Saturday, July 16, 2011

1simpleplan is 2 year old

Last week marked the 2nd anniversary of this blog and it's another interesting year for me. I've done so much with blogging and it's truly inspirational to encourage me to do more everyday and live my life to fullest so I can continue updating this blog, even if there is only 1 person that read it. As explained earlier, I'm not expecting people to read my post, but it has been serving the purpose very well, which is to keep myself living the life that's given to me!

13th July 2010 till 12th July 2011 Life Journey Mosaic

Last year is truly inspirational and there are so many things happened. My lovely wife is conceived in November 2010 and we are expecting our first child anytime this month. Couldn't be happier, and so excited to have someone to call me daddy soon =) I also continue my aim to complete a marathon so I further pushed my limit and completed two half-marathon this year! Never thought I can do it, thanks to the support of my family & friends. My interest in cars & photography continues and I joined up more meet-up run with other car enthusiast and also I took the opportunity to upgrade my lens so I can get better photos for my family and you. With the family expanding and new chapter of life, I upgraded my wife's car and we are enjoying every moments of parenting for current time. I included a new category of parenting, hoping to give guidance to other parents from what we've learned in our journey, it's a true commitment in lifetime.

13th July 2010 till 12th July 2011 Food Journey Mosaic

Thank you everyone for continuing supporting my blog, and I promise to keep it updated as much as I'm able. I'm getting caught up with my new role in the family and company, but fortunately it's part of the discovery the better of myself. Cheers!

Statistics of

Total post: 173 posts
Automobile: 14 posts
Food: 79 posts
Life: 46 posts
Photography: 34 posts

Total visitor: 32,097 hits
Average visitors per day: 124 hits

Total page view: 44,511 views
Average page view per day: 172 views

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