Thursday, August 27, 2009

Narcissistic question

Okay, here's my latest, chosen among oh SO many, rant.

Since I've been laid off I've been hitting the gym, let's face it in the past five years I've never given up a chance to hit the gym, pound the gym, try to beat the gym into a submissive pulp.

Also since I've been laid off I've actually had some free time. this means that I am able to go out and socialize. My new part time job waiting tables has gotten me out into the public view a bit more and thankfully after a long long hiatus my social life has picked up a bit. Now, I am not talking much here, but it's a hailstorm for me.

However, here is the fly in my self centered tube of ointment. I've been accused of being to body obsessed, both in viewing mine and potential candidates. So I'm posing the question thus

I've worked long and hard to put together what I assume is a decent package to vain is it of me to expect something similar in return?

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