Tuesday, May 31, 2011

4 Jenis Kulit dan Cara Merawatnya

Terdapat 4 jenis kulit yaitu berminyak, kering, normal dan kombinasi. Keempat jenis kulit tersebut membutuhkan perawatan yang berbeda. Termasuk kategori jenis kulit apakah Anda?

Untuk mengetahui jenis kulit Anda, tempelkanlah selembar kertas minyak pada dahi, hidung, pipi, dan dagu. Jika terdapat minyak yang menempel, maka kulit Anda adalah termasuk dalam kategori kulit berminyak. Jika hanya berminyak di sebagian dahi, hidung dan pipi maka termasuk kulit kombinasi. Jika tidak ada sama sekali bisa jadi kulit kering atau normal.

Sebaiknya jangan sampai salah menerapkan perawatan pada kulit Anda, karena hasilnya tidak akan maksimal. Berikut tips perawatan kulit berdasarkan jenis kulit masing-masing, seperti dikutip Ayushveda.

1. Perawatan kulit berminyak
Kulit berminyak cenderung berjerawat dan berkomedo. Pada cuaca yang lembab, kelenjar minyak menjadi lebih aktif. Hindari membersihkan kulit Anda dengan sabun terlalu sering, cobalah untuk membuat masker dari air campuran air lemon, susu, tepung jagung dan jus mentimun. Gunakan seminggu sekali untuk menghilangkan sel kulit mati.

Caranya, campurkan 2 sendok teh madu, setengah sendok teh air lemon, seperempat sendok teh tepung jagung, dan seperempat sendok teh susu bubuk. Lalu campurkan dengan jus mentimun atau kentang sampai menjadi pasta. Usapkan pada wajah, hindari bagian mata. Setelah sudah hampir kering, usaplah dengan spons lembut.

2. Perawatan kulit kering
Saat musim dingin, kulit kering membutuhkan perawatan lebih. Kulit sangat sensitif pada sinar matahari dan mudah terkelupas sehingga harus tetap terjaga kelembabannya. Kulit kering akan lebih cepat menua. Buatlah masker dengan buah pepaya. Cara membuatnya, potong buah pepaya, haluskan dan terapkan pada wajah. Pepaya sangat baik untuk melembabkan kembali kulit kering. Kulit akan nampak lebih bercahaya.

3. Perawatan kulit kombinasi
Memiliki jenis kulit kombinasi membutuhkan perawatan khusus. Bagian wajah memiliki perawatan yang berbeda. Terdapat jenis kulit berminyak dan kering dalam satu wajah. Kulit berminyak terdapat pada dahi, hidung dan dagu dikenal dengan T-zone. Rawatlah bagian tersebut dengan perawatan kulit berminyak.

Untuk melakukan perawatan menyeluruh, Anda juga bisa membuat masker tomat untuk kulit kombinasi. Hancurkan beberapa buah tomat sampai membentuk pasta, balurkan pada seluruh wajah. Diamkan selama 5 menit dan basuh dengan air.

4. Perawatan kulit normal
Kulit normal biasanya jarang memiliki masalah, walaupun begitu harus tetap dirawat. Mereka yang memiliki kulit normal bisa memakai perawatan kulit berminyak atau kering.

High School, Freshman year..

Cambodian Holidays and Religion

  • Cambodian Holidays and Religion
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  • Cambodia Holidays 2012
  • Cambodia Public Holidays 2012 Calendar
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  • Cambodia Hotels and Tours

Cambodia holidays Tours & holidays in Cambodia

  • Cambodia holidays Tours & holidays in Cambodia
  • Holiday Cambodia Tours & Adventure Travel Guide
  • Cheap holidays to Cambodia with Opodo
  • Cambodia Holidays Festivals and Celebrations
  • Tailor Made Luxury Family Holiday Tours to Cambodia
  • Discount Holidays in Cambodia by Travel Clearance

Fashions for June!


Don't knock it.

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Target weight achieved,(partially)

I hit 180lbs on the scales this weekend.  That's a month of added calories, extra carbs, no cardio and  failure sets..  Next week begins a cutting phase hopefully to see how much of the weight is actually new lean muscle buried under the fat gained along the way.

Hal Yang Harus Dilakukan & Dihindari Saat Jomblo

Menjadi single bukanlah alasan tidak berteman dengan banyak orang. Banyak hal yang bisa Anda lakukan, tapi ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan saat berstatus single. Seperti dikutip glamour, berikut ini saran para ahli untuk Anda para jomblo :

Miliki ketrampilan kencan
"Tidak seorangpun dilahirkan tahu bagaimana menjalin suatu hubungan," ujar Malcolm Gladwell. Dalam buku terlarisnya berjudul Outliers, ia berpendapat bahwa hampir setiap keterampilan dapat dikuasai jika dipraktekkan selama 10 tahun. Dia menulis 'petenis muda yang bisa bermain dalam Wimbledon ternyata sudah berlatih tenis sejak usia 6 tahun. Para musisi klasik yang mulai bermain biola pada usia 4 tahun memulai debutnya di Carnegie Hall pada usia 15 tahun atau lebih’.

"Anggaplah kesendirian sebagai latihan untuk menjalani suatu hubungan. Jangan berharap untuk memiliki keterampilan untuk berada dalam suatu hubungan langsung," ucap Juliette Tang, community manager zoosk.com.

Belajar dari kesalahan dan kesuksesan orang lain
"Dengarkan orang lain dan Anda akan takjub dengan apa yang Anda pelajari tentang berhubungan," Ungkap Debra Goldstein, salah satu penulis Flirtexting.

Bersifat ramah
"Jangan konyol saat memulai sebuah percakapan dengan orang asing. Satu-satunya cara untuk berkenalan dengan orang adalah dengan berbicara. Sapalah entah itu kakak seorang teman yang lebih tua, pelayan di restoran lokal atau bahkan pria tampan di taman. Umumnya, orang lebih bersahabat daripada yang Anda pikirkan. Untuk memulai percakapan, cobalah mulai dengan pertanyaan, " ucap Sarah Harrison, editor di yourtango.com.

Berpakaianlah seperti sedang tidak single
"Gunakanlah pakaian dalam yang seksi. Walaupun tidak ada yang melihatnya, Daya tarik seks membuat Anda merasa super seksi dan percaya diri,” Ungkap Erin Scottberg, editor lemondrop.com.

Kencan dengan seseorang yang tidak akan mengubah hidup Anda
"Jangan mencari seseorang untuk melengkapi hidup Anda. Anda adalah satu-satunya yang bisa melakukan itu," Jelas Olivia Baniuszewicz dari Flirtexting.

Carilah tempat yang ramai oleh pria/wanita
"Jangan terlihat biasa saja saat di klub, restoran, kedai kopi, dan tempat ramai lainnya. Ini adalah cara terbaik untuk bertemu orang baru,"ucap Miller, 36 tahun, New York City.

Nikmati hidup Anda
"Nikmati kesendirian Anda. Pergilah keluar untuk makan malam, menghabiskan hari dengan menikmati kegiatan harian atau iseng ke museum sendirian. Banyak wanita yang takut terlihat sendiri dan menyedihkan, tetapi dalam kenyataan, seorang wanita yang melakukan apa yang dia ingin lakukan ketika ia ingin melakukannya akan terlihat percaya diri. Hal tersebut benar-benar seksi bagi lawan jenis," jelas Brenda Della Casa, penulis Cinderella Was a Liar.

Terbuka untuk menerima hubungan
"Jangan mengesampingkan kencan dengan teman dekat Anda. Terutama mereka yang mungkin tertarik kepada Anda. Selalu ada ketakutan untuk keretakan persahabatan Anda, tapi aku sudah belajar bahwa hal tersebut yang paling sukses, selama tidak ada kepura-puraan dalam rayuan. Anda dapat merasa aman mengetahui bahwa ia menyukai Anda karena mengenal diri Anda yang sebenarnya," ucap Alexandra Rodriguez, 20 tahun, Potomac, Md.

Ubah hidup Anda
"Jangan lupa bahwa rencana hidup Anda tidak ditulis dalam batu. Kisah hidup Anda ditulis di atas kertas yang dapat diubah. Terbukalah untuk orang baru dan setiap kejadian yang tidak Anda rencanakan dalam hidup,"


You can never have too many!


It's been a little too true in my world lately.  Just sayin'.

Memorial Day

Yesterday was Memorial day and most folks spent it at the beach, barbecuing , rioting or a combination of all three.  I spent my day gardening thinking of all the past yards and barbecues I attended with friends and family..  Most of the folks I spent them with are indeed gone and would require a visit to a cemetery as Memorial day dictates to actually "visit" them, or more specifically their remains.  I prefer to think of them which in some cases I do so daily remembering those who helped raise me or got me over and saw me through. More than anything else I wish I could say thank you.  I'd like to revisit but the last act or Our Town has always frightened me so.

Online Trading in Your Own Home

Online trading from a person's home can be an enjoyable and lucrative opportunity. More and more people who used to only trade the traditional way offline are now becoming virtual traders because of some proven advantages.

Be Your Own Boss
In any economy, many people would love to be their own boss but they don't know how to go about it or what type of business to start. But by trading online at home, even a new comer to the trading markets can set up his own office and work space and focus all his energies and attention on trying to earn a substantial living with his trades. It's also a convenient way to earn income as well. Thiss elf-employment aspect is extremely satisfying to a large group of people. And if a person already has significant experience with trading, he can still attempt to go at it alone at home and be successful like so many before him have.

Lower Costs Per Trade
Online trades from the privacy of a person's home invariably costs less per trade than traditional trading methods. It can be a highly profitable work at home career for the intelligent investor who knows the importance of conserving all possible costs associated with each trade. Trading at home allows people to coordinate their trades with an online brokerage firm, and the commission’s savings simply can't be surpassed.

Better Technology
Trading at home offers the benefits of utilizing state-of-the-art software and research tools to help traders take better advantage of current and forth coming trends and substantial profit opportunities. This software technology is intricately designed yet truly easy and straight forward to use. There's no question it greatly benefits any online trader who's handling his trades alone from home. He will definitely feel a greater sense of security and trust when using this technology during each trading session. His online trading confidence levels will also be much improved knowing he has the best possible tools at his disposal whenever he feels the need to use them.

Why Join Trading Education?
Studying at an online trading academy is one of the wisest steps to take to expand a trader's knowledge base. In a rather short span of time, he can learn all he needs to know about Forex trading, stock and options trading, plus any other areas of trading knowledge that he may have felt deficient in before enrolling in the trading academy. Highly experienced academicians and veteran traders design and teach the courses offered at the academy. The cost of completing the training requirements is quite reasonable as well. Without the advanced knowledge base offered at an academy, an at home trader can be at a distinct disadvantage from other online traders who have passed the academic disciplines involved in the study modules.

Interested in Cambodian Food?

Trying Cambodian food is a must when you're in Cambodia! Luckily there are many restaurants in Siem Reap so you will have plenty of opportunities to do so. For a first time encounter with Cambodian food, you might want to start with the national dish: amok. It is a curry of sorts, but with a much milder taste than Indian curry. Because it's also coconut based, amok is probably more comparable to Thai curries, although more mild. Does that mean it's not good? Not so! Although the flavor does not scream for attention, it has that subtle taste that is comforting and relaxing. There are no surprises with amok, just a simple and good hearty dish. Wow, I feel like a food critique, but never mind that. In short, I think amok is a dish that is worth trying while you're in Cambodia.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Ah Loong Grilled Fish (Crabs) Seafood Restaurant @ Kepong

There is this place that served the one of the best grilled crab in the soil and I always wanted to share it with all of you but it's located so far away and I couldn't frequent the place as much as I wish. Last week finally we have some free time and I grab my camera to get it cover for you guys.

I'm sure KL people are well aware of the Kepong area, and it is particularly famous with its grilled seafood. I'm not local to that area but I've been recommended on this particular restaurant, Ah Loong Grilled Fish Seafood Restaurant that's sandwiched between a good row of grilled seafood restaurant.

Ah Loong Grilled Fish Seafood Restaurant is a typical chinese run-down restaurant at the uptown of KL but continuously pouring out extremely good food. The restaurant layout is small but they make full use of the open space behind the shop (where I'm photographing) to squeeze in easily 30 over tables.

This is how it is typically looks like when you decide to pay them a visit on the weekend. Most of the tables are located open space, so you wouldn't want to come here if it's raining. When we reached by 8.30pm, the crowd is scary. It's on the weekend of course, but still the crowd continues filling all the tables till 10.00pm. Not all the tables belong to Ah Loong of course, but there are still a spectacular numbers that's belong to them. From the crowd, I'm sure you already know how good is this place. Let's go.

We made our order and waited for quite a while. The serving here is actually quite fast, depending on what you are ordering. Asking for grilled crab will takes a much longer time comparing to other dish, as they have limited grilled area. I've warned you but it's worth the wait, trust me. How long I've waited for our portion of grilled crab? Not longer than 1 hour...

We got ourselves a large orange juice to kill the thirst and it's keeping us afloat while waiting for our food. This glass of fruit juice cost RM6.00. Standard price everywhere, no problem.

First to come is the common fried rice that's priced at RM6.00 only. We ordered for a single person and the serving is huge! We check the price, RM6.00 is correct, but the portion is crazy! Go anywhere and order a fried rice that's RM6.00 that can match the size of this plate, I dont think you can find any out there. The fried rice is good, somehow we fancy friend rice when eating crabs, possibly influence from fatty crabs earlier. Nothing spectacular but you can skip the white rice and order this. It's good.

Next to come, we get into a little adventurous this time and took the recommended Yin-Yang Tofu priced at rather hefty RM24.00. If you are not someone that fancy Tofu then I don't recommend this dish. The white tofu is cold and quite raw in taste. The prawns served are also quite raw in taste. My wife basically didn't touch the white tofu and I have to wallop everything. That's a big tofu for a single person! While the black tofu is something more decent.

The colour looks a little scary but it's easier to eat. The cheesy buttered sauce that's served together help adding the flavour to the good black tofu. What is it made of? I'm not sure, but it's a nice plate of adventure for those that haven't try. For that price, I rather go get another plate of crabs!

After a long long wait and we are finally also complaining, the boss know that we are waiting for a long time, so everything I turn my head to them, they tell me it's coming. Small gesture, but at least I know that we are not forgotten.

Finally the grilled crabs are served and it's beautiful. Minimal order of crabs in this place is two crabs so we ask them for smaller one. This plate cost us RM38.00, reasonable charges to me. For grilled crabs, the colour of crabs served is fantastic showing that it's not overcooked and a check on the meat texture, it's not undercooked as well. It's done just perfectly well and the smell is irresistible. The crabs served are of salty taste, suppose to be some kind of marinate before grille and it's very delicious.

To me, most important point of eating crab is to make sure the crab served is fresh. How to identify? Basically for fresh crab, the meat wouldn't stick to the shell and the meat is still juicy. And that's what you will be expecting from this place. Fresh juicy, salty grilled crabs, it's so good that I nearly voted them serving the best crabs in Malaysia. I love the simple salty and sauceless style of cooking that allow me to taste exactly how the crabs suppose to taste. Maybe I'm a little exaggerated, but it's very nice. As said, good food is hard to describe in words and it's the same here. Everything goes together so well that me and my wife will just travel around the KL to this place for another bite. Try it out, but please prepare to wait, it will takes a while.

The bill totalled up to RM70.00 for both of us and as expected, there is no tax or whatsoever in this place. We normally don't mind having an expensive dinner but we are both equally disappointed with the Yin-Yang Tofu. For that price, we can easily order another grilled fish that guarantee more satisfying experience. Anyhow, the grilled crabs still manage to shut our mouth for the day and keep a smile as when we are travelling back home. This place serves much more than grilled crabs, and you can basically order everything recommended on the menu, I guarantee a special dining experience. We didn't order because there are only two of us. Given a choice, we will feast at this restaurant! Other highlights are such as grilled fish, salted egg crabs, kam heong crabs, fish steamed in nyonya style, lala soup, stir-fried four heavenly king, mussels, fried pig intestine, and etc. The list is endless, talk to the lady boss there, she will recommend.

Nearly forgotten, double thumbs up!

Ah Loong Grilled Fish Seafood Restaurant
Lot 12-14 Jalan Kelab
Jinjang Utara
52000 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 012 386 2832
Location Coordinate: N3 12.743 E101 39.495

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Not only does long hair allow you to generate great looks such as half up half down hairstyles and elegant updos, it's also the just right way to glass case luscious waves and cascading curls! You can also style your tresses in a braided updo. For a braided updo, divide your hair in two sections and braid. Once you have finished making the braids, coil them into a bun at the nape of the neck. This series features long hairstyles on round facial shapes. The key to good, long hairstyles on round facial shapes is to create a low-fat effect as well as possible softening features.







Shahid Afridi quits international cricket

Pakistan's captain at the 2011 World Cup, is reported by Geo TV in Pakistan to have announced his 'conditional' retirement from the international game. "When I took over, the Pakistan team was in the middle of the spot-fixing crisis," Afridi was quoted by the Geo TV channel and the Jang newspaper. "Then the Zulqarnain Haider case happened, but my side fought both against England and South Africa in the ODI series. Then we beat New Zealand in New Zealand, and we got to the semi-final of the World Cup, and beat the West Indies there as well. But the way I've been treated ... the future doesn't look too good. I can't play under a board that doesn't respect its players. Because of this, under protest, this is a conditional retirement.

Public Holidays in Cambodia for the Year 2011

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  • Public holidays in Cambodia Rough Guides
  • Public Holidays in Cambodia
  • Unhappy holidays for Cambodia's economy?
  • Cambodia Public Holidays 2011 Calendar
  • Public Holidays in Cambodia 2011
  • Public Holidays Ministry of Tourism
  • Cambodia Public Holidays 2011 Calendar

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