Sunday, February 28, 2010

Tips On Controlling Diabetes

If you have diabetes then you know how important it is to try to keep it under control as best as you possibly can. There are many ways you can manage diabetes, and many things that you can do on your own. If you are on any kind of medication, you should be taking it every time you need to. Even if you are on a fixed income, there are many pharmaceutical companies that can supply you with medication at no cost to you, and the forms are pretty simple and straight forward.

If you are planning a trip, make sure that you plan ahead, and order more medication if needed. Be sure to bring along some kind of insulin pen, that doesn't need to be refrigerated, and travels well. Make sure that you have enough test strips, and make sure that the batteries for your monitoring equipment are fully charged, but bring extras from home in case you are on an extended stay.

Just because you have this disease, doesn't mean you can't eat at restaurants, but you have to be smart about your food choices. Read the ingredients closely, and try to stick with low calorie choices. You can have as many vegetables as you like, but should you choose to order a salad, make sure that you order the dressing on the side, then you can just dip the salad into it instead.

Enjoy your meal slowly, and try to take home any leftovers. You can also avoid over eating by ordering half meals if possible. Make sure that you monitor you levels, thirty minutes before eating, and an hour after meals. Also be careful that you are eating when you are supposed to, because if you aren't eating properly, this could lead to further problems later on.

Get regular exercise; a good cardiovascular work out can be in simple forms, such as walking or riding a bike. It is important that you get at least thirty minutes of exercise a day, whether at a gym, or at home. You need to maintain your weight and eat a healthy diet to prevent heart disease. Read the food labels when buying at grocery stores, check the calorie contents, what the portion sizes are, and stick to these to the letter.

There are many other valuable resources to help you manage your diabetes. You can find many helpful tips and information on the internet, as well as from your doctor. Make sure that you talk with your doctor before you change your diet or exercise routines, and keep in touch with him about your blood sugar levels, as well as your A1c hemoglobin number. This is important in case they need to up your medication dosage, or adjust it in other areas.

You don't have to let diabetes control your life, as long as you are doing what you need to do. Be informed about your diabetes, educate yourself, and those around you who may try to tempt you with things you know are bad for you. One last thing, people with this disease tend to have foot problems due to poor circulation, so you need to check your feet often, like with a mirror, after your bath or shower.

Friday, February 26, 2010

How To Remove Virus Protector Completely

What is Virus Protector? Virus Protector is a fake anti-spyware program that spreads through software exploits, usually via web browser vulnerabilities, but it may also trick people into downloading this useless software manually. When installed, Virus Protector starts loading many pop-ups with security-related content, and it runs exaggerated security scans and pops up fake warnings to trick you into buying the full licensed version of Virus Protector 2009.

Remove Virus Protector completely!
To remove Virus Protector from your computer, you can either go in manually and delete the necessary registry and program files, or you can install a program to do all that for you. The manual option is only recommended for the computer savvy users who truly understand how registry files work.

Deletion of the wrong programs could be disastrous to your computer. It is advised that you install an automatic spyware removal program that can detect Virus Protector and other malwares to delete. The program can safely remove all parts of this from your computer, and it can help prevent future infections. Installation is simple, and it's well worth any investment of time or funds that you may make.

Do not wait for your system to be further compromised, Remove Virus Protector Now! Once your computer is infected with this spyware it is crucial to remove it as soon as possible.

Generally speaking, there are two methods to prevent the attacks of Virus Protector. One is your self-protection awareness. Sometimes, if we are more careful, patient and prudent, we can simply get rid of the annoying of unwanted software. So please do not ignore suggestions from your friends or online experts. Think about it before you lead. The other is to use professional tool to remove Virus Protector. Admittedly, it is also the most effective and secure way available. With the help of professional program, we can be at ease with our PC security.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

And a good time was had by all......

this past Saturday evening was spent on a jolly spree. Well maybe jolly is overreaching, but imbibing was done. I found myself free and downtown late in the day with a distinct loathing to return home as normal. Having spent more than enough nights reclining on my davenport with a cable control close at hand, I opted to step out for a drink. Alas a series of quick calls through my cell phone's contacts list proved that I was to be drinking alone. To make it interesting I adapted the following game plan: I would visit a bar and leave only when I became annoyed by whatever company I encountered.

Bar One: Perfectly fine atmosphere, recently remodeled, (not quite finished) good natural light, unfortunately I was saddled with a bartender possessing all the people skills of a box of hair. Moreover, my presence seemed to irritate him as my ordering drinks and his having to serve them forced him three feet away from his boyfriend(also sitting at the bar) I opted to take my tip money elsewhere....

Bar two: Small neighborhood joint, I know the bartender from the gym. Within two minutes of striking up conversation, the patron on my left confesses to attending smokers anonymous, alcoholic's anonymous, survivors of incest anonymous and codependent's anonymous. Ummm, I left.

Bar Three: Upscale, great lighting, good bartenders, all incorporated into the high prices of the drinks. In the middle of my first glass of Shiraz a woman walks in takes in the crowd at the bar, takes in me sitting there as well, takes in the bartender, when all eyes are on her in return she disdainfully picks up a cocktail napkin and honks her nose long and hard enough to signal ships at sea. the bartenders look askance, the crowd stuck waiting for tables cringes and I finish my Shiraz as quickly as possible since "Madame" is now sitting next to me.

Bar Four: My usual drinking hole. THE END, We're two gin & tonics and two glasses of Shiraz in at this point and it did not end there.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Broga Hill Attempt

It's one of the weekend that I travelled back to KL to spend quality time with my family. Suddenly I felt like asking my wife to go conquer the famous Broga Hill. We have heard of the Broga Hill long long time ago but just do not have the time to go. So I quickly texted my friend, and he told me to reach there by 5am if I would like to catch the sunrise. Yeah, so I set my alarm clock and go to bed.

In the end, with my trusty GPS, we reached there 7.30am. Duh, oversleep! Nevermind, Better lightings for my photography session anyway =P

This is the entrance of the Broga Hill Trail and you can see the palm oil estate just right there. Normally people will pay and park at the palm oil estate. I rather save the money for something else, so I parked my car beside the road.

As we start, the trail is easy and luckily there is no rain at yesterday night or morning. Or else, it might be a little slippery. Lots of people do hiking here, so there is proper access and steps along the trail.

But some of the area is just dangerous, like above photos. There is a landslide, not sure when it happened, but it's dangerous considering we are just walking beside it.

The morning breeze and the greenery is very refreshing. We felt so energetic and I took time to snap some sunlight in the middle of the trail. Fantastic, that's how we should start the day.

And she is all gung-ho to hike all the way to conquer the Broga Hill that day. Let's look at her face again when we reached up there and you tell me the difference =P she is going to kill me. hehe ...

A look back after we reached the midhill, fantastic view. Can't help to snap another photo to remind myself the beauty of nature. Sunshine and it's starting to get hot, so we quickly move on.

After a little hiking work, we finally see the 1st Hill. That's lot of people up there. As we are going up, lots are moving down already because we have already missed the sunrise, so they looked surprise to see us going up instead. Yeah, oversleep ma ...

Just half way going up, the scene suddenly changed and it become fantastic. I quickly take a snap and it's just beautiful.

Broga Hill is so famous and beautiful is because the entire hill is full of these kind of grass. It's called Lalang Grass by Malaysian. My friends told me that Broga Hill is actually called Lalang Hill, another attempt of commercialisation? Sigh, but it works! Broga sounds much nicer!

As promised, that's how she looks like when she reached the 1st Hill =P I did the Mount Kinabalu last March, so this is an easy one. I spent most of my time snapping photos. hehe ...

After we reached the 1st Hill, I set-up my tripod and started shooting. These are the scenery that I captured. Hope you enjoy it =)

1st shot from the 1st Hill

The view of the 2nd Hill and the flat walkway from between 1st & 2nd Hill

The 1st Hill View

The 3rd Hill View

Magnificient View from the 2nd Hill

The famous Lalang Grass

On our way down, it's almost afternoon and the sunlight is so intense. I think the lightings are just incredible. I snapped the above with the blue sky behind.

It's hot so we quickly run down and catch a breakfast at Kajang before heading back. Good experience, hope I can do that everyday =)

Banjirku sayang, Banjirku malang

Dulu nih!, ada sebuah iklan yang sering bikin gw senyam -senyum sendiri didepan Tv. Sebuah produk rokok yang erat kaitannya sama banjir- banjiran.
Ceritanya tuh iklan, ada dua sekawan yang sibuk bahu- membahu memindahkan barang perabot rumah tangga ke lantai atas. Begitu selesai, mereka langsung buka baju dan memasang snorkle di wajah mereka. Abis itu, keduanya lompat keluar jendela lantai dua tanpa ngerasa takut sedikit pun. Rupanya, mereka udah tau, kalo itu saatnya banjir datang. Dan mereka udah yakin bakal mendarat di permukaan air.

Kalo ngeliat ekspresi wajah mereka itu, kayaknya mereka beneran enjoy kebanjiran. Karena, bisa jadi, mereka menganggap banjir adalah suatu berkah. Satu bentuk rekreasi gratisan yang memang pantas ditunggu. Tapi, tentunya dengan segala persiapan.
Jujur aja, gw sempet juga ngerasa kayak mereka. Tepatnya pas gw masih duduk di kelas 6 SD. Saat itu, rumah gw di Harapan Baru kebanjiran. Ada tanggul yang jebol, dan air mengalir memenuhi jalan. Alhasil, rumah gw berubah jadi kolam renang setinggi pinggang.
Waktu itu, gw seneng banget. Gw bisa ngerasain berenang bareng temen- temen gratisan. Basah- basahan. Ketawa bareng temen- temen. Asik, deh!

Pas gw SMA, anggapan itu nggak berubah. Gw tetep seneng sama yang namanya banjir. Bukannya kampungan, nih!. Kebetulan, sekolah gw waktu itu Daerahnya rawan banjir. Kalo ada hujan lumayan deres, kerendem deh tuh sekolah. Dan, kalo udah banjir, biasanya sekolah di liburkan. Jadi, banjir udah dianggap hari besar sama gw dan temen- temen.
Tapi, beberapa tahun kemudian gw jadi nggak begitu suka sama yang namanya banjir. Titik tolaknya pas Jakarta di landa banjir besar beberapa tahun silam. Awalnya sih, gw biasa aja pas denger berita jakarta bakal banjir. Tapi, pas banjirnya beneran dateng, gw kaget sendiri. Abis dimana –mana tingginya nyaris dua meter.

Sejak banjir bikin gw menderita, gw mutusin buat ngelupain kecintaan gw pada banjir di masa lalu. gw sadar juga sih, soalnya banyak barang gw dulu yang hilang saat banjir. Dan rusaknya mesin mobil bokap gw gara- gara terendam air. Itu semua nggak bisa terbayar dengan enjoy berenang gratis dan libur dadakan yg sempet gw rasain.

Itu baru gw, belum tetangga- tetangga gw. Dan gw yakin mereka ngerasain hal yang sama. Tapi, banjir besar itu lumayan bawa berkah. Pemerintah jadi dag,dig,dug setiap musim hujan datang. Maklum, pejabat- pejabatnya udah terlanjur janji akan mengendalikan banjir semaksimal mungkin. Hasilnya, meski belum berhasil total, tapi udah kelihatan usaha mereka untuk mencegah terjadinya banjir.
Baru- baru ini, ada berita yang cukup menyedihkan soal banjir. Malah, ada yang sampe meninggal karena banjir kiriman.
Gara-gara kejadian itu, baru deh pemerintah setempat sibuk cuap-cuap. Mulai sibuk memikirkan pengendalian banjir biar Nggak terulang di masa depan.
Ngelihat hal kayak gini, gw jadi bertanya dalam hati, "kapan ya pemerintah kita bisa aktif menggelar program penanggulangan bencana??? Masa harus nunggu bencana dateng dulu sih, baru bertindak. Kan nggak seru jadinya."
itu pertanyaan gw. Ada yang bisa ngejawab??? (kid-oest News)

Favorite Celebrity
Jennifer Aniston.Glamour Reel Moments Short Film Series Presented by Cartier - Arrivals.Director's Guild.Los Angeles, California United States.October 17,

Celebrity hairstyles

Celebrity fringe
Celebrity fringe hairstyles Heidi Klum

Short celebrity
Katie Holmes has opted for similar short hairstyle, however hers is simply short hair cut with a small flip in the front which gives her face a cute and young look.Short celebrity hairstyles are for straight as well as all short hairstyles look chic, sexy and stylish.

Influence Of Celebrity
How often do we stare at the pictures of celebrities and wish their looks be ours? We wish to copy their hairstyles in a bid to look more glamorous. Copying celebrity hairstyles is not a tough task in today’s world.

Best Celebrity
Medium hair style is one of the most popular choice of hair style among the woman today. It is not too long and easy to maintain and not to short so you can chose many different color. Check out the medium hair style above and see what suit your style is


Long Celebrity

celebrity hairstyles
Browse pictures of updos in beauty magazines, hair magazines, celebrity news magazines, and online websites. Most salons carry quite a few magazines that include formal hairstyles. This practice will help you to decide what you want before you get started. Quite often, selecting the hairstyle takes longer than actually having your hair styled.

Celebrity hairstyles
Celebrity hairstyles Jessica Simpson summer hair

Big hair day

big cleavage,
Want serious volume like this? "Apply mousse to dry hair," says Ashley Javier, a celebrity stylist for Herbal Essences. "It adds bulk and body to limp strands." Comb mousse through from root to tip. Fluff with fingers for a tousled look. Try Herbal Essences Body Envy Volumizing Mousse, $3.

Angelina Brings Back
It's official: big hair is back. In a big way. The new cover of Vanity Fair magazine features a busty, pregnant Angelina Jolie with absolutely fabulous 1960s Brigitte Bardot hair. And her recent red carpet appearances have also been featuring pretty elaborate hairdos, which have included some strategic backcombing.

She has really big
She has really big hair

Hair Trend Big
2009 Summer Haircuts. Great looks in hair trends for 2009 summer haircuts. Short hair is always a favorite look for summer hairstyles. Its so easy to rock a short look without the weight of long hair during the summer months. One of the great things about a short look for the summer, if you cut your hair in June you’re hair will probably be back long by Sepetemebr or October. Trying out a trend for the sesason look below for the hottest styles of haircuts.