Monday, November 23, 2009

Twitter and SEO Tips

It would be wise to know some Twitter SEO Tips given that most Web experts predict that search engines will be able to provide search results in real-time in the near future.

Companies are already beginning to optimize their Twitter profiles to start building quality links that will rank high with the search engines however; the concept is relatively new to most Twitter users who are using Twitter to help their online business gain visibility. If you are interested in getting on board, here are a few Twitter SEO Tips to help you get started.

Creating a Username: Create a Twitter username that reflects your business instead of using a nickname that does not really describe what you are all about. The username you choose must have 2 things: it must be easy to remember and must include a relevant keyword.

Make Your Account Name Different from Your Username: The username you choose should also reflect the nature of your business. It is a good idea to create an account name that is different from your username to make optimum use of keywords and further promote your business.

Optimize Your Profile: One of the best Twitter SEO Tips is optimizing your profile by using relevant keywords. This includes the meta description that tells people about your expertise and your business. You want to make the most of this description line since it is frequently indexed where others can view it.

Optimize Every Tweet: Given that many predict that search engines such as Google will make tweets available in real-time, this means that you should be using keywords related to your area of expertise and industry in your message. Make sure you do this strategically and do not overstuff the message with keywords because this will be viewed as spam. Just remember to maintain high quality content and strategically placed keywords.

User-Friendly Retweets: Create your tweets so that they are easy for others to resend. In order to allow other users to retweet your message, do not use the maximum number of characters. The object of the game is to tweet with keywords and high quality content and design your message to be user friendly for retweets.

Use TinyURLs: In order to direct Twitter users back to your content, use shortened links. Shorten URL links have significant SEO value since SEO is partially about building high quality links. Twitter can also help your Alexa ratings if you are successful in sending users back to your website.

Although practicing good Twitter SEO Tips will help to set your business up for the future of search engines, keep in mind you must also continue to practice consistent communication with your followers and other members of the Twitter community.

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