Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Bobol ATM dengan flash-disk !
Ternyata sistem pertahanan keamanan mesin ATM tidak sekokoh yang banyak diperkirakan orang awam, buktinya hanya dengan bermodal flash disk saja sebuah ATM bisa diperintahkan untuk mengeluarkan semua uangnya, inilah yang sempat dibahas oleh Seorang mantan hacker yang kini menjadi konsultan keamanan, Barnaby Jack, mengungkapkan cara baru membobol automatic teller machine (ATM). Jack yang kini menjadi Direktur Penelitian di perusahaan konsultan keamanan, IOActive Labs, memamerkan teknik membobol ATM dalam acara pertemuan tahunan para hacker, Black Hat, di Las Vegas.
Mantan hacker Barnaby Jack mempresentasikan cara membobol mesin ATM hanya dengan sebuah flash disk di konferensi para hacker sedunia Black Hat. “Saya berharap bisa mengubah cara pandang orang terhadap perangkat tersebut (ATM) yang dari luar tampak tak bisa ditembus,” kata Jack di depan audiens sebelum mendemonstrasikan cara membobol ATM. Untuk bisa membobol ATM, Jack mengaku menghabiskan lebih dari satu tahun untuk belajar merusak dan membobol mesin ATM yang sering ditemui di pompa-pompa bensin, bar dan perusahaan ritel.
Seperti dikutip dari REUTERS, kemarin, Demi mengetahui seluk-beluk ATM, Jack sampai membeli sendiri mesin ATM melalui internet. Pada konferensi tahunan Black Hat itu, Jack menunjukkan bagaimana ia meng-upload perangkat lunak buatannya yang disebut Dillinger.

Setelah menjangkiti mesin ATM, software Dillinger akan mendekati dan menginstruksikan mesin untuk mulai mengeluarkan uang tunai. Nama Dillinger mengacu pada sosok perampok legendaris Amerika Serikat, John Dillinger. Sementara software untuk ATM itu buatan perusahaan Tranax Technologies.
Jack menggunakan kunci yang tersedia di internet untuk membuka kotak ATM yang dilindungi Triton System. Kemudian dengan memasukkan flask disk berisi software Dillinger ke slot USB, maka akan memaksa ATM memuntahkan seluruh uang tunai di dalamnya. ATM yang dibobol Jack menggunakan perangkat Windows CE, sebuah versi sistem operasi buatan Microsoft Corp yang banyak digunakan pada komputer khusus termasuk ATM.

Jack mengatakan, para pembuat ATM sebenarnya telah membuat perangkat lunak yang bisa mencegah hacker mengulangi pola serangan yang sama, seperti yang ia lakukan di atas panggung saat itu. Namun Jack juga menegaskan bahwa ATM masih rentan dari serangan hacker. “Saya tidak cukup naif untuk menyatakan bahwa saya satu-satunya orang yang bisa melakukan hal ini,” katanya.
Jack menambahkan, ia yakin ATM yang digunakan oleh lembaga keuangan juga rentan diserang hacker. Namun ia belum bisa mensimulasikan serangan tersebut karena ia belum mampu mendapatkan ATM dari bank mana pun.
Sedangkan wakil direktur teknik Triton, Bob Douglas, mengatakan, dirinya tidak mengetahui adanya serangan yang sukses dilakukan terhadap perangkat yang dibuat perusahaannya.
Sekitar 6.000 hacker dan keamanan profesional minggu ini menghadiri konferensi Black Hat untuk membahas kerentanan dalam segala hal, mulai dari perangkat lunak yang menggunakan PC, ponsel, hingga sistem yang mengontrol jaringan listrik.
Banyak penyelenggara mempromosikan penelitian tersebut sebagai upaya untuk mempublikasikan kelemahan perangkat bagi pengguna, sehingga mereka dapat melindungi diri mereka dan mendorong para pembuat perangkat lunak, produsen dan pihak lain menemukan cara untuk membenahi kerentanan tersebut.
Sebuah ilmu pada dasarnya bagai pisau, bisa berfungsi ganda, untuk kebaikan atau keburukan tergantung pada sang tuan dimana ilmu tadi bersemayam, mau dimanfaatkan menjadi apa.
[Sumber : Reuters]
Mantan hacker Barnaby Jack mempresentasikan cara membobol mesin ATM hanya dengan sebuah flash disk di konferensi para hacker sedunia Black Hat. “Saya berharap bisa mengubah cara pandang orang terhadap perangkat tersebut (ATM) yang dari luar tampak tak bisa ditembus,” kata Jack di depan audiens sebelum mendemonstrasikan cara membobol ATM. Untuk bisa membobol ATM, Jack mengaku menghabiskan lebih dari satu tahun untuk belajar merusak dan membobol mesin ATM yang sering ditemui di pompa-pompa bensin, bar dan perusahaan ritel.
Seperti dikutip dari REUTERS, kemarin, Demi mengetahui seluk-beluk ATM, Jack sampai membeli sendiri mesin ATM melalui internet. Pada konferensi tahunan Black Hat itu, Jack menunjukkan bagaimana ia meng-upload perangkat lunak buatannya yang disebut Dillinger.

Setelah menjangkiti mesin ATM, software Dillinger akan mendekati dan menginstruksikan mesin untuk mulai mengeluarkan uang tunai. Nama Dillinger mengacu pada sosok perampok legendaris Amerika Serikat, John Dillinger. Sementara software untuk ATM itu buatan perusahaan Tranax Technologies.
Jack menggunakan kunci yang tersedia di internet untuk membuka kotak ATM yang dilindungi Triton System. Kemudian dengan memasukkan flask disk berisi software Dillinger ke slot USB, maka akan memaksa ATM memuntahkan seluruh uang tunai di dalamnya. ATM yang dibobol Jack menggunakan perangkat Windows CE, sebuah versi sistem operasi buatan Microsoft Corp yang banyak digunakan pada komputer khusus termasuk ATM.

Jack mengatakan, para pembuat ATM sebenarnya telah membuat perangkat lunak yang bisa mencegah hacker mengulangi pola serangan yang sama, seperti yang ia lakukan di atas panggung saat itu. Namun Jack juga menegaskan bahwa ATM masih rentan dari serangan hacker. “Saya tidak cukup naif untuk menyatakan bahwa saya satu-satunya orang yang bisa melakukan hal ini,” katanya.
Jack menambahkan, ia yakin ATM yang digunakan oleh lembaga keuangan juga rentan diserang hacker. Namun ia belum bisa mensimulasikan serangan tersebut karena ia belum mampu mendapatkan ATM dari bank mana pun.
Sedangkan wakil direktur teknik Triton, Bob Douglas, mengatakan, dirinya tidak mengetahui adanya serangan yang sukses dilakukan terhadap perangkat yang dibuat perusahaannya.
Sekitar 6.000 hacker dan keamanan profesional minggu ini menghadiri konferensi Black Hat untuk membahas kerentanan dalam segala hal, mulai dari perangkat lunak yang menggunakan PC, ponsel, hingga sistem yang mengontrol jaringan listrik.
Banyak penyelenggara mempromosikan penelitian tersebut sebagai upaya untuk mempublikasikan kelemahan perangkat bagi pengguna, sehingga mereka dapat melindungi diri mereka dan mendorong para pembuat perangkat lunak, produsen dan pihak lain menemukan cara untuk membenahi kerentanan tersebut.
Sebuah ilmu pada dasarnya bagai pisau, bisa berfungsi ganda, untuk kebaikan atau keburukan tergantung pada sang tuan dimana ilmu tadi bersemayam, mau dimanfaatkan menjadi apa.
[Sumber : Reuters]
Agreement on commercial navigation of Mekong River

The maximum size of vessels previously able to navigate this stretch of the river was only 120 tons, so to allow larger ships to pass, China agreed to carry out the removal of all major rapids, shoals and reefs that obstructed navigation. As with the dam developments, downstream countries – Cambodia and Vietnam – were not consulted.
According to Tyson Roberts the eventual Chinese goal is actually to succeed where the French failed, and make the Mekong navigable all the way to the South China Sea. The construction of the upstream dams is also a tool to that end, allowing the maintenance of navigable water levels throughout the dry season.
This has already occurred, as during the very low-year levels of March- April 2004 extra water was released from the Manwan and Dachaoshan dams to raise the river level and enable cargo to continue to trade between Yunnan and Chiang Saen, Thailand. One 1st May 2004, after three years of clearing, the first 3,000 tons Chinese vessels reached Chiang Saen. In 2004 more than 3,000 vessels are expected to dock at Chiang Saen, up from less than 1,000 in 2003, and plans are underway o build a second port capable o handing ships of 500 tons.
Disturbances and threats of Mekong River
Major developments on the Mekong which are likely to conflict with fisheries interests include various proposed irrigation projects, hydro-electric power projects, other industrial development and flood control projects. Dam construction and operation will change the hydrology of the river downstream, reducing seasonal flow peaks and minimizing access to floodplains for feeding and spawning. Changes in water quality and the timing of peak flows are likely to have adverse effects on fish migrations and spawning, and dams will create obvious problems for long distance longitudinal migrants.Impoundment will reduce sediment flow, particularly in the main channels, and thereby affect the nutrient regime downstream (Pantulu, 1986b).The water quality in the lower Mekong has been affected by domestic wastes and agricultural runoff carrying pesticides and fertilizers. Though localized at present, such problems are expected to increase.
Uncoordinated development of Mekong River
Uncoordinated development, particularly between countries sharing watersheds, is the greatest threat to the future of the Mekong ecosystem. The Sesan, Sekong and Srepok are the three great tributary rivers of north-east Cambodia. Fishing in the mountains of Vietnam and Laos they come together to join the Mekong at Stung Treng.In 2001 the Vietnamese began operation of the Yali Falls dam on the Sesan – the first of a cascade of four such hydro-power projects they plan for the river, although only 70km upstream of the Cambodian border, the Cambodians were never consulted on its construction.
Government funding for the Mekong River Commission

Local villagers have also reported negative impacts on the Sesan’s fisheries, and increased siltation has apparently decreased the depth of one of the river’s most important deep pools from 7-8m to just half a meter. In 2003 a study on the Sesan’s breeding birds demonstrated the impacts of changing flow regimes on some of the region’s most at-risk bird populations. Not only were changing patterns of sedimentation and erosion reducing available habitat, but 50% of River Lapwing nests located during the study were destroyed by sudden fluctuations in water releases from the dam.
Mekong’s natural habitat & Vietnamese delta
Downstream from Phnom Penh towards the sea, most of the Mekong’s natural habitat has long gone. The Vietnamese delta, once known as the Plain of Reeds is now a plain of irrigated rice. A vast, monotonous, monoculture, with the only natural habitat confined to tiny, shrinking islands.The last significant remnant of the true delta is Boeng Prek Lapou, 10,000ha in southern Cambodia’s Takeo Province. Seasonally inundated grassland forming vast mats Vietnam has long and what the whole delta would have once looked like.
Boeung Prek Lapou was only discovered by government biologists in 2000 due to the presence of Sarus Cranes. An emblem of the Mekong Delta, they were considered restricted to two small remaining areas in Vietnam. Boeung Prek Lapou was rapidly found to be the most important site for Sarus Cranes anywhere in the delta.Yet at the same time it was threatened by an agricultural development project that would convert the last remaining natural wetland into irrigated rice. Fortunately this was stopped and the area is now being proposed by the government for protection as a Crane Conservation Area.
Boeung Prek Lapou was only discovered by government biologists in 2000 due to the presence of Sarus Cranes. An emblem of the Mekong Delta, they were considered restricted to two small remaining areas in Vietnam. Boeung Prek Lapou was rapidly found to be the most important site for Sarus Cranes anywhere in the delta.Yet at the same time it was threatened by an agricultural development project that would convert the last remaining natural wetland into irrigated rice. Fortunately this was stopped and the area is now being proposed by the government for protection as a Crane Conservation Area.
Institute of Oceanography
The appearance of this photograph confirmed those beliefs for many. However, it soon proved to be a hoax and is in fact of an Oarfish Regalecus glesne, the particular animal was found by US soldiers on a beach near a military base in south California in 1996 – nowhere near the Mekong – and is now preserved at the Scripps Institute of Oceanography
American Army at Mekong River

The appearance of this photograph confirmed those beliefs for many. However, it soon proved to be a hoax and is in fact of an Oarfish Regalecus glesne, the particular animal was found by US soldiers on a beach near a military base in south California in 1996 – nowhere near the Mekong – and is now preserved at the Scripps Institute of Oceanography
Development projects of Mekong River
The Mekong Committee has considered some 230 possible development projects on the lower Mekong River and its tributaries. Twelve large projects have been implemented, and 149 projects are currently considered as feasible. Feasibility or pre-feasibility studies have been carried out for 17 of these projects, including two in Kampuchea, and desk studies have been made for the remainder, including 35 in Kampuchea. One of the largest of the possible mainstream water storage projects is the Stung Treng Dam project. This was also considered to be one of the most viable projects. The project involves the construction of a dam 77m in height across the Mekong below its confluence with the Tonle San and Tonle Kong rivers, some 40 km south of the Lao border. The dam would create a reservoir of 797,000 ha it would generate 3,600 MW of elecricity, irrigate an area of about 1,287,000 ha (in both Kampuchea and Vietnam), and lower flood peaks at Kompong Cham by 1-2 metres. Some site investigations were carried out prior to 1975, but no full reconnaissance study was made, and the project has been shelved, at least temporarily. The construction of a second mainstream hydro-electric dam, capable of producing 875 MW of electricity, was proposed at Sambor, about 100 km downstream from Stung Treng. A feasibility report was completed in 1969, but this project has also been shelved (Mekong Committee, 1976b).
Research and facilities of Mekong River in cambodia
The Mekong Committee carried out a number of investigations on the Mekong River and its fisheries between 1957 and 1975. The fisheries research was directed principally at assessment of the effects of water resource management projects on fisheries production.
Commercial river traffic & Colonial French
The Khone Falls have still never been conquered for commercial river traffic. However, the colonial French did eventually come up with a bizarre and expensive navigable solution – laying a railway line, complete with locomotive, docks and cranes, on an island in the middle of the falls. Passenger or goods were disembarked above or below the falls and transported by rail to the craft awaiting them on the other side.
While it never succeeded in opening up the river in the way they hoped – It took 37 days and required at least seven changes of vessel to travel from Saigon to Luang Prababg, Laos – the rail link operated for forty years, only coming to an end in 1940 when the Second World War reached Indochina. Although a barrier to the mass movement of people, the Mekong rapids of northern Cambodian are a critical part of migratory journey for large numbers of fish. A mosaic of sand and gravel islands, rocks and boulders, the river in these stretches alternated between shallow rapids and deep pools.
While it never succeeded in opening up the river in the way they hoped – It took 37 days and required at least seven changes of vessel to travel from Saigon to Luang Prababg, Laos – the rail link operated for forty years, only coming to an end in 1940 when the Second World War reached Indochina. Although a barrier to the mass movement of people, the Mekong rapids of northern Cambodian are a critical part of migratory journey for large numbers of fish. A mosaic of sand and gravel islands, rocks and boulders, the river in these stretches alternated between shallow rapids and deep pools.
Commercial river traffic & Colonial French

While it never succeeded in opening up the river in the way they hoped – It took 37 days and required at least seven changes of vessel to travel from Saigon to Luang Prababg, Laos – the rail link operated for forty years, only coming to an end in 1940 when the Second World War reached Indochina. Although a barrier to the mass movement of people, the Mekong rapids of northern Cambodian are a critical part of migratory journey for large numbers of fish. A mosaic of sand and gravel islands, rocks and boulders, the river in these stretches alternated between shallow rapids and deep pools.
Mekong tours and Holidays trips
The first is extinct throughout the Mekong with no sighing since the early 1960s, and the last is now down to only two pairs breeding along the Sesan, a Mekong tributary in Ratanakiri Province. All ground-nesting birds, their nests have always been vulnerable to collections by communities up and down the river. Without some form of protection a similar fate awaits the River Tern and other such birds confined to the river channel.
So far, it is only the remoteness of this area that has allowed these birds to survive. The length of the Mekong from Kraie to the Lao border has, in addition to the poor river access, even worse road access, and up until the late 1990s was largely off-limits due to security concerns.There are comparatively few villages and minimal human disturbance. This has resulted in the preservation of an extensive area of natural habitat not found anywhere else in the basin.
In recognition of the unique nature of this, the Mekong up stream from Stung Treng to the Lao border has been designated by the Cambodian government as a Wetland of International Importance under the Ramsar conservation on Wetlands.However, the river downstream to Kratie, which is probably even more important for conservation of both fish stocks and globally unique biodiversity, remains unprotected.This remoteness has also meant that there are still discoveries to be made. The description of a bird species mainland Southeast Asia, yet in 2000 that’s exactly what happened here. The Mekong Wagtail is s small, black and white bird that is now known to be endemic to the Mekong.
So far, it is only the remoteness of this area that has allowed these birds to survive. The length of the Mekong from Kraie to the Lao border has, in addition to the poor river access, even worse road access, and up until the late 1990s was largely off-limits due to security concerns.There are comparatively few villages and minimal human disturbance. This has resulted in the preservation of an extensive area of natural habitat not found anywhere else in the basin.
In recognition of the unique nature of this, the Mekong up stream from Stung Treng to the Lao border has been designated by the Cambodian government as a Wetland of International Importance under the Ramsar conservation on Wetlands.However, the river downstream to Kratie, which is probably even more important for conservation of both fish stocks and globally unique biodiversity, remains unprotected.This remoteness has also meant that there are still discoveries to be made. The description of a bird species mainland Southeast Asia, yet in 2000 that’s exactly what happened here. The Mekong Wagtail is s small, black and white bird that is now known to be endemic to the Mekong.
Mekong revier system
The Mekong is one of the world’s major rivers. It is the world's 12th-longest river and the 7th-longest in Asia. Its estimated length is 4,350 km (2,703 mi), and it drains an area of 795,000 km2 (307,000 sq mi), discharging 475 km3 (114 cu mi) of water annually. From the Tibetan Plateau this river runs through China's Yunnan province, Burma, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam established the Mekong River Commission in 1995 to assist in the management and coordinated use of the Mekong's resources. In 1996 China and Burma became "dialogue partners" of the MRC and the six countries now work together within a cooperation framework.
Mekong River Commission in cambodia
The Mekong system is extremely complex and effects the lives of some 60 million people, many of whom are amongst the poorest in the world. There are many demands made on the river - to provide water for industrial and agricultural development, to sustain subsistence fishing, for transport, to maintain delicate ecological and hydrological balances..... Inevitably there are conflicting demands made on the resource and very different views as to how the water should (or should not) be used. The riparian governments, working independently and together through such structures as the Mekong River Commission have a variety of plans for the development of the region, as do community groups, different stakeholders, local and international NGOs, private investment and construction interests etc. For greater detail of the various plans, views and perspectives
Tônlé Sap River

Mekong River, Major river in southeastern Asia
The Mekong River (known in Tibet as Dza-chu, China as Lancang Jiang and Thailand as Mae Nam Khong), is a major river in southeastern Asia. It is the longest river in the region. From its source in China's Qinghai Province near the border with Tibet, the Mekong flows generally southeast to the South China Sea, a distance of 4,200 km (2,610 mi). The Mekong crosses Yunnan Province, China, and forms the border between Myanmar (Burma) and Laos and most of the border between Laos and Thailand. It then flows across Cambodia and southern Vietnam into a rich delta before emptying into the South China Sea. In the upper course are steep descents and swift rapids, but the river is navigable south of Louangphrabang in Laos.
The natural resource management issues and priorities differ in each of the countries and the level of development and populations vary significantly. In north-east Thailand, with over 20 million people, the water resources are virtually fully developed and problems are emerging associated with salinisation of arable lands as result of over-clearing of native vegetation and poor irrigation, soil erosion, and declining water quality in the rivers and streams. In Laos, with 5 million people and a much poorer country from a GDP perspective, the water resources are largely undeveloped. Cambodia, with 10 million people, is recovering from decades of war, and in the Mekong delta some 20 million Vietnamese live on some of the most highly productive agricultural land in the world.
In short, the Thai want more water; the Laotions want capital and expertise to develop hydropower for export to Thailand and Vietnam; the Khmers need capital and infrastructure and to secure sustainable fishery resources in the Tonle Sap (Great Lake); and the Vietnamese, while in need of capital for the management of resources, do not want any upstream development to exacerbate salt water intrusion in the Mekong delta during the dry season.
The natural resource management issues and priorities differ in each of the countries and the level of development and populations vary significantly. In north-east Thailand, with over 20 million people, the water resources are virtually fully developed and problems are emerging associated with salinisation of arable lands as result of over-clearing of native vegetation and poor irrigation, soil erosion, and declining water quality in the rivers and streams. In Laos, with 5 million people and a much poorer country from a GDP perspective, the water resources are largely undeveloped. Cambodia, with 10 million people, is recovering from decades of war, and in the Mekong delta some 20 million Vietnamese live on some of the most highly productive agricultural land in the world.
In short, the Thai want more water; the Laotions want capital and expertise to develop hydropower for export to Thailand and Vietnam; the Khmers need capital and infrastructure and to secure sustainable fishery resources in the Tonle Sap (Great Lake); and the Vietnamese, while in need of capital for the management of resources, do not want any upstream development to exacerbate salt water intrusion in the Mekong delta during the dry season.
Species of dolphins & Mekong in Kampucheur
Three species of dolphins have been recorded from the lower Mekong in Kampucheur the Irrawaddy Dolphin Orcaella brevirostris (the only species known to occur upstream of Khone Falls), Chinese White Dolphin Sotalia chinensis (rare) and Black Finless Porpoise Neophocaena phocanoides (uncommon). Other wetland mammals known to occur include the Smooth-coated Otter Lutra perspicillata (quite rare) and Fishing Cat Felis viverrina.Although the entire area is known to be very rich in waterbirds, no studies have been carried: out in recent years and no details are available.
World's largest inland fisheries
The lower Mekong River supports one of the world's largest inland fisheries. The total fishery of the Mekong inundation zone from Kratie to the Vietnamese border (but excluding the Great Lake-Tonle Sap inundation zone) was estimated to be about 75,000-80,000 metric tonnes in the l970s (Mekong Committee, 1976a). The annual flooding is of vital importance in maintaining this fishery for several reasons. The inundation zone provides the spawning and nursery grounds which supply the bulk of the young fish to repopulate most water bodies in the basin, including the main river and its tributaries, the many swamps and oxbows, and the paddy fields. The floods transfer millions of tons of suspended and dissolved solids into the water from highlands to lowlands and from the surface of land which has been lying fallow for several months. The flooding also releases nutrients from the soil, vegetation and inundated organic debris. Water enriched in this manner annually supports an explosive expansion of the riverine fish populations.
Province of Yunnan in China
The dry season fish fauna of the Mekong River is dominated by species of carp (Cyprinidae; 54%), catfish (Siluridae, Clariidae, Schilbeidae, Bagridae, Sisoridae and Akysidae; 19%) and murrels (Chanidae and Ophicephalidae; 8%). The remaining 19% consist of featherbacks (Notopteridae), herring (Clupeidae), climbing perch and gouramis (Anabantidae) and other miscellaneous groups. Some 85-95% of the freshwater fish populations in the Mekong basin follow the inundation spawning pattern, undertaking lateral migrations from the mainstream and tributaries into the inundation zones to spawn and rear young between July and September (Pantulu, 1986b).One of the most remarkable of the Mekong's endemic fishes is the Giant Catfish Pangasianodon gigas. This species, which can attain a length of over three metres and a weight of 250-300 kg, is a main channel migrant, reportedly migrating over a distance of several thousand kilometres from the region of Phnom Penh to spawning grounds in the province of Yunnan in China. It was once quite common in the lower stretches of the Mekong, with several thousand being caught each year below Khone Falls. However, over-exploitation of existing stocks and environmental changes consequent on development activities in the region have contributed to a serious decline in the population, and the species is now almost extinct below Pak Sane in northern Laos (Pantulu, l986b).
Economic and social values in cambodia
The lower Mekong River supports one of the world's largest inland fisheries. The total fishery of the Mekong inundation zone from Kratie to the Vietnamese border (but excluding the Great Lake-Tonle Sap inundation zone) was estimated to be about 75,000-80,000 metric tonnes in the l970s (Mekong Committee, 1976a). The annual flooding is of vital importance in maintaining this fishery for several reasons. The inundation zone provides the spawning and nursery grounds which supply the bulk of the young fish to repopulate most water bodies in the basin, including the main river and its tributaries, the many swamps and oxbows, and the paddy fields. The floods transfer millions of tons of suspended and dissolved solids into the water from highlands to lowlands and from the surface of land which has been lying fallow for several months. The flooding also releases nutrients from the soil, vegetation and inundated organic debris. Water enriched in this manner annually supports an explosive expansion of the riverine fish populations.
Cambodian Mekong river
Traveling upriver from the delta, these early explorers would have seen the Cambodian Mekong as it is today, a broad slow-flowing river, easily accessible in their steam-powered vessels. However, when they reached the town of Kratie everything changed, as just to the north, the village of Kompi marks the start of the Sambor rapids, and the Mekong becomes swift, rocky and dangerous.
Pandaw Cruise Boat in cambodia
The itinerary on this day varies according to the time of year. For about five months during and just after the monsoon season the boat is able to travel across the huge Tonle Lake all the way to Siem Reap Port. Once the dry season takes hold the Pandaw Cruise Boat is no longer able to travel across the lake and a coach transfer is arranged which, with a couple of stops, takes about five hours to Siem Reap.
Township of Kampong Chanang in cambodia
We continue downstream on the Mekong River and in the early morning hours pass the capital Phnom Penh once again as we turn up the Tonle River which connects Tonle Lake, the largest lake in Indochina, with the Mekong River. We start to wind our way through jungle and as the river narrows you will be able to wave at the local population on the banks of the river as you go by. Eventually you will reach the rural township of Kampong Chanang where you will make a motor boat excursion into the lake wetlands that form the mouth of the river at the entry point to Tonle Sap Lake. There is a stunning variety of birdlife here and the fish traps are of interest. Some are up to half a kilometre long and net a huge tonnage of fish after each monsoon as the fish migrate from the falling lake into the Tonle River.
pre-Angkorian temple of Wat Anchey in cambodia
During the morning the boat will journey upstream to the pre-Angkorian temple of Wat Anchey. In the afternoon we head back downstream to the township of Kampong Cham where you will be transported by bus to a farming village and then to an orphanage.
Chong Koh silk weaving village in Cambodia
Early in the morning you will leave Phnom Penh and stop at Chong Koh silk weaving village. After a leisurely stop the ship continues to cruise upstream passing timeless Cambodian villages with river life and extensive fishing activities. In the afternoon the ship stops at Peam Chi Kang village where you will visit a cloth factory and a school during operating hours.
Royal Palace and Silver Pagoda in cambodia
As you awaken the following morning you will be able to enjoy the skyline of Phnom Penh including the spectacular pagodas of the Royal Palace. After breakfast the vessel will dock at the quay and you will be taken ashore for a tour of the Royal Palace and Silver Pagoda and the National Museum. The afternoon presents an opportunity to revisit the horrors of the Khmer Rouge regime at the former Detention Centre, which has been transformed into a Museum, and at the Killing Fields. You can also choose to do your own thing or simply relax onboard the ship. In the evening there will be an opportunity to dine ashore in one of the restaurants along the waterfront or to partake in a little nightlife at one of the many watering holes.
largest city and capital of Cambodia
From the main Mekong channel at Tan Chau you will travel down the canals and backwaters by local ferry boat to the town of Chau Doc. Here you will experience a trishaw ride around the town and see a colourful market bearing all the products of the region. You will also visit a Cham tribal village and a catfish farm. After lunch you will head for the Cambodian border. At the border formalities are likely to take a few hours but, once completed, the vessel will cruise up the broad Mekong channel to moor just outside Phnom Penh, the largest city and capital of Cambodia.
French colonial architecture in cambodia
After being moored overnight near Cai Be you can take another junk the following morning to visit the floating markets, inspect the French colonial architecture, a brick and pottery factory and a local rice paper manufacturer. After you return to the vessel for lunch the remainder of the day will be spent cruising the Mekong Delta.
Mekong exhibits in cambodia
The lower Mekong exhibits pronounced seasonal variations in flow, reflecting rainfall patterns~ Water levels are lowest in April and May; at this time, many water bodies in the inundation zone are isolated, and the smaller tributaries tend to dry out. With the onset of the monsoon rains in late May, almost the entire region is transformed into a sheet of muddy water. Rivers, tributaries and numerous small ponds, oxbows and ditches are engulfed. The river starts to rise shortly after the onset of the monsoon, and attains its maximum level in September or October. It then falls rapidly until December and slowly thereafter to reach its lowest level in April. Extensive flooding takes place on both banks, but the by-pass flow on the western bank escapes towards the Great Lake (site 2). The main channel also adds its flow to the waters of the Great Lake through the Tonle Sap River which reverses direction during the rising flood. The Great Lake thus acts as a natural flood retention basin, without which the delta would be flooded to even greater depths. Towards the end of the rainy season in September and October, some seven million ha of lowlands in the delta and around the Great Lake are covered with water at various depths of flooding.
Mekong River Cruise Itinerary

Vietnam & Cambodia Holidays and Trips
We are also able to assist our clients with other travel arrangements in Vietnam and Cambodia such as flights, accommodations and tours in conjunction with a Mekong River Cruise booking. Others are also welcome to utilise our knowledge and expertise. In order for us to put together a detailed itinerary and quote we ask for a small non-refundable deposit for our time which will be credited towards your trip if you do book with us.
French naval expedition in cambodia
In June 1866 a French naval expedition left the maritime port of Saigon, destination China, they did not follow the traditional route through the South China Sea, but instead headed up the Mekong into Cambodia. The purpose of their journey was to navigate a passage to Yunnan and in doing so open a new gateway for the colonial authorities to access the rich heartland of southern China.
Although the expedition was to eventually reach China, their guest, as that of several subsequent French explorers, was doomed to ultimate failure. One European pioneer after another, in search of fame and fortune, struggled through the rapids of northern Cambodia only to meet, at the Cambodia-Lao border, the impenetrable barrier of the Khone Falls.
Although the expedition was to eventually reach China, their guest, as that of several subsequent French explorers, was doomed to ultimate failure. One European pioneer after another, in search of fame and fortune, struggled through the rapids of northern Cambodia only to meet, at the Cambodia-Lao border, the impenetrable barrier of the Khone Falls.
Accommodations and tours in cambodia
We are also able to assist our clients with other travel arrangements in Vietnam and Cambodia such as flights, accommodations and tours in conjunction with a Mekong River Cruise booking.
Others are also welcome to utilise our knowledge and expertise. In order for us to put together a detailed itinerary and quote we ask for a small non-refundable deposit for our time which will be credited towards your trip if you do book with us.
Others are also welcome to utilise our knowledge and expertise. In order for us to put together a detailed itinerary and quote we ask for a small non-refundable deposit for our time which will be credited towards your trip if you do book with us.
Sandy-gravel bars of cambodia
The mainstream habitats range from sandy-gravel bars to deep pools up to loom deep and several kilometres long, interspersed with rocky rapids. in several places between the Lao border and Phnom Penh, the river divides into two or more channels, creating large islands and extensive sand banks. The Mekong receives the waters of its last major tributary, the Tools Sap, at Phnom Penh. Immediately below this confluence, the Mekong divides to form the Mekong and the Bassac (Song Hau Giang), the two major channels of the delta. The triangular delta, with its apex at Phnom Penh, forms a vast fertile plain covering 49,520 Some 16,000 of this delta are within Kampuchea.
Great rivers of Asia, Mekong River
The Mekong River is one of the great rivers of Asia, ranking twelfth in the list of longest rivers of the world. It rises at about 5,000m in the Tanghla Shan Mountains, on the northeast rim of the great Tibetan Plateau, and flows for 4,200 km through or along the borders of six countries: China, Burma, Laos, Thailand, Kampuchea and Vietnam. In terms of mean annual discharge, the Mekong ranks sixth in the world. The total drainage basin of 783,000 includes 160,000 in China, 12,000 in Burma, and 611,000 in Laos, Kampuchea, Thailand and Vietnam (the lower Mekong basin).Approximately nine-tenths of Kampuchea (154,730 lie within the lower Mekong basin. The river itself flows for 486 km across Kampuchean territory from the Lao border In the north to the Vietnamese border in the south. Leaving the southeast edge of the Korat Plateau in southern Laos and eastern Thailand, the Mekong plunges over the Khone Falls at the Laos-Kampuchea border and reaches the lowlands of northern Kampuchea after crossing a series of rapids. Below Kompong Cham, the river forms a fluviatile lowland landscape with high natural levees, broad floodplains and extensive backwater swamps, many of which remain flooded throughout the dry season. Beyond the backswamps are parallel belts of paddy fields.
adventure passengers in cambodia
Whilst experiencing this adventure passengers are cushioned with the comforts of a home away from home onboard the ship. The spacious 15 square metre cabins are tastefully finished in traditional brass and teak but have all the necessary mod-cons including air-conditioning and private facilities. The dining delights onboard the ship add to your experience. Breakfast and lunch are buffet style whilst dinner is served at the tables. There is a range of food available to cater for those who want to experiment with some local dishes as well as for those that prefer to stick with the food they are used to or vegetarian options. The staff provide an exceptional level of service and care in a very friendly atmosphere. There is one staff member for every two guests. I should also mention that there is a never ending supply of bottled mineral water provided free of charge by the staff both on the ship and on excursions.
Prices for the cruises are fully inclusive from start to finish in the true sense of the word. Apart from the expected inclusions of accommodation, meals and transport they also include transfers from Saigon or Seam Riep to the cruise starting point and from the point of cruise completion, drinks onboard including locally brewed alcoholic drinks and all daily shore excursions (including entrance fees) that are organised by Pandaw. The only additional costs are gratuities, imported alcoholic drinks and beverages, (e.g. wine), laundry (if required), visa costs and the greatest travel bugbear of all these days, fuel surcharges.
Prices for the cruises are fully inclusive from start to finish in the true sense of the word. Apart from the expected inclusions of accommodation, meals and transport they also include transfers from Saigon or Seam Riep to the cruise starting point and from the point of cruise completion, drinks onboard including locally brewed alcoholic drinks and all daily shore excursions (including entrance fees) that are organised by Pandaw. The only additional costs are gratuities, imported alcoholic drinks and beverages, (e.g. wine), laundry (if required), visa costs and the greatest travel bugbear of all these days, fuel surcharges.
Mekong River Cruises, A Luxury Adventure Holiday
Pandaw River Cruises currently has two boutique vessels plying the waters of the Mekong River in Vietnam and Cambodia with a third on the way later this year. In 2003 they were the first to attempt this extraordinary journey in its entirety surmounting complex bureaucratic and navigational obstacles. I recently had the pleasure of experiencing one of these magnificent river trips.
Apart from the fact that, as with all cruises, you only need to unpack and pack once the Mekong River is a highly practical shipping connection between Saigon in Vietnam and Siem Reap in Cambodia. There is no longer any need to endure bumpy roads and checking in and out of hotels. On these extremely comfortable Pandaw ships you can seamlessly link your time experiencing what interests you in Vietnam with the major tourist attractions in Cambodia including the Royal Palace in Phnom Penh and the incredible Angkor Wat complex near Siem Reap. During the 8-Day/7-Night journey you will have many opportunities to experience not only the major tourist attractions but also the life of the people of Vietnam and Cambodia as you travel along the river. Every day you will be able to participate in one or two shore excursions by smaller boat or bus, led by local English speaking guides, into the towns and villages along and around the river. You will visit markets, schools, local people’s homes, factories and handicraft workshops, historical sights and temples. From the vessel itself you will be spellbound viewing and absorbing the tremendous amount of human and wildlife activity on the river from either the Promenade Deck just outside your cabin or the Sun Deck on the roof as the ship navigates the river.
Apart from the fact that, as with all cruises, you only need to unpack and pack once the Mekong River is a highly practical shipping connection between Saigon in Vietnam and Siem Reap in Cambodia. There is no longer any need to endure bumpy roads and checking in and out of hotels. On these extremely comfortable Pandaw ships you can seamlessly link your time experiencing what interests you in Vietnam with the major tourist attractions in Cambodia including the Royal Palace in Phnom Penh and the incredible Angkor Wat complex near Siem Reap. During the 8-Day/7-Night journey you will have many opportunities to experience not only the major tourist attractions but also the life of the people of Vietnam and Cambodia as you travel along the river. Every day you will be able to participate in one or two shore excursions by smaller boat or bus, led by local English speaking guides, into the towns and villages along and around the river. You will visit markets, schools, local people’s homes, factories and handicraft workshops, historical sights and temples. From the vessel itself you will be spellbound viewing and absorbing the tremendous amount of human and wildlife activity on the river from either the Promenade Deck just outside your cabin or the Sun Deck on the roof as the ship navigates the river.
capital city cambodia mekong river
Prices for the cruises are fully inclusive from start to finish in the true sense of the word. Apart from the expected inclusions of accommodation, meals and transport they also include transfers from Saigon or Seam Riep to the cruise starting point and from the point of cruise completion, drinks onboard including locally brewed alcoholic drinks and all daily shore excursions (including entrance fees) that are organised by Pandaw. The only additional costs are gratuities, imported alcoholic drinks and beverages, (e.g. wine), laundry (if required), visa costs and the greatest travel bugbear of all these days, fuel surcharges.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Restoran Boston Baru @ Klang
I worked in Klang earlier and my wife is from Klang, so I'm quite familiar with the area. What's the good food in Klang other than Bak Kut Teh? Here is the ultimate recommendation, Steamed Lala at New Boston. Crazily delicious and I will still go back all the way for this!

This place start serving around 7.00pm and it opens all the way till 2.00am (that's the latest I stayed, maybe they close later than that) There are lots of table there, around 40~50 tables and you will have difficulty finding a seat no matter what time or what day you got there. In normal times, you will have to wait for around 45~60 minutes for the food to be served, because of the crowd. If you are early & lucky, then probably 30 minutes earlier. The food here worth the wait, or else where come the crowd, right? Still interested? Keep reading.

We used to have a good chat while waiting for our food, normally life plan, old times, and future arrangements. A shot of her smiling face while still waiting for our dinner (taken only after 15 minutes into our table). Face change after 30 minutes =) hehe ...

The most long waited superb Steamed Lala that I've been talking about. It's priced at RM12 and the soup is crazily heaven like. It's kind of spicy but the taste is superb. I voted this as the best steamed lala around the town and you will be wanting to go back, eventhough is in klang and the long waiting time. However, sometimes the Lala still have some gritty bit of sands, not very pleasant but only sometimes. It's best to be eaten when it's hot, and taste considerably terrible after its cold, for me at least. This is the signature dish of the shop and there is no table without it. The only thing that justify the wait.

One of my most favourite dish, Sam Sin "three seafood" on sizzling plate. Fish, prawns and squid on a hot sizzling plate served with incredible delicious sauce. A considerably famous dish in Klang. This plate is very heavy in calories, but very good stuff. I hated squid so I requested for it to be changed out to mantis shrimp. Crazily delicious. It's hard to describe, but if you like seafood and fried stuff, this plate is for you. Crunchiness with a dip into the sauce, phew. A must order if you are eating in this shop. I can't find any other shop serving this better yet. It's priced at RM25.

Didn't manage to snap a photo when this is served, very hungry =P Yuet Kong Ho (Moonlight Kuey Teow) priced at RM5. It's a normal Kuey Teow served hot with a raw egg on top, imitating moon from the pond. Mixed it up and the raw egg is cooked immediately with it's taste spread across the kuey teow. Not the best around the town, but my must order when eating here to complete the meal.

When we finished our meal at 10.00pm, the place is basically still fully packed with a few tables open. A shot of the place for your viewing pleasure. Yes, it's a road side food and ladies, dont bother visiting the toilet or the kitchen, it's not pleasant view. You can choose to sit in the shop but it's quite hot.
The dinner summed up short of 50 bucks, and we spent almost 2 hours for the great food. I normally close up my food review with a conclusion, but I'm not going to do it for this one. Great food and don't need any compliments from me, try it yourself. Cheers.
Restoran Boston Baru
Row of shops beside the Lembaga Tabung Haji
Jalan Meru, Klang
Location Coordinate: N3 03.002 E101 26.963

This place start serving around 7.00pm and it opens all the way till 2.00am (that's the latest I stayed, maybe they close later than that) There are lots of table there, around 40~50 tables and you will have difficulty finding a seat no matter what time or what day you got there. In normal times, you will have to wait for around 45~60 minutes for the food to be served, because of the crowd. If you are early & lucky, then probably 30 minutes earlier. The food here worth the wait, or else where come the crowd, right? Still interested? Keep reading.

We used to have a good chat while waiting for our food, normally life plan, old times, and future arrangements. A shot of her smiling face while still waiting for our dinner (taken only after 15 minutes into our table). Face change after 30 minutes =) hehe ...

The most long waited superb Steamed Lala that I've been talking about. It's priced at RM12 and the soup is crazily heaven like. It's kind of spicy but the taste is superb. I voted this as the best steamed lala around the town and you will be wanting to go back, eventhough is in klang and the long waiting time. However, sometimes the Lala still have some gritty bit of sands, not very pleasant but only sometimes. It's best to be eaten when it's hot, and taste considerably terrible after its cold, for me at least. This is the signature dish of the shop and there is no table without it. The only thing that justify the wait.

One of my most favourite dish, Sam Sin "three seafood" on sizzling plate. Fish, prawns and squid on a hot sizzling plate served with incredible delicious sauce. A considerably famous dish in Klang. This plate is very heavy in calories, but very good stuff. I hated squid so I requested for it to be changed out to mantis shrimp. Crazily delicious. It's hard to describe, but if you like seafood and fried stuff, this plate is for you. Crunchiness with a dip into the sauce, phew. A must order if you are eating in this shop. I can't find any other shop serving this better yet. It's priced at RM25.

Didn't manage to snap a photo when this is served, very hungry =P Yuet Kong Ho (Moonlight Kuey Teow) priced at RM5. It's a normal Kuey Teow served hot with a raw egg on top, imitating moon from the pond. Mixed it up and the raw egg is cooked immediately with it's taste spread across the kuey teow. Not the best around the town, but my must order when eating here to complete the meal.

When we finished our meal at 10.00pm, the place is basically still fully packed with a few tables open. A shot of the place for your viewing pleasure. Yes, it's a road side food and ladies, dont bother visiting the toilet or the kitchen, it's not pleasant view. You can choose to sit in the shop but it's quite hot.
The dinner summed up short of 50 bucks, and we spent almost 2 hours for the great food. I normally close up my food review with a conclusion, but I'm not going to do it for this one. Great food and don't need any compliments from me, try it yourself. Cheers.
Restoran Boston Baru
Row of shops beside the Lembaga Tabung Haji
Jalan Meru, Klang
Location Coordinate: N3 03.002 E101 26.963
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Died too soon, needed now more than ever....

A brief mention by Edith Wharton in her autobiography "A Backward Glance" introduced me to the novelist and muckraker "David Graham Phillips. Mrs Wharton had mentioned "Susan Lenox, Her Fall and Rise" as a very fine work and I followed her opinion.
How right she was. I read it immediately ( along with all his other titles) It's a piece of work that's always stayed with me and pokes up in my psyche every now and then in the most interesting of situations.
David Graham Philips is perhaps best known for producing one of the most important investigations exposing details of the corruption by big businesses of the Senate, in particular, by the Standard Oil Company. His article in Cosmopolitan in March 1906, called "The Treason of the Senate", exposed campaign contributors being rewarded by certain members of the U. S. Senate. The story launched a scathing attack on Rhode Island senator Nelson W. Aldrich, and brought Phillips a great deal of national exposure. This and other similar articles helped lead to the passage of the Seventeenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, initiating popular instead of state-legislature election of U. S. senators.
His own true story was no less interesting than his writing. Considered a progressive, a muckraker, a dandy and a ladies man, Phillips' reputation cost him his life in January 1911, when he was shot outside the Princeton Club at Gramercy Park in New York City. The killer was a Harvard-educated musician named Fitzhugh Coyle Goldsborough, who came from a prominent Philadelphia family. Goldsborough believed that Phillips' novel The Fashionable Adventures of Joshua Craig had cast literary aspersions on his family. (It has also been purported that Phillips was having an affair with Mrs Goldsborough, thus causing the shooting from jealous rage)
When confronting Phillips, Goldsborough yelled, "Here you go!" After Phillips collapsed, he yelled, "And here I go!", shooting himself in the head. Admitted to Bellevue Hospital, Phillips died there a day later.
Following Phillips' death, his sister Carolyn organized his final manuscript for posthumous publication as "Susan Lenox: Her Fall and Rise". In 1931, that book would be made into an MGM motion picture of the same name and starring Greta Garbo and Clark Gable.
The Madona Shrine




And yet lately, I've been thinking of the old neighborhood with a lot more nostalgia and affection. maybe I'm just getting older and sappy...
Here's a little history, or herstory as the case may be, from the Shrine's site:
The 35-foot-high statue of the Blessed Mother was created by Italian-Jewish sculptor Arrigo Minerbi — free of charge. He had escaped Nazi persecution thanks to the protection of the Don Orione Fathers in Milan, and this statue was his way of thanking them. It stands across the street from the Don-Orione Retirement Home.
So the next time you're visiting Boston and a little fed up with the over touristy-ness of Fanuel Hall take a little side trip across the bay to Eastie and visit the old gal, she'd love to see you!
How I spent my Saturday mornings way back when...
And what I wouldn't give to spend a a Saturday morning in my pajamas sprawled on the living room floor eating fruit loops and hanging with my bother again! Hey hey hey! Gonna have a good time!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
TU-16 Pesawat Pembom Super Yang Pernah Dimiliki Indonesia
Bila predikat Angkatan Udara terkuat di Asia Tenggara kini di pegang oleh Singapura, maka di era tahun 60-an kekuatan angkatan udara negeri kita boleh dibilang menjadi “singa”, tak cuma di Asia Tenggara, bahkan di kawasan Asia TNI-AU kala itu sangat diperhitungkan. Bahkan Cina maupun Australia belum punya armada pembom strategis bermesin jet. Sampai awal tahun 60-an hanya Amerika yang memiliki pembom semacam(B-58 Hustler), Inggris (V bomber-nya, Vulcan, Victor, serta Valiant) dan Rusia.
Gelar “singa” tentu bukan tanpa alasan, di awal tahun 60-an TNI-AU sudah memiliki arsenal pembom tempur mutakhir (dimasanya-red) Tu-16, yang punya daya jelajah cukup jauh, dan mampu membawa muatan bom dalam jumlah besar. Pembelian Tu-16 AURI didasari, terbatasnya kemampuan B-25, embargo suku cadang dari Amerika, dan untuk memuaskan ambisi politik.
“Tu-16 masih dalam pengembangan dan belum siap untuk dijual,” ucap Dubes Rusia untuk Indonesia Zhukov kepada Bung Karno (BK) suatu siang di penghujung tahun 50-an. Ini menandakan, pihak Rusia masih bimbang untuk meluluskan permintaan Indonesia membeli Tu-16. Tapi apa daya Rusia, AURI ngotot. BK terus menguber Zhukov tiap kali bersua. “Gimana nih, Tu-16-nya,” kira-kira begitu percakapan dua tokoh ini. Akhirnya, mungkin bosan dikuntit terus, Zhukov melaporkan juga keinginan BK kepada Menlu Rusia Mikoyan. Usut punya usut, kenapa BK begitu semangat? Ternyata, Letkol Salatun-lah pangkal masalahnya. “Saya ditugasi Pak Surya (KSAU Suryadarma-Red) menagih janji Bung Karno setiap ada kesempatan,” aku Marsda (Pur) RJ Salatun tertawa.
Ketika ide pembelian Tu-16 dikemukakan Salatun saat itu sekretaris Dewan Penerbangan/Sekretaris Gabungan Kepala-kepala Staf kepada Suryadarma tahun 1957, tidak seorangpun tahu. Maklum, TNI tengah sibuk menghadapi PRRI/Permesta. Namun dari pemberontakan itu pula, semua tersentak. AURI tidak punya pembom strategis B-25 yang dikerahkan menghadapi AUREV (AU Permesta), malah merepotkan. Karena daya jelajahnya terbatas, pangkalannya harus digeser, peralatan pendukungnya harus diboyong. Waktu dan tenaga tersita. Sungguh tidak efektif. Celaka lagi, Amerika meng-embargo suku cadangnya. Alhasil, gagasan memiliki Tu-16 semakin terbuka.
Salatun yang menemukan proyek Tu-16 dari majalah penerbangan asing tahun 1957, menyampaikannya kepada Suryadarma. “Dengan Tu-16, awak kita bisa terbang setelah sarapan pagi menuju sasaran terjauh sekalipun dan kembali sebelum makan siang,” jelasnya kepada KSAU. “Bagaimana pangkalannya,” tanya Pak Surya. “Kita akan pakai Kemayoran yang mampu menampung pesawat jet,” jawab Salatun. Seiring disetujuinya rencana pembelian Tu-16 ini, landas pacu Lanud Iswahyudi, Madiun, kemudian turut diperpanjang.
Proses pembeliannya memang tidak mulus. Sejak dikemukakan, baru terealisasi 1 Juli 1961, ketika Tu-16 pertama mendarat di Kemayoran. Ketika lobi pembeliannya tersekat dalam ketidakpastian, Cina pernah dilirik agar membantu menjinakkan “beruang merah”. Caranya, Cina diminta menalangi dulu pembeliannya. Namun usaha ini sia-sia, karena neraca perdagangan Cina-Rusia lagi terpuruk. Sebaliknya, “Malah Cina menawarkan Tu-4m Bull-nya,” tutur Salatun. Misi Salatun ke Cina sebenarnya mencari tambahan B-25 Mitchell dan P-51 Mustang.
Jadi, pemilihan Tu-16 memperkuat AURI bukan semata alat diplomasi. Penyebab lain adalah embargo senjata Amerika. Padahal saat bersamaan, AURI sangat membutuhkan suku cadang B-25 dan P-51 untuk menghantam AUREV.
Tahun 1960, Salatun berangkat ke Moskow bersama delegasi pembelian senjata dipimpin Jenderal AH Nasution. Sampai kedatangannya, delegasi belum tahu, apakah Tu-16 sudah termasuk dalam daftar persenjataan yang disetujui Soviet. Perintah BK hanya, cari senjata. Apa yang terjadi. Tu-16 termasuk dalam daftar persenjataan yang ditawarkan Uni Soviet. Betapa kagetnya delegasi.
“Karena Tu-16 kami berikan kepada Indonesia, maka pesawat ini akan kami berikan juga kepada negara sahabat lain,” ujar Menlu Mikoyan. Mulai detik itu, Indonesia menjadi negara ke empat di dunia yang mengoperasikan pembom strategis selain Amerika, Inggris dan Rusia sendiri. Hebat lagi, AURI pernah mengusulkan untuk mengecat bagian bawah Tu-16 dengan Anti Radiation Paint cat khusus anti radiasi bagi pesawat pembom berkemampuan nuklir. “Gertak musuh saja, AURI kan tak punya bom nuklir,” tutur Salatun. Usul tersebut ditolak.
Segera AURI mempersiapkan awaknya. Puluhan kadet dikirim ke Chekoslovakia dan Rusia. Mereka dikenal dengan angkatan Cakra I, II, III, Ciptoning I dan Ciptoning II. Mulai tahun 1961, ke-24 Tu-16 mulai datang bergiliran diterbangkan awak Indonesia maupun Rusia. Pesawat pertama yang mendarat di Kemayoran dikemudikan oleh Komodor Udara (sekarang Marsda TNI Pur Cok Suroso Hurip). Mendapat perhatian terutama dari kalangan intel Amerika.
Kesempatan pertama intel-intel AS melihat Tu-16 dari dekat ini, memberikan kesempatan kepada mereka memperkirakan kapasitas tangki dan daya jelajahnya. Pengintaian terus dilakukan AS sampai saat Tu-16 dipindahkan ke Madiun. U-2 pun mereka libatkan. Wajar, di samping sebagai negara pertama yang mengoperasikan Tu-16 di luar Rusia, kala itu beraneka ragam pesawat blok Timur lainnya berjejer
di Madiun.
Senjata Rudal kennel
Kennel memang tidak pernah ditembakkan. Tapi ujicoba pernah dilakukan sekitar tahun 1964-1965. Kennel ditembakkan ke sebuah pulau karang di tengah laut, persisnya antara Bali dan Ujung Pandang. “Nama pulaunya Arakan,” aku Hendro Subroto, mantan wartawan TVRI. Dalam ujicoba, Hendro mengikuti dari sebuah C-130 Hercules bersama KSAU Omar Dhani. Usai peluncuran, Hercules mendarat di Denpasar. Dari Denpasar, dengan menumpang helikopter Mi-6, KSAU dan rombongan terbang ke Arakan melihat perkenaan. “Tepat di tengah, plat bajanya bolong,” jelas Hendro.
Diuber Javelin
Lebih tepat, di masa Dwikoralah awak Tu-16 merasakan ketangguhan Tu-16. Apa pasal? Ternyata, berkali-kali pesawat ini dikejar pesawat tempur Inggris. Rupanya, Inggris menyadap percakapan AURI di Lanud Polonia Medan dari Butterworth, Penang.
“Jadi mereka tahu kalau kita akan meluncur,” ujar Marsekal Muda (Pur) Syah Alam Damanik, penerbang Tu-16 yang sering mondar-mandir di selat Malaka.
Damanik menuturkan pengalamannya di kejar Javelin pada tahun 1964. Damanik terbang dengan ko-pilot Sartomo, navigator Gani dan Ketut dalam misi kampanye Dwikora.
Pesawat diarahkan ke Kuala Lumpur, atas saran Gani. Tidak lama kemudian, dua mil dari pantai, Penang (Butterworth) sudah terlihat. Mendadak, salah seorang awak melaporkan bahwa dua pesawat Inggris take off dari Penang. Damanik tahu apa yang harus dilakukan. Dia berbelok menghindar. “Celaka, begitu belok, nggak tahunya mereka sudah di kanan-kiri sayap. Cepat sekali mereka sampai,” pikir Damanik. Javelin-Javelin itu rupanya berusaha menggiring Tu-16 untuk mendarat ke wilayah Singapura atau Malaysia (forced down). Dalam situasi tegang itu, “Saya perintahkan semua awak siaga. Pokoknya, begitu melihat ada semburan api dari sayap mereka (menembak-Red), kalian langsung balas,” perintahnya. Perhitungan Damanik, paling tidak sama-sama jatuh. Anggota Wara (wanita AURI) yang ikut dalam misi, ketakutan. Wajah mereka pucat pasi.
Dalam keadaan serba tak menentu, Damanik berpikir cepat. Pesawat ditukikkannya untuk menghindari kejaran Javelin. Mendadak sekali. “Tapi, Javelin-Javelin masih saja nempel. Bahkan sampai pesawat saya bergetar cukup keras, karena kecepatannya melebihi batas (di atas Mach 1).” Dalam kondisi high speed itu, sekali lagi Damanik menunjukkan kehebatannya. Ketinggian pesawat ditambahnya secara mendadak. Pilot Javelin yang tidak menduga manuver itu, kebablasan. Sambil bersembunyi di balik awan yang menggumpal, Damanik membuat heading ke Medan.
Segenap awak bersorak kegirangan. Tapi kasihan yang di ekor (tail gunner). Mereka berteriak ternyata bukan kegirangan, tapi karena kena tekanan G yang cukup besar saat pesawat menanjak. Akibat manuver yang begitu ketat saat kejar-kejaran, perangkat radar Tu-16 jadi ngadat. “Mungkin saya terlalu kasar naiknya. Tapi nggak apa-apa, daripada dipaksa mendarat oleh Inggris,” ujar Damanik mengenang peristiwa itu.
Lain lagi cerita Sudjijantono. “Saya ditugaskan menerbangkan Tu-16 ke Medan lewat selat Malaka di Medan selalu disiagakan dua Tu-16 selama Dwikora. Satu pesawat terbang ke selatan dari Madiun melalui pulau Christmas (kepunyaan Inggris), pulau Cocos, kepulauan Andaman Nikobar, terus ke Medan,” katanya. Pesawat berikutnya lewat jalur utara melalui selat Makasar, Mindanao, Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Utara, Laut Cina selatan, selat Malaka, sebelum akhirnya mendarat di Medan. Ada juga yang nakal, menerobos tanah genting Kra.
Walau terkesan “gila-gilaan”, misi ini tetap sesuai perintah. BK memerintahkan untuk tidak menembak sembarangan. Dalam misi berbau pengintaian ini, beberapa sempat ketahuan Javelin. Tapi Inggris hanya bertindak seperti “polisi”, untuk mengingatkan Tu-16 agar jangan keluar perbatasan.
Misi ala stealth
Masih dalam Dwikora. Pertengahan 1963, AURI mengerahkan tiga Tu-16 versi bomber (Badger A) untuk menyebarkan pamflet di daerah musuh. Satu pesawat ke Serawak, satunya ke Sandakan dan Kinibalu, Kalimantan. Keduanya wilayah Malaysia. Pesawat ketiga ke Australia. Khusus ke Australia, Tu-16 yang dipiloti Komodor Udara (terakhir Marsda Purn) Suwondo bukan menyebarkan pamflet. Tapi membawa peralatan militer berupa perasut, alat komunikasi dan makanan kaleng. Skenarionya, barang-barang itu akan didrop di Alice Springs, Australia (persis di tengah benua), untuk menunjukkan bahwa AURI mampu mencapai jantung benua kangguru itu. “Semacam psi-war buat Australia,” ujar Salatun.
Padahal Alice Springs ditongkrongi over the horizon radar system. “Untuk memantau seluruh kawasan Asia Pasifik,” ujar Marsma (Pur) Zainal Sudarmadji, pilot Tu-16 angkatan Ciptoning II.
Walau begitu, misi tetap dijalankan. Pesawat diberangkatkan dari Madiun sekitar jam satu malam. “Pak Wondo (pilot pesawat-Red) tak banyak komentar. Beliau hanya minta, kita kumpul di Wing 003 pukul 11 malam dengan hanya berbekal air putih,” ujar Sjahroemsjah, gunner Tu-16 yang baru tahu setelah berkumpul bahwa mereka akan diterbangkan ke Australia.
Briefing berjalan singkat. Pukul 01.00 WIB, pesawat meninggalkan Madiun. Pesawat terbang rendah guna menghindari radar. Sampai berhasil menembus Australia dan menjatuhkan bawaan, tidak terjadi apa-apa. Pesawat pencegat F-86 Sabre pun tak terlihat aktivitasnya, rudal anti pesawat Bloodhound Australia yang ditakuti juga “tertidur”. Karena Suwondo berputar agak jauh, ketika tiba di Madiun matahari sudah agak tinggi. “Sekitar pukul delapan pagi,” kata Sjahroemsjah.
Penyusupan ke Sandakan, dipercayakan ke Sudjijantono bersama Letnan Kolonel Sardjono (almarhum). Mereka berangkat dari Iswahyudi (Madiun) jam 12 malam. Pesawat membumbung hingga 11.000 m. Menjelang adzan subuh, mereka tiba di Sandakan. Lampu-lampu rumah penduduk masih menyala. Pesawat terus turun sampai ketinggian 400 m. Persis di atas target (TOT), ruang bom (bomb bay) dibuka. Seperti berebutan, pamflet berhamburan keluar disedot angin yang berhembus kencang.
Usai satu sortie, pesawat berputar, kembali ke lokasi semula. “Ternyata sudah gelap, tidak satupun lampu rumah yang menyala,” kata Sudjijantono. Rupanya, aku Sudjijantono, Inggris mengajari penduduk cara mengantisipasi serangan udara. Akhirnya, setelah semua pamflet diserakkan, mereka kembali ke Iswahyudi dan mendarat dengan selamat pukul 08.30 pagi. Artinya, kurang lebih sepuluh jam penerbangan. Semua Tu-16 kembali dengan selamat.
Dapat dibayangkan, pada dekade 60-an AURI sudah sanggup melakukan operasi-operasi penyusupan udara tanpa terdeteksi radar lawan. Kalaulah sepadan, bak operasi NATO ke Yugoslavia dengan pesawat silumannya.
Akhir Perjalanan Sang Bomber
Sungguh ironis nasib akhir Tu-16 AURI. Pengadaan dan penghapusannya lebih banyak ditentukan oleh satu perkara: politik! Bayangkan, “AURI harus menghapus seluruh armada Tu-16 sebagai syarat mendapatkan F-86 Sabre dan T-33 T-bird dari Amerika,” ujar Bagio Utomo, mantan anggota Skatek 042 yang mengurusi perbaikan Tu-16. Bagio menuturkan kesedihannya ketika terlibat dalam tim “penjagalan” Tu-16 pada tahun 1970.
Dokumen CIA (central intelligence agency) sebagaimana dikutip Audrey R Kahin dan George McT Kahin dalam bukunya “Subversi Sebagai Politik Luar Negeri” menulis: “Belanja senjata RI mencapai 229. 395.600 dollar AS. Angka itu merupakan akumulasi perdagangan pada tahun 1958. Sementara dari Januari hingga Agustus 1959 saja, nilainya mencapai 100.456.500 dollar AS. Dari jumlah ini, AURI kebagian 69.912. 200 dollar AS, yang di dalamnya termasuk pemesanan 20 pesawat pembom.”
Tidak dapat dipungkiri, memang, Tu-16 pembom paling maju pada zamannya. Selain dilengkapi peralatan elektronik canggih, badannya terbilang kukuh. “Badannya tidak mempan dibelah dengan kampak paling besar sekalipun. Harus pakai las yang besar. Bahkan, untuk membongkar sambungan antara sayap dan mesinnya, laspun tak sanggup. Karena campuran magnesiumnya lebih banyak ketimbang alumunium,” ujar Bagio.
Namun Tu-16 bukan tanpa cacat. Konyol sekali, beberapa bagian pesawat bisa tidak cocok dengan spare pengganti. Bahkan dengan spare yang diambil secara kanibal sekalipun. “Kita terpaksa memakai sistem kerajinan tangan, agar sama dan pas dengan kedudukannya. Seperti blister (kubah kaca-Red), mesti diamplas dulu,” kenang Bagio lagi. Pengadaan suku cadang juga sedikit rumit, karena penempatannya yang tersebar di Ujung Pandang dan Kemayoran.
Sebenarnya, persediaan suku cadang Tu-16 yang dipasok dari Rusia, memadai. Tapi urusan politik membelitnya sangat kuat. Tak heran kemudian, usai pengabdiannya selama Trikora – Dwikora dan di sela-sela nasibnya yang tak menentu pasca G30S/PKI, AURI pernah bermaksud menjual armada Tu-16-nya ke Mesir. Namun hal ini tidak pernah terlaksana.
Begitulah nasib Tu-16. Tragis. Farewell flight, penerbangan perpisahannya, dirayakan oleh para awak Tu-16 pada bulan Oktober 1970 menjelang HUT ABRI. Dijejali 10 orang, Tu-16 bernomor M-1625 diterbangkan dari Madiun ke Jakarta. “Sempat ke sasar waktu kita cari Monas,” ujar Zainal Sudarmadji. Saat mendarat lagi di Madiun, bannya meletus karena awaknya sengaja mengerem secara mendadak.
Patut diakui, keberadaan pembom strategis mampu memberikan efek psikologis bagi lawan-lawan Indonesia saat itu. Bahkan, sampai pertengahan 80-an, Tu-16 AURI masih dianggap ancaman oleh AS. “Lah, wong nama saya masih tercatat sebagai pilot Tu-16 di ruang operasi Subic Bay, kok,” ujar Sudjijantono, angkatan Cakra 1.
Atraksi Ketangguhan Sang Bomber Dalam Persiapan Operasi Trikora
Saat Trikora dikumandangkan, angkatan perang Indonesia sedang berada pada “puncaknya”. Lusinan persenjataan Blok Timur dimiliki. Mendadak AURI berkembang jadi kekuatan terbesar di belahan bumi selatan. Dalam mendukung kampanye Trikora, AURI menyiapkan satu flight Tu-16 di Morotai yang hanya memerlukan 1,5 jam penerbangan dari Madiun. “Kita siaga 24 jam di sana,” ujar Kolonel (Pur) Sudjijantono, salah satu penerbang Tu-16. “Sesekali terbang untuk memanaskan mesin. Tapi belum pernah membom atau kontak senjata dengan pesawat Belanda,” ceritanya kepada Angkasa. Saat itu, dikalangan pilot Tu-16 punya semacam target favorit, yaitu kapal induk Belanda Karel Doorman.
Selain memiliki 12 Tu-16 versi bomber (Badger A) yang masuk dalam Skadron 41, AURI juga memiliki 12 Tu-16 KS-1 (Badger B) yang masuk dalam Skadron 42 Wing 003 Lanud Iswahyudi. Versi ini mampu membawa sepasang rudal anti kapal permukaan KS-1 (AS-1 Kennel). Rudal inilah yang ditakuti Belanda. Karena hantaman enam Kennel, mampu menenggelamkan Karel Doorman ke dasar samudera. Sayangnya, hingga Irian Barat diselesaikan melalui PBB atas inisiatif pemerintah Kennedy, Karel Doorman tidak pernah ditemukan Tu-16.
Lain lagi kisah Idrus Abas (saat itu Sersan Udara I), operator radio sekaligus penembak ekor (tail gunner) Tu-16. Bulan Mei 1962, saat perundingan RI-Belanda berlangsung di PBB, merupakan saat paling mendebarkan. Awak Tu-16 disiagakan di Morotai. Dengan bekal radio transistor, mereka memonitor hasil perundingan. Mereka diperintahkan, “Kalau perundingan gagal, langsung bom Biak,” ceritanya mengenang. “Kita tidak tahu, apakah bisa kembali atau tidak setelah mengebom,” tambah Sjahroemsjah yang waktu itu berpangkat Sersan Udara I, rekan Idrus yang bertugas sebagai operator radio/tail gunner. Istilahnya, one way ticket operation.
Namun para awak Tu-16 di Morotai ini, tidak akan pernah melupakan jerih payah ground crew-nya. “Yang paling susah kalau isi bahan bakar. Bayangkan untuk sebuah Tu-16, dibutuhkan sampai 70 drum bahan bakar. Kadang ngangkutnya tidak pakai pesawat, jadi langsung diturunkan dari kapal laut. Itupun dari tengah laut. Makanya, sering mereka mendorong dari tengah laut,” ujar Idrus. Derita awak darat itu belum berakhir, lantaran untuk memasukkan ke tangki pesawat yang berkapasitas kurang lebih 45.000 liter itu, masih menggunakan cara manual. Di suling satu per satu dari drum hingga empat hari empat malam. Hanya sebulan Tu-16 di Morotai, sebelum akhirnya ditarik kembali ke Madiun usai Trikora.
[Sumber : Majalah Angkasa]
Gelar “singa” tentu bukan tanpa alasan, di awal tahun 60-an TNI-AU sudah memiliki arsenal pembom tempur mutakhir (dimasanya-red) Tu-16, yang punya daya jelajah cukup jauh, dan mampu membawa muatan bom dalam jumlah besar. Pembelian Tu-16 AURI didasari, terbatasnya kemampuan B-25, embargo suku cadang dari Amerika, dan untuk memuaskan ambisi politik.
“Tu-16 masih dalam pengembangan dan belum siap untuk dijual,” ucap Dubes Rusia untuk Indonesia Zhukov kepada Bung Karno (BK) suatu siang di penghujung tahun 50-an. Ini menandakan, pihak Rusia masih bimbang untuk meluluskan permintaan Indonesia membeli Tu-16. Tapi apa daya Rusia, AURI ngotot. BK terus menguber Zhukov tiap kali bersua. “Gimana nih, Tu-16-nya,” kira-kira begitu percakapan dua tokoh ini. Akhirnya, mungkin bosan dikuntit terus, Zhukov melaporkan juga keinginan BK kepada Menlu Rusia Mikoyan. Usut punya usut, kenapa BK begitu semangat? Ternyata, Letkol Salatun-lah pangkal masalahnya. “Saya ditugasi Pak Surya (KSAU Suryadarma-Red) menagih janji Bung Karno setiap ada kesempatan,” aku Marsda (Pur) RJ Salatun tertawa.
Ketika ide pembelian Tu-16 dikemukakan Salatun saat itu sekretaris Dewan Penerbangan/Sekretaris Gabungan Kepala-kepala Staf kepada Suryadarma tahun 1957, tidak seorangpun tahu. Maklum, TNI tengah sibuk menghadapi PRRI/Permesta. Namun dari pemberontakan itu pula, semua tersentak. AURI tidak punya pembom strategis B-25 yang dikerahkan menghadapi AUREV (AU Permesta), malah merepotkan. Karena daya jelajahnya terbatas, pangkalannya harus digeser, peralatan pendukungnya harus diboyong. Waktu dan tenaga tersita. Sungguh tidak efektif. Celaka lagi, Amerika meng-embargo suku cadangnya. Alhasil, gagasan memiliki Tu-16 semakin terbuka.
Salatun yang menemukan proyek Tu-16 dari majalah penerbangan asing tahun 1957, menyampaikannya kepada Suryadarma. “Dengan Tu-16, awak kita bisa terbang setelah sarapan pagi menuju sasaran terjauh sekalipun dan kembali sebelum makan siang,” jelasnya kepada KSAU. “Bagaimana pangkalannya,” tanya Pak Surya. “Kita akan pakai Kemayoran yang mampu menampung pesawat jet,” jawab Salatun. Seiring disetujuinya rencana pembelian Tu-16 ini, landas pacu Lanud Iswahyudi, Madiun, kemudian turut diperpanjang.
Proses pembeliannya memang tidak mulus. Sejak dikemukakan, baru terealisasi 1 Juli 1961, ketika Tu-16 pertama mendarat di Kemayoran. Ketika lobi pembeliannya tersekat dalam ketidakpastian, Cina pernah dilirik agar membantu menjinakkan “beruang merah”. Caranya, Cina diminta menalangi dulu pembeliannya. Namun usaha ini sia-sia, karena neraca perdagangan Cina-Rusia lagi terpuruk. Sebaliknya, “Malah Cina menawarkan Tu-4m Bull-nya,” tutur Salatun. Misi Salatun ke Cina sebenarnya mencari tambahan B-25 Mitchell dan P-51 Mustang.
Jadi, pemilihan Tu-16 memperkuat AURI bukan semata alat diplomasi. Penyebab lain adalah embargo senjata Amerika. Padahal saat bersamaan, AURI sangat membutuhkan suku cadang B-25 dan P-51 untuk menghantam AUREV.
Tahun 1960, Salatun berangkat ke Moskow bersama delegasi pembelian senjata dipimpin Jenderal AH Nasution. Sampai kedatangannya, delegasi belum tahu, apakah Tu-16 sudah termasuk dalam daftar persenjataan yang disetujui Soviet. Perintah BK hanya, cari senjata. Apa yang terjadi. Tu-16 termasuk dalam daftar persenjataan yang ditawarkan Uni Soviet. Betapa kagetnya delegasi.
“Karena Tu-16 kami berikan kepada Indonesia, maka pesawat ini akan kami berikan juga kepada negara sahabat lain,” ujar Menlu Mikoyan. Mulai detik itu, Indonesia menjadi negara ke empat di dunia yang mengoperasikan pembom strategis selain Amerika, Inggris dan Rusia sendiri. Hebat lagi, AURI pernah mengusulkan untuk mengecat bagian bawah Tu-16 dengan Anti Radiation Paint cat khusus anti radiasi bagi pesawat pembom berkemampuan nuklir. “Gertak musuh saja, AURI kan tak punya bom nuklir,” tutur Salatun. Usul tersebut ditolak.
Segera AURI mempersiapkan awaknya. Puluhan kadet dikirim ke Chekoslovakia dan Rusia. Mereka dikenal dengan angkatan Cakra I, II, III, Ciptoning I dan Ciptoning II. Mulai tahun 1961, ke-24 Tu-16 mulai datang bergiliran diterbangkan awak Indonesia maupun Rusia. Pesawat pertama yang mendarat di Kemayoran dikemudikan oleh Komodor Udara (sekarang Marsda TNI Pur Cok Suroso Hurip). Mendapat perhatian terutama dari kalangan intel Amerika.
Kesempatan pertama intel-intel AS melihat Tu-16 dari dekat ini, memberikan kesempatan kepada mereka memperkirakan kapasitas tangki dan daya jelajahnya. Pengintaian terus dilakukan AS sampai saat Tu-16 dipindahkan ke Madiun. U-2 pun mereka libatkan. Wajar, di samping sebagai negara pertama yang mengoperasikan Tu-16 di luar Rusia, kala itu beraneka ragam pesawat blok Timur lainnya berjejer
di Madiun.
Senjata Rudal kennel
Kennel memang tidak pernah ditembakkan. Tapi ujicoba pernah dilakukan sekitar tahun 1964-1965. Kennel ditembakkan ke sebuah pulau karang di tengah laut, persisnya antara Bali dan Ujung Pandang. “Nama pulaunya Arakan,” aku Hendro Subroto, mantan wartawan TVRI. Dalam ujicoba, Hendro mengikuti dari sebuah C-130 Hercules bersama KSAU Omar Dhani. Usai peluncuran, Hercules mendarat di Denpasar. Dari Denpasar, dengan menumpang helikopter Mi-6, KSAU dan rombongan terbang ke Arakan melihat perkenaan. “Tepat di tengah, plat bajanya bolong,” jelas Hendro.
Diuber Javelin
Lebih tepat, di masa Dwikoralah awak Tu-16 merasakan ketangguhan Tu-16. Apa pasal? Ternyata, berkali-kali pesawat ini dikejar pesawat tempur Inggris. Rupanya, Inggris menyadap percakapan AURI di Lanud Polonia Medan dari Butterworth, Penang.
“Jadi mereka tahu kalau kita akan meluncur,” ujar Marsekal Muda (Pur) Syah Alam Damanik, penerbang Tu-16 yang sering mondar-mandir di selat Malaka.
Damanik menuturkan pengalamannya di kejar Javelin pada tahun 1964. Damanik terbang dengan ko-pilot Sartomo, navigator Gani dan Ketut dalam misi kampanye Dwikora.
Pesawat diarahkan ke Kuala Lumpur, atas saran Gani. Tidak lama kemudian, dua mil dari pantai, Penang (Butterworth) sudah terlihat. Mendadak, salah seorang awak melaporkan bahwa dua pesawat Inggris take off dari Penang. Damanik tahu apa yang harus dilakukan. Dia berbelok menghindar. “Celaka, begitu belok, nggak tahunya mereka sudah di kanan-kiri sayap. Cepat sekali mereka sampai,” pikir Damanik. Javelin-Javelin itu rupanya berusaha menggiring Tu-16 untuk mendarat ke wilayah Singapura atau Malaysia (forced down). Dalam situasi tegang itu, “Saya perintahkan semua awak siaga. Pokoknya, begitu melihat ada semburan api dari sayap mereka (menembak-Red), kalian langsung balas,” perintahnya. Perhitungan Damanik, paling tidak sama-sama jatuh. Anggota Wara (wanita AURI) yang ikut dalam misi, ketakutan. Wajah mereka pucat pasi.
Dalam keadaan serba tak menentu, Damanik berpikir cepat. Pesawat ditukikkannya untuk menghindari kejaran Javelin. Mendadak sekali. “Tapi, Javelin-Javelin masih saja nempel. Bahkan sampai pesawat saya bergetar cukup keras, karena kecepatannya melebihi batas (di atas Mach 1).” Dalam kondisi high speed itu, sekali lagi Damanik menunjukkan kehebatannya. Ketinggian pesawat ditambahnya secara mendadak. Pilot Javelin yang tidak menduga manuver itu, kebablasan. Sambil bersembunyi di balik awan yang menggumpal, Damanik membuat heading ke Medan.
Segenap awak bersorak kegirangan. Tapi kasihan yang di ekor (tail gunner). Mereka berteriak ternyata bukan kegirangan, tapi karena kena tekanan G yang cukup besar saat pesawat menanjak. Akibat manuver yang begitu ketat saat kejar-kejaran, perangkat radar Tu-16 jadi ngadat. “Mungkin saya terlalu kasar naiknya. Tapi nggak apa-apa, daripada dipaksa mendarat oleh Inggris,” ujar Damanik mengenang peristiwa itu.
Lain lagi cerita Sudjijantono. “Saya ditugaskan menerbangkan Tu-16 ke Medan lewat selat Malaka di Medan selalu disiagakan dua Tu-16 selama Dwikora. Satu pesawat terbang ke selatan dari Madiun melalui pulau Christmas (kepunyaan Inggris), pulau Cocos, kepulauan Andaman Nikobar, terus ke Medan,” katanya. Pesawat berikutnya lewat jalur utara melalui selat Makasar, Mindanao, Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Utara, Laut Cina selatan, selat Malaka, sebelum akhirnya mendarat di Medan. Ada juga yang nakal, menerobos tanah genting Kra.
Walau terkesan “gila-gilaan”, misi ini tetap sesuai perintah. BK memerintahkan untuk tidak menembak sembarangan. Dalam misi berbau pengintaian ini, beberapa sempat ketahuan Javelin. Tapi Inggris hanya bertindak seperti “polisi”, untuk mengingatkan Tu-16 agar jangan keluar perbatasan.
Misi ala stealth
Masih dalam Dwikora. Pertengahan 1963, AURI mengerahkan tiga Tu-16 versi bomber (Badger A) untuk menyebarkan pamflet di daerah musuh. Satu pesawat ke Serawak, satunya ke Sandakan dan Kinibalu, Kalimantan. Keduanya wilayah Malaysia. Pesawat ketiga ke Australia. Khusus ke Australia, Tu-16 yang dipiloti Komodor Udara (terakhir Marsda Purn) Suwondo bukan menyebarkan pamflet. Tapi membawa peralatan militer berupa perasut, alat komunikasi dan makanan kaleng. Skenarionya, barang-barang itu akan didrop di Alice Springs, Australia (persis di tengah benua), untuk menunjukkan bahwa AURI mampu mencapai jantung benua kangguru itu. “Semacam psi-war buat Australia,” ujar Salatun.
Padahal Alice Springs ditongkrongi over the horizon radar system. “Untuk memantau seluruh kawasan Asia Pasifik,” ujar Marsma (Pur) Zainal Sudarmadji, pilot Tu-16 angkatan Ciptoning II.
Walau begitu, misi tetap dijalankan. Pesawat diberangkatkan dari Madiun sekitar jam satu malam. “Pak Wondo (pilot pesawat-Red) tak banyak komentar. Beliau hanya minta, kita kumpul di Wing 003 pukul 11 malam dengan hanya berbekal air putih,” ujar Sjahroemsjah, gunner Tu-16 yang baru tahu setelah berkumpul bahwa mereka akan diterbangkan ke Australia.
Briefing berjalan singkat. Pukul 01.00 WIB, pesawat meninggalkan Madiun. Pesawat terbang rendah guna menghindari radar. Sampai berhasil menembus Australia dan menjatuhkan bawaan, tidak terjadi apa-apa. Pesawat pencegat F-86 Sabre pun tak terlihat aktivitasnya, rudal anti pesawat Bloodhound Australia yang ditakuti juga “tertidur”. Karena Suwondo berputar agak jauh, ketika tiba di Madiun matahari sudah agak tinggi. “Sekitar pukul delapan pagi,” kata Sjahroemsjah.
Penyusupan ke Sandakan, dipercayakan ke Sudjijantono bersama Letnan Kolonel Sardjono (almarhum). Mereka berangkat dari Iswahyudi (Madiun) jam 12 malam. Pesawat membumbung hingga 11.000 m. Menjelang adzan subuh, mereka tiba di Sandakan. Lampu-lampu rumah penduduk masih menyala. Pesawat terus turun sampai ketinggian 400 m. Persis di atas target (TOT), ruang bom (bomb bay) dibuka. Seperti berebutan, pamflet berhamburan keluar disedot angin yang berhembus kencang.
Usai satu sortie, pesawat berputar, kembali ke lokasi semula. “Ternyata sudah gelap, tidak satupun lampu rumah yang menyala,” kata Sudjijantono. Rupanya, aku Sudjijantono, Inggris mengajari penduduk cara mengantisipasi serangan udara. Akhirnya, setelah semua pamflet diserakkan, mereka kembali ke Iswahyudi dan mendarat dengan selamat pukul 08.30 pagi. Artinya, kurang lebih sepuluh jam penerbangan. Semua Tu-16 kembali dengan selamat.
Dapat dibayangkan, pada dekade 60-an AURI sudah sanggup melakukan operasi-operasi penyusupan udara tanpa terdeteksi radar lawan. Kalaulah sepadan, bak operasi NATO ke Yugoslavia dengan pesawat silumannya.
Akhir Perjalanan Sang Bomber
Sungguh ironis nasib akhir Tu-16 AURI. Pengadaan dan penghapusannya lebih banyak ditentukan oleh satu perkara: politik! Bayangkan, “AURI harus menghapus seluruh armada Tu-16 sebagai syarat mendapatkan F-86 Sabre dan T-33 T-bird dari Amerika,” ujar Bagio Utomo, mantan anggota Skatek 042 yang mengurusi perbaikan Tu-16. Bagio menuturkan kesedihannya ketika terlibat dalam tim “penjagalan” Tu-16 pada tahun 1970.
Dokumen CIA (central intelligence agency) sebagaimana dikutip Audrey R Kahin dan George McT Kahin dalam bukunya “Subversi Sebagai Politik Luar Negeri” menulis: “Belanja senjata RI mencapai 229. 395.600 dollar AS. Angka itu merupakan akumulasi perdagangan pada tahun 1958. Sementara dari Januari hingga Agustus 1959 saja, nilainya mencapai 100.456.500 dollar AS. Dari jumlah ini, AURI kebagian 69.912. 200 dollar AS, yang di dalamnya termasuk pemesanan 20 pesawat pembom.”
Tidak dapat dipungkiri, memang, Tu-16 pembom paling maju pada zamannya. Selain dilengkapi peralatan elektronik canggih, badannya terbilang kukuh. “Badannya tidak mempan dibelah dengan kampak paling besar sekalipun. Harus pakai las yang besar. Bahkan, untuk membongkar sambungan antara sayap dan mesinnya, laspun tak sanggup. Karena campuran magnesiumnya lebih banyak ketimbang alumunium,” ujar Bagio.
Namun Tu-16 bukan tanpa cacat. Konyol sekali, beberapa bagian pesawat bisa tidak cocok dengan spare pengganti. Bahkan dengan spare yang diambil secara kanibal sekalipun. “Kita terpaksa memakai sistem kerajinan tangan, agar sama dan pas dengan kedudukannya. Seperti blister (kubah kaca-Red), mesti diamplas dulu,” kenang Bagio lagi. Pengadaan suku cadang juga sedikit rumit, karena penempatannya yang tersebar di Ujung Pandang dan Kemayoran.
Sebenarnya, persediaan suku cadang Tu-16 yang dipasok dari Rusia, memadai. Tapi urusan politik membelitnya sangat kuat. Tak heran kemudian, usai pengabdiannya selama Trikora – Dwikora dan di sela-sela nasibnya yang tak menentu pasca G30S/PKI, AURI pernah bermaksud menjual armada Tu-16-nya ke Mesir. Namun hal ini tidak pernah terlaksana.
Begitulah nasib Tu-16. Tragis. Farewell flight, penerbangan perpisahannya, dirayakan oleh para awak Tu-16 pada bulan Oktober 1970 menjelang HUT ABRI. Dijejali 10 orang, Tu-16 bernomor M-1625 diterbangkan dari Madiun ke Jakarta. “Sempat ke sasar waktu kita cari Monas,” ujar Zainal Sudarmadji. Saat mendarat lagi di Madiun, bannya meletus karena awaknya sengaja mengerem secara mendadak.
Patut diakui, keberadaan pembom strategis mampu memberikan efek psikologis bagi lawan-lawan Indonesia saat itu. Bahkan, sampai pertengahan 80-an, Tu-16 AURI masih dianggap ancaman oleh AS. “Lah, wong nama saya masih tercatat sebagai pilot Tu-16 di ruang operasi Subic Bay, kok,” ujar Sudjijantono, angkatan Cakra 1.
Atraksi Ketangguhan Sang Bomber Dalam Persiapan Operasi Trikora
Saat Trikora dikumandangkan, angkatan perang Indonesia sedang berada pada “puncaknya”. Lusinan persenjataan Blok Timur dimiliki. Mendadak AURI berkembang jadi kekuatan terbesar di belahan bumi selatan. Dalam mendukung kampanye Trikora, AURI menyiapkan satu flight Tu-16 di Morotai yang hanya memerlukan 1,5 jam penerbangan dari Madiun. “Kita siaga 24 jam di sana,” ujar Kolonel (Pur) Sudjijantono, salah satu penerbang Tu-16. “Sesekali terbang untuk memanaskan mesin. Tapi belum pernah membom atau kontak senjata dengan pesawat Belanda,” ceritanya kepada Angkasa. Saat itu, dikalangan pilot Tu-16 punya semacam target favorit, yaitu kapal induk Belanda Karel Doorman.
Selain memiliki 12 Tu-16 versi bomber (Badger A) yang masuk dalam Skadron 41, AURI juga memiliki 12 Tu-16 KS-1 (Badger B) yang masuk dalam Skadron 42 Wing 003 Lanud Iswahyudi. Versi ini mampu membawa sepasang rudal anti kapal permukaan KS-1 (AS-1 Kennel). Rudal inilah yang ditakuti Belanda. Karena hantaman enam Kennel, mampu menenggelamkan Karel Doorman ke dasar samudera. Sayangnya, hingga Irian Barat diselesaikan melalui PBB atas inisiatif pemerintah Kennedy, Karel Doorman tidak pernah ditemukan Tu-16.
Lain lagi kisah Idrus Abas (saat itu Sersan Udara I), operator radio sekaligus penembak ekor (tail gunner) Tu-16. Bulan Mei 1962, saat perundingan RI-Belanda berlangsung di PBB, merupakan saat paling mendebarkan. Awak Tu-16 disiagakan di Morotai. Dengan bekal radio transistor, mereka memonitor hasil perundingan. Mereka diperintahkan, “Kalau perundingan gagal, langsung bom Biak,” ceritanya mengenang. “Kita tidak tahu, apakah bisa kembali atau tidak setelah mengebom,” tambah Sjahroemsjah yang waktu itu berpangkat Sersan Udara I, rekan Idrus yang bertugas sebagai operator radio/tail gunner. Istilahnya, one way ticket operation.
Namun para awak Tu-16 di Morotai ini, tidak akan pernah melupakan jerih payah ground crew-nya. “Yang paling susah kalau isi bahan bakar. Bayangkan untuk sebuah Tu-16, dibutuhkan sampai 70 drum bahan bakar. Kadang ngangkutnya tidak pakai pesawat, jadi langsung diturunkan dari kapal laut. Itupun dari tengah laut. Makanya, sering mereka mendorong dari tengah laut,” ujar Idrus. Derita awak darat itu belum berakhir, lantaran untuk memasukkan ke tangki pesawat yang berkapasitas kurang lebih 45.000 liter itu, masih menggunakan cara manual. Di suling satu per satu dari drum hingga empat hari empat malam. Hanya sebulan Tu-16 di Morotai, sebelum akhirnya ditarik kembali ke Madiun usai Trikora.
[Sumber : Majalah Angkasa]
Monday, July 26, 2010
Paddington House of Pancakes (PHOP)
Ladies & Gentlemen, I present the Paddington House of Pancakes or known as PHOP. This is one of my favourite restaurant around the town, because I'm a pancake lover =) I've been visiting it quite regularly, but only this time with my Canon S90. I grab some shots to share while having dinner with a good friend of mine that loves food as well.

There are 3 branches opened up in KL, located at One Utama, The Curve and The Gardens. I've been to One Utama & The Curve branch, and both are fabulous. The shot in this review is in the The Curve. Paddington House of Pancakes is basically a restaurant franchise bussiness available from their website. They serves wonderful pancakes related dishes and it taste really good.

A shot of the kitchen and victoria style decoration. It's a very relaxing place for a good chat and catch-up with your old friends, and I enjoy the environment very much. It's brightly litted but not too much till glaring in your eyes. Smooth colour and decoration. However, despite the good food & excellent environment, the place is always seems to be empty.
I suppose most of people don't know what this restaurant is about. With its name, I think it's giving out a wrong impression that it is a dessert outlet for pancakes only. Instead, it serves wide wonderful range of food from salad basket, pancake burgers, pannekoek pies, blintzes, blinis, steak till wonder pancakes ice-cream dessert. The choice is that much and I've not tried all of them.


A few shots of the in-shop envinronment, the white balance is manually set to show the actual lightings in the restaurant. Posh victorian style with clean setting. An additional point is that the photos that shown in my Canon S90 is much better than what's shown here and I got disappointed with the quality on the computer screen! I did a search and found out the Canon S90 LCD is famous for showing brighter & more vivid image comparing to the original photo. I can't trust the S90 LCD next time, got to try it out more often and set it correctly.
Of course, photoshop can easily pull it back, but I'm lazy, so the quality is not very good. Bear with me for this post only ok. =P

First to come is the appetizer named Pannekoek Nachos priced at RM16.00. I've never tried this before, but got a little disappointed because the manager said this is one of the pancakes dish, but ended up some crispy thin slice of fried pancakes that tasted like chips. Silly me because nachos explain it all and I dont know what it means. The thin slice of crispy pancakes is delicious and especially good with the sauce served! We finished the entire plate without realising ...

The dish comes accompany with three diping sauce named from top to bottom: sundried tomato, cheesy onion and guacamole. This little dipping sauce is what made the dish kicking!

The second dish up is the California priced at RM22.50. I'm crazy about pancakes and this dish is one of my favourites. The huge 2 cheesy sausages are hell delicious and the salami taste good. The real highlight of this dish is the 2 piece of mozzarella pancakes that is very very good to be eat together with the hash brown served! It's very soft and exceptional tasty with the slight sauce that's thrown in. Every bite is heaven like.

Next up we ordered the Grilled Lamb price at RM35.50. As said earlier, any lamb that's not served with mint sauce are not good. PHOP served it, so my choice to medium well done. Best is medium done, but my friend cant eat too raw. There is a generous portion of lamb and taste exceptionally good for a lamb lover like me. Two piece of pancakes served and it's again heavenly crazy to eat together with the sauce. A mixture of mashed potato and salad.

As usual, my favourite drink, a glass of in-house water. Free and healthy.

A drink that my friend ordered, funny colour but he said it's good. I don't bother to ask because I'm busy with all the pancakes on the table =) Nice.
As said earlier, this is one of my favourites restaurant, so of course thumbs up! Lots of people don't know about this restaurant and thought they serves dessert only. Hope this will change their mind and they will give it a try next time by browsing through their menu of hundred items. Ask help from the waitress, they will know what to recommend. Or else, just make sure to tell them you want pancakes with sauce in every dish, it will not fail you.
The dinner comes short of 100 bucks and it's kind of pricy because I ordered a lot. For a normal dinner of two, expect between RM60-70, it should be more than enough. The serving is also quite big and so far I haven't eat anything in this place that I don't like. Try it out and let me know. Cheers.
Paddington House of Pancakes
Unit 142 & 143
1st Floor The Curve
6 Jalan PJU 7/3
Mutiara Damansara
47800 Petaling Jaya
Tel: +603 7726 2382
Location Coordinate: N3 09.435 E101 36.647

There are 3 branches opened up in KL, located at One Utama, The Curve and The Gardens. I've been to One Utama & The Curve branch, and both are fabulous. The shot in this review is in the The Curve. Paddington House of Pancakes is basically a restaurant franchise bussiness available from their website. They serves wonderful pancakes related dishes and it taste really good.

A shot of the kitchen and victoria style decoration. It's a very relaxing place for a good chat and catch-up with your old friends, and I enjoy the environment very much. It's brightly litted but not too much till glaring in your eyes. Smooth colour and decoration. However, despite the good food & excellent environment, the place is always seems to be empty.
I suppose most of people don't know what this restaurant is about. With its name, I think it's giving out a wrong impression that it is a dessert outlet for pancakes only. Instead, it serves wide wonderful range of food from salad basket, pancake burgers, pannekoek pies, blintzes, blinis, steak till wonder pancakes ice-cream dessert. The choice is that much and I've not tried all of them.


A few shots of the in-shop envinronment, the white balance is manually set to show the actual lightings in the restaurant. Posh victorian style with clean setting. An additional point is that the photos that shown in my Canon S90 is much better than what's shown here and I got disappointed with the quality on the computer screen! I did a search and found out the Canon S90 LCD is famous for showing brighter & more vivid image comparing to the original photo. I can't trust the S90 LCD next time, got to try it out more often and set it correctly.
Of course, photoshop can easily pull it back, but I'm lazy, so the quality is not very good. Bear with me for this post only ok. =P

First to come is the appetizer named Pannekoek Nachos priced at RM16.00. I've never tried this before, but got a little disappointed because the manager said this is one of the pancakes dish, but ended up some crispy thin slice of fried pancakes that tasted like chips. Silly me because nachos explain it all and I dont know what it means. The thin slice of crispy pancakes is delicious and especially good with the sauce served! We finished the entire plate without realising ...

The dish comes accompany with three diping sauce named from top to bottom: sundried tomato, cheesy onion and guacamole. This little dipping sauce is what made the dish kicking!

The second dish up is the California priced at RM22.50. I'm crazy about pancakes and this dish is one of my favourites. The huge 2 cheesy sausages are hell delicious and the salami taste good. The real highlight of this dish is the 2 piece of mozzarella pancakes that is very very good to be eat together with the hash brown served! It's very soft and exceptional tasty with the slight sauce that's thrown in. Every bite is heaven like.

Next up we ordered the Grilled Lamb price at RM35.50. As said earlier, any lamb that's not served with mint sauce are not good. PHOP served it, so my choice to medium well done. Best is medium done, but my friend cant eat too raw. There is a generous portion of lamb and taste exceptionally good for a lamb lover like me. Two piece of pancakes served and it's again heavenly crazy to eat together with the sauce. A mixture of mashed potato and salad.

As usual, my favourite drink, a glass of in-house water. Free and healthy.

A drink that my friend ordered, funny colour but he said it's good. I don't bother to ask because I'm busy with all the pancakes on the table =) Nice.
As said earlier, this is one of my favourites restaurant, so of course thumbs up! Lots of people don't know about this restaurant and thought they serves dessert only. Hope this will change their mind and they will give it a try next time by browsing through their menu of hundred items. Ask help from the waitress, they will know what to recommend. Or else, just make sure to tell them you want pancakes with sauce in every dish, it will not fail you.
The dinner comes short of 100 bucks and it's kind of pricy because I ordered a lot. For a normal dinner of two, expect between RM60-70, it should be more than enough. The serving is also quite big and so far I haven't eat anything in this place that I don't like. Try it out and let me know. Cheers.
Paddington House of Pancakes
Unit 142 & 143
1st Floor The Curve
6 Jalan PJU 7/3
Mutiara Damansara
47800 Petaling Jaya
Tel: +603 7726 2382
Location Coordinate: N3 09.435 E101 36.647
Saturday, July 24, 2010
National Sport Training Center, cambodia
Contact Person: Mr. UK SETHECHEAT, Director
Telephone: (855) 12 871 556 (855) 12 871 556
Fax: (855) 23 212 512
Address: National Olympic Stadium , Swimming pool (A).
Telephone: (855) 12 871 556 (855) 12 871 556
Fax: (855) 23 212 512
Address: National Olympic Stadium , Swimming pool (A).
Student Physical Education and Sport Department cmabodia
Contact Person: Mr. PRUM BUN YI, Director
Telephone: (855) 12 989 022 (855) 12 989 022
Fax: (855) 23 212 512
Address: National Olympic Stadium
Telephone: (855) 12 989 022 (855) 12 989 022
Fax: (855) 23 212 512
Address: National Olympic Stadium
National Institute of Sport and Physical Education, cambodia
Contact Person: Mr. LAH SALAKHAN, Director
Telephone: (855) 23 213 604 (855) 23 213 604
Fax: (855) 23 212 512
Address: #152, Preah Norodom Blvd., Phnom Penh.
Telephone: (855) 23 213 604 (855) 23 213 604
Fax: (855) 23 212 512
Address: #152, Preah Norodom Blvd., Phnom Penh.
Sport and Physical Education Department, cambodia
Contact Person: Mr. YEM ODDOM, Director
Telephone: (855) 12 930 177 (855) 12 930
Fax: (855) 23 212 512
Address: Olympic Stadium
Telephone: (855) 12 930 177 (855) 12 930
Fax: (855) 23 212 512
Address: Olympic Stadium
Directorate General of Youth and Sport, cambodia
Contact Person: Mr. LAK SAM ATH,Director General
Telephone: (855) 23 213 540 (855) 23 213 540
Fax: (855) 23 213 540
Address: #152, Preah Norodom Blvd., Phnom Penh.
Telephone: (855) 23 213 540 (855) 23 213 540
Fax: (855) 23 213 540
Address: #152, Preah Norodom Blvd., Phnom Penh.
Cultural Relations and Scholarship Department of ministry of education cambodia
Contact Person: Mr. YANG YANO, Director
Telephone: (855) 23 426 951 (855) 23 426 951
Fax: (855) 23 426 951
Address: #169, Preah Norodom Blvd., Phnom Penh.e-Mail:
Telephone: (855) 23 426 951 (855) 23 426 951
Fax: (855) 23 426 951
Address: #169, Preah Norodom Blvd., Phnom Penh.e-Mail:
Administration Department of ministry of education cambodia
Contact Person: Mr. KY TOUCH, Director
Telephone: (855) 23 360 233 (855) 23 360 233
Fax: (855) 23 212 512
Address: #80, Preah Norodom Blvd., Phnom Penh.
Telephone: (855) 23 360 233 (855) 23 360 233
Fax: (855) 23 212 512
Address: #80, Preah Norodom Blvd., Phnom Penh.
Directorate General of Administration and Finance of mininstry of education in cambodia
Contact Person: H.E Mr. IN THE,Director General
(855) 23 723 482 (855) 23 723 482 : (855) 23 212 512
Address: #80, Preah Norodom Blvd., Phnom Penh. I
(855) 23 723 482 (855) 23 723 482 : (855) 23 212 512
Address: #80, Preah Norodom Blvd., Phnom Penh. I
Projects of Cambodia Education Organization
Built a New Vocational School
Distributed Food to Families
Built a Water Reservoir in Tang Kroes village, Krang Levea Commune
Provided Family Assistance
Donated Text Books, School Supplies, Reference Books and Dictionaries to
Students and Teachers
Rebuilt a Public School in Tang Kroes
Involved in Rebuilding a Public School in Ta Kro
Assisted in Rebuilding a Public School in Krang Levea
Built a New Vocational School in Krang Levea
Provide daily meals and hygiene products for students
Supply classroom computers
More projects to come!
Distributed Food to Families
Built a Water Reservoir in Tang Kroes village, Krang Levea Commune
Provided Family Assistance
Donated Text Books, School Supplies, Reference Books and Dictionaries to
Students and Teachers
Rebuilt a Public School in Tang Kroes
Involved in Rebuilding a Public School in Ta Kro
Assisted in Rebuilding a Public School in Krang Levea
Built a New Vocational School in Krang Levea
Provide daily meals and hygiene products for students
Supply classroom computers
More projects to come!
Overview of Cambodia Education Organization (CEO)

Mission of Cambodia Education Organization (CEO)
- CEO really encourages students to avoid drinking, gambling,
smoking both on and off the property of the CEO facility and especially when out in any public areas. - Assist students to build relationships with US students through
correspondence and expose the students to higher technology education. - Help students in the district learn English and computer skills.
- Practice self-discipline in school attendance and in study habits.
- Teach youths to understand good advice, and to stay out of
trouble. - Build new libraries for general public education.
- Furnish teachers and students with school supplies, computers
and textbooks used to study English and learn computer skills. - Provide meals before school, personal hygiene supplies, and
basic medicine to students. - Offer humanitarian assistance to elderly, handicapped, widows,
orphans, and malnourished infants. - Help people who face difficult situations who lack food or health
screening. - Explain to parents the importance of improved hygiene in the
family and advise them how to take care of their health.
Charter of Cambodia Education Organization (CEO)
In the fall of 2001, eight individuals involved in various humanitarian projects decided to organize themselves as the Cambodia Education Organization (CEO). Five members in Cambodia and three in the United States volunteered to begin the group.The CEO today remains a small, direct, person- to- person charity effort. In the future it may broaden the scope of its work. For the time being, the participants are happy to be helping in a focused effort where results are easy to monitor and the benefits to the community are clear.
Cambodia Education Organization in cambodia

UN and Royal Government move forward with five year assistance plan Millions of Cambodians to benefit
The UN and the Royal Government of Cambodia signed a five-year development assistance plan for 2011-2015. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Finance H.E. Keat Chhon and UN Resident Coordinator Douglas Broderick, as well as the heads of the 23 UN agencies operating in Cambodia, signed the “UN Development Assistance Framework, 2011-2015”, providing a basis for the planning and coordination of all UN programme activities in Cambodia over the five years leading up to 2015.The UN Country Team in Cambodia is one of the largest UN country presences globally, with 23 specialised agencies, funds and programmes and just under 1,000 staff implementing projects in every province in the country. United Nations operations have annually contributed about USD100 million of development aid to Cambodia in recent years.“The UN in Cambodia looks forward to continuing to work with the Royal Government toward reaching that day when Cambodia announces that the Cambodia Millennium Development Goals have been met and that all people living in Cambodia have the same access to opportunities to lead a full and productive life, irrespective of their race, age, gender, health status, geographical location, socio-economic standing, or political influence,” Mr. Broderick stated.The UNDAF was developed through a year long, broad-based consultation process, which included Government, Development Partners and UN agencies working in Cambodia. It is anchored in and aligned with the Government’s Rectangular Strategy Phase II and the National Strategic Development Plan. It builds on the achievements and progress of the last decade, and on the UN's position as a trusted and neutral partner of the RGC and the people of Cambodia.The UN in Cambodia provides a wealth of technical capability in a wide range of areas including health, education, migration, HIV and AIDS, governance, fiscal policy, gender equality and women’s empowerment, human rights, agricultural production, avian and pandemic influenza, water and sanitation, labour, human trafficking, trade, cultural preservation, human settlements, refugees, youth, population, drug abuse prevention, and food security. # # # For further information, please contact:Margaret Lamb, UN Communications Officer, a.i.Phone: (855) 023 216 167 ext. 124Mobile: 012 707 457Email:
Information Technology Exhibition in cambodia
National Information Development Authority (NIDA) teaming up with International Data Group company announced in press conference at Le Royal hotel that they will host fourth information technology exhibition at Mondiyal center on April 4-6, 2008. Mr. Pu Lyvuth, general secretary of NIDA, said that the display will be a place to show international products and it is the forum for information researchers and specialists to share experience and to develop this field.
Over 5000 cambodian people apply to work in Korea
At Mult-technique Institute of Cambodia, over 5000 people asked for the application form for a test to work in Korea on 8 May. Some candidates have joint the Korean language training course, but some haven't.An War, the management board at Satko Korean Languages Center said that his center sent 1380 students to take the application form which all of them have experienced a test already. He added that he did not send the unqualified students to take the application form because ti wastes the money since the application form costs 30$ each.
Cambodian Workers run to work at neighboring Countries
Through the reporting of Ministry of Labor represented that there were many Cambodian decided to leave home to work in neighboring countries like Malaysia, Korea and Thailand.
Some Cambodian workers in those countries were illegal because the private companies did not accompany with the Ministry of Labor. In the reporting wrote that in Malaysia from 1998 to April 2007, there were 8.966 Cambodian workers including 7.042 ladies and 4.349 ladies works as house servant who received $120 average salary. And Cambodia got $300.000 per year from Malaysia. In Korea from 2003 until today, there were 3.399 Cambodian workers, 469 ladies who received $800 average salary and Cambodia got $8.150.000 per year from Korea. In Thailand in 2006, there were 37.142 Cambodian workers including 130.000 illegal people and the average salary is $150.
Involving in this illegal, the Ministry of Labor fired 30 brought Cambodian worker companies because those companies did not give enough money and the wrong technical.
Some Cambodian workers in those countries were illegal because the private companies did not accompany with the Ministry of Labor. In the reporting wrote that in Malaysia from 1998 to April 2007, there were 8.966 Cambodian workers including 7.042 ladies and 4.349 ladies works as house servant who received $120 average salary. And Cambodia got $300.000 per year from Malaysia. In Korea from 2003 until today, there were 3.399 Cambodian workers, 469 ladies who received $800 average salary and Cambodia got $8.150.000 per year from Korea. In Thailand in 2006, there were 37.142 Cambodian workers including 130.000 illegal people and the average salary is $150.
Involving in this illegal, the Ministry of Labor fired 30 brought Cambodian worker companies because those companies did not give enough money and the wrong technical.
Thailand food and fruit exhibition in Cambodia
Department of Export Promotion of Thailand held a food and fruit exhibition at Paragon supermarket on 5 May to promote the fruits from Chanthakbori, Rakyong, and Trat province.Pon Sorsak, Ministry of Commerce's secretary of state said that the exhibition opening ceremony that the exhibition will start from 5 to 9 May in commercial relationship between Cambodia and Thailand that shows the progress of bilateral business. Pon Sorsak added that Cambodia now has both political and economic stability that is good for doing business and investment.
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