Singapura). Selanjutnya armada Majapahit mendarat di Tanjungpura, menundukkan Sambas, Banjarmasin, Pasir, dan Kutai.

Dalam waktu 7 tahun setelah dikumandangkan "Sumpah Palapa", seluruh Sumatra, Semenanjung Melayu, Kalimantan, dan pulau-pulau di sekitarnya sudah menjadi wilayah kekuasaan Kerajaan Majapahit. Armada Majapahit dengan kekuatan 40.000 prajurit menjadi sesuatu kekuatan dahsyat tak ada tandingannya di Asia Tenggara ketika itu di masa kejayaan Majapahit. Dengan demikian, Nusantara bagian barat sepenuhnya sudah bersatu di bawah panji kerajaan Majapahit, kecuali Kerajaan Sunda.

Tahun 1343 / Bali diserang dan berhasil ditaklukkan Kerajaan Majapahit. Serangan oleh armada Kerajaan Majapahit ini di bawah komando Mahapatih Gajah Mada.

Tahun 1343 / Mahapatih Gajah Mada dibantu oleh Laksamana Nala memimpin armada laut Majapahit dengan kekuatan 3.000 prajurit menuju wilayah timur Nusantara untuk menaklukkan kerajaan-kerajaan yang bersikap dingin atau mencoba melepaskan diri. Kerajaan itu antara lain: Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Seram, Sulawesi, Dompo. Seluruh wilayah timur Nusantara telah disatukan, termasuk Pulau Irian, Sanggir Talaud, sampai Kepulauan Filipina Selatan. Pasukan kekuatan Majapahit tidak semuanya berasal dari pusat pemerintahan. Namun, hampir dua per tiga justru berasal dari Kerajaan Melayu dan gabungan beberapa dari kerajaan di wilayah Jawa yang sudah mengakui kekuasaan Kerajaan Majapahit.

Konon rahasia kekuatan laut Majapahit sejak jaman Gajah Mada yaitu terletaknya pimpinan yang dipegang oleh Mpu Nala sebagai panglima tertinggi.

Mpu Nala dalam membangun kekuatan laut yang tersohor kala itu, beliau menemukan sejenis pohon raksasa yang dirahasiakan lokasinya, untuk membangun kapal-kapal Majapahit yang berukuran besar di masa itu.

Persenjataan kapal-kapal Majapahit berupa meriam Jawa. Konon Gajah Mada kecil pernah diasuh oleh tentara Mongol yang dikirim Kublai Khan menyerbu Jawa guna membalas penghinaan yang dilakukan oleh Prabu Kertanegara mencoreng-coreng wajah utusan Tiongkok yang menuntut agar Singosari tunduk di bawah kekuasaan Tiongkok. Gajah Mada diajarkan oleh pengasuhnya orang Mongol itu mengenai prinsip senjata api sederhana.

Selanjutnya Gajah Mada mengembangkan senjata api itu untuk mempersenjatai kapal-kapal perang Majapahit ciptaan Mpu Nala yang istimewa itu, hingga mampu merajai wilayah di perairan Selatan (Nan Yang).

Keturunan Mpu Nala terus melanjutkan kepemimpinan militer Majapahit. Mpu Nala II tidak segemilang pendahulunya apalagi militer laut sudah demikian parah dalam melakukan tindak korupsi di wilayah kekuasaan masing-masing, sehingga rakyat tidak lagi menghormati kekuasaan pemerintahan pusat. Dan menurunkan wibawa Majapahit di kalangan kerajaan taklukannya.

Di masa kehancuran itu Mpu Nala II tidak segemilang pendahulunya. Sehingga seperti yang terjadi kemudian, kekuatan laut yang tersohor di Nan Yang itu saling bertempur satu kapal dengan kapal yang lain.

Salah satu kisah peperangan Empu Nala :
Tahun 1350, Laksamana Nala mengadakan ekspedisi ke Nansarunai dengan menyamar sebagai nahkoda kapal dagang. Di Nansarunai ia memakai nama samaran Tuan Penayar dan bertemu dengan Raja Raden Anyan, bergelar Datu Tatuyan Wulau Miharaja Papangkat Amas, serta Ratu Dara Gangsa Tulen.

Laksaman Nala sangat kagum melihat begitu banyak barang-barang terbuat dari emas murni, ketika ia dipersilahkan untuk melihat-lihat perlengkapan pesta adat di ruangan tempat bermusyawarah. Yang sangat dikagumi oleh Laksamana Nala, ialah sokoguru balai adat yang terbuat dari emas murni juga dimana dibagian atasnya bermotif patung manusia.

Setelah kembali ke Majapahit, Laksamana Nala berpendapat, untuk menundukkan Nansarunai, harus dicari kelemahan Raja Raden Anyan yang mempunyai kharisma kuat. Pada pelayanan berikutnya, Laksamana Nala membawa serta seorang panglima perangnya yang bernama Demang Wiraja dengan memakai nama samaran Tuan Andringau, serta beberapa prajurit dari suku Kalang. Hasil pengamatan Demang Wiraja dilaporkan kepada Laksamana Nala.

Demikianlah pada awal tahun 1356, Laksamna Nala datang lagi ke Nansarunai dengan membawa serta istrinya bernama Damayanti. Sewaktu kembali ke Majapahit, sengaja Laksamana Nala membiarkankan isterinya tinggal di Nansarunai. Damayanti berwajah sangat cantik dan pribadinya menarik.

Pada tahun 1356 itu, terjadi kemarau panjang, sehingga Raja Raden Anyan secara kebetulan bertemu dengan Damayanti di sumur yang khusus diperuntukkan bagi anggota keluarga kerajaan. Pertemuan pertama berlanjut dengan kedua dan demikian seterusnya, sehingga Damayanti melahirkan seorang anak perempuan, lau diberi nama Sekar Mekar.

Pada awal tahun 1358, Laksamana Nala datang ke Nansarunai dan menemukan isterinya sedang menimang seorang anak perempuan. Damayanti yang memakai nama samaran Samoni Batu, menerangkan bahwa anak yang ada dipangkuaanya itu adalah anak anak mereka berdua. Dan Laksamana Nala percaya saja akan apa yang telah dikatakan oleh isterinya itu.

Ketika kembali ke Majapahit, Damayanti beserta anaknya dibawa serta, alau tinggal dipangkalan aramada laut Majapahit di Tuban. Beberapa bulan kemudian, Laksamana Nala secara kebetulan mendengar isterinya bersenandung untuk menidurkan puterinya dimana syair-syairnya menyebutkan bahwa Sekar Mekar mempunyai ayah yang sebenarnya ialah Raja Raden Anyan.

Bulan April 1358, datanglah prajurit-prajurit Majapahit, dibawah pimpinan Laksamana Nala dan Demang Wiraja menyerang Nansarunai. Mereka membakar apa saja termasuk kapal-kapal yang ada di pelabuhan dan rumah-rumah penduduk. Serangan itu mendapat perlawanan gigih prajurit-prajurit Nansarunai walaupun mereka kurang terlatih.

Menurut cerita, Ratu Dara Gangsa Tulen bersembunyi dipelepah kelapa gading bersenjata pisau dari besi kuning, bernama Lading Lansar Kuning. Ia banyak menimbulkan korban pada pihak musuh sebelum ia sendiri gugur. Raja Raden Anyan dalam keadaan terdesak lalu disembunyikan oleh para Patih dan Uria kedalam sebuah sumur tua yang sudah tidak berair lagi. Diatas kepalanya ditutup dengan sembilan buah gong besar, kemudian dirapikan dengan tanah dan rerumputan, agar tidak mudah diketahui musuh.

Ketika keadaan sudah bisa dikuasai oleh pihak Majapahit, Laksamana Nala memerintahkan Demang Wiraja untuk mencari Raden Anyan hidup atau mati. Atas petunjuk prajurit-prajurit suku Kalang yang terkenal mempunyai indera yang tajam, tempat persembunyian Raja Raden Anyan akhirnya dapat ditemukan.

Raja Raden Anyan tewas kena tumbak Laksamana Nala dengan lembing bertangkai panjang. Peristiwa hancurnya Nansarunai dalam perang tahun 1358 itu, terkenal dalam sejarah lisan suku Dayak Maanyan yang mereka sebut Nansarunai Usak Jawa.

Dalam perang itu telah gugur pula seorang nahkoda kapal dagang Nansarunai yang terkenal berani mengarungi lautan luas bernama Jumulaha. Ia banyak bergaul dan bersahabat dengan pelaut-pelaut asal Bugis dan Bajau. Untuk mengenang persahabatan itu, maka puterinya yang lahir ketika ditinggalkan sedang berlayar, diberi nama berbau Bugis yaitu La Isomena.

Prajurit-prajurit Majapahit yang gugur dalam perang tahun 1358 itu, diperabukan berikut persenjattan yang mereka miliki, didekat sungai Tabalong yang dikemudian hari dikenal dengan sebutan Tambak-Wasi. Tambak arti kuburan dan Wasi artinya besi dalam bahasa Maanyan kuno. Sehingga Tambak-Wasi artinya adalah kuburan yang mengandung unsur besi.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Cambodian information articals