Thursday, December 31, 2009

How To Have A Great Network Marketing System

When you are getting into the MLM business or industry, you need to have an effective MLM system in place so that you can ensure yourself success when it comes to promoting and direct selling your products. Now, there are many ways to do this and it will really be similar to setting up any kind of business. The difference is that you will need to work harder than usual; but if it is for success and profit, this shouldn’t be a problem at all. Here are things you need to keep in mind when you are developing your MLM system.

Quick Note: Starting a business is tricky and hard at times but if you are ready to start then the get the best kept secrets to succeeding online with your network marketing business. Get TheMLM Training System online that will get you where you need to be, and with the best kept MLM Training System online you can start making cash faster and easier. Make sure you go get your MLM Secrets Training Today.

Make sure that you know your market – This means that you should enable yourself to be found by your customers. Having the Internet at your fingertips makes this less of a problem. You should use all sorts of web tools and sites to make this possible. Some examples include Google Adwords, search engines, social networks, forums, etc. You can use these things to redirect people to your own site and offerings.

Landing page – If you really want to get people interested in your MLM project, make sure that they have a place where they can go to online to check out all your services and what your MLM plan is all about. This is an essential piece of the MLM system that you need to prepare before you start your business. Having it this way makes seeing your money and commision rates and seeing the true vision of your business that you have set up.

Build trust – Whether you are building trust with a consumer or an MLM rep that is interested in becoming a part of your downline, you need to be able to communicate with that person. Build a good relationship through email, through the phone, or through newsletters and blog entries where you can communicate with interested parties.

Build a sales page – You need this as a part of your MLM system so that people who are interested can get in contact with you at any time. It is also important that you be able to respond quickly to all the inquiries that are made about your MLM products and plans.

Offer duplication – This simply means that you need to be able to offer interested parties the ability to be able to duplicate the program or system that you have in place. You can do this by offering training through videos and materials or even through chat or video sessions. This is a great way to build relationships with the people interested in what you are doing in the MLM industry.

Affiliate – Your customer should also have a means to promote their own MLM business and you can do this by affiliating your products with theirs. Of course, your products will have a much better chance of being sold if they are related to the products of your customers. That way, the sales will be mutually beneficial between the two of you or between you and all your customers.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Di Balik Logo Mobil

Penasaran sama sejarah logo mobil??? Baca artikel di bawah buat tau arti dan sejarah logo- logo mobil!

Audi AG Company terbentuk dari konsorsium otomotif asal jerman pada tahun 1932 : DKW, Horch, Wanderer dan Audi. Makanya logo yang dipilih sebagai lambang perusahaan bary ini adalah 4 lingkaran yang saling beririsan. Nama Audi yang mengiringi logo sempet di hilangkan sesaat setelah Perang Dunia I berakhir. Namun pada tahun 1965 nama tersebut dimunculkan kembali.

Bayerische Motoren Werke (BMW) awalnya bukanlah sebuah perusahaan otomotif. Perusahaan ini didirikan guna mendukung produksi pesawat terbang buat kebutuhan militer jerman. Produk utamanya hingga tahun 1918 adalah mesin pesawat terbang. Dari sinilah asal logo yang dipake hingga saat ini. Logo tersebut melambangkan baling- baling pesawat terbang dan warna biru mewakili langit.

· Mercedes Benz
Mobil- mobil Mercedes sekarang ini dianggap salah satu yang mendominasi pasar sedan mewah dunia. Kemungkinan besar itu ada pengaruhnya dari logo yang dipake sejak tahun 1909. Logo bintang bermata tiga melambangkan dominasi di darat, laut, udara. Pada tahun 1926 logo ini sempat di lengkapi dengan mahkota sebagai tanda partnership dengan perusahaan otomotif Benz. Logo yang ada kayak saat ini mulai dipake sejak tahun 1937.

Sewaktu Andre Citroen mendirikan perusahaan ini pada tahun 1919 di paris, perancis. Produk pertamanya bukan berupa mobil. Cita- citanya membangun perusahaan otomotif besar dimulai dengan memproduksi gir roda. Makanya logo yang dipake perusahaan ini menyerupai 2 anak panah yang bertumpuk. Logo ini melambangkan gerigi pada gir roda. Mobil pertamanya diproduksi nggak lama setelah itu.

Sewaktu perang dunia I, italia memiliki pilot penerbang tangguh bernama Francesco Baracca, pesawat yang di terbangkan mudah di kenali lantaran ada logo berupa gambar kuda jingkrak. Setelah sang pilot gugur, ortunya pengen agar pejuang ini tetap di kenang. Salah satu caranya adalah memaksa Enzo Ferrari buat memasang logo kuda jingkrak pada mobil balap produksinya. Belakangan logo ini jadi trademark Ferrari.

Jangan di kira logo salah satu perusahaan otomotif terbesar asal jepang ini cemen. Meski bentuknya tuh kayak bunga tulip, tapi bukan dari situ asalnya. Logo yang di ciptakan dari desainer top jepang, Rei Yoshimara, ini menggambarkan sayap yang sedang berkembang. Kalo mau di maknai, logo ini melambangkan kreativitas dan fleksibilitas Mazda.

Yataro Iwasaki membangun perusahaan besar ini pada tahun 1870 sebagai pembuat kapal laut. Makanya logo perusahaan yang dipake sejak saat itu berbentuk kayak tiga berlian, yang nggak lain mewakili baling- baling kapal. Mitsubishi sendiri artinya adalah tiga roda berputar. Mobil pertamanya di produksi tahun 1917.

Kalo orang perancis dianggap punya rasa nasionalisme yang tinggi rasanya nggak salah juga. Buktinya, Armand Peugeot memakai singa sebagai logo perusahaan otomotif yang didirikan pada tahun 1882. Singa tadi nggak lain adalah lambang dari kota Belfort, tempat perusahaan ini berada . logo Peugeot sekarang ini , yang dipake sejak tahun 1989, merupakan modifikasi yang ke- 10.

Sebelumnya perusahaannya sendiri berkibar, Ferdinand Porsche sempet terlibat dalam proyek pengembangan Mercedes serta VW. Akhirnya pada tahun 1948, Engineering Office berdiri di kota Stuttgart, Jerman. Lambang kota Stuttgart pun dipake sebagai logo dalam bentuk perisai kecil di tengah. Sedangkan perisai yang besar merupakan lambang dari kerajaan Wurttemberg, cikal bakal Jerman.

Subaru bisa di artikan sebagai komstelasi enam bintang, atau dalam bahasa Jepangnya : Mutsuraboshi. Logo Subaru merupakan konstelasi bintang tadi yang terdapat pada rasi Taurus. Kemungkinan logo ini mempresentasikan sejarah perusahaan holding-nya yang terbentuk dari 5 perusahaan kecil menjadi 1 perusahaan besar bernama Fuji Heavy Indrustries. Makanya ada 5 bintang kecil dan 1 bintang besar pada logonya.

Awalnya logo Toyota nggak kayak yang kita kenal sekarang . logonya tuh berupa huruf kanji. Lantas sekitar tahun ’80- an, logo tadi berubah dengan bentuk kayak seorang koboi dengan topinya yang besar. Sebenarnya logo ini adalah gabungan dari 3 buah elips. Elips- elips ini mewakili customer, produk, serta perkembangan teknologi tanpa batas. (Kid-oest News : dari berbagai sumber)

Bridal Hairstyles
You’re curls are part of you, and they should play a leading role in your wedding day style! The key to getting this look right is achieving maximum fullness and luxuriously soft, super glossy curls.

Making a Big
Hair is much more than just a beauty feature. The way you choose to wear it is telling of you, your personality, and your lifestyle. Maybe that’s why we see a lot of women at the salon who come in wanting to really shake up their life by shaking up their look. No “just a trim” for these clients. What they want is a hair makeover that will illicit “wow!” from everyone they know.

big with her
Bright eyes, gorgeous dress and beautiful hair are all that sets a star to shine at Oscar. There many preparations done by them for this complete look at Oscar from head to toe.
Check out few hairstyles, which added to the glamour on red carpet.

big waves. 2009
A blowout with body looks more modern than a stick-straight one. Begin by blow-drying the hair straight with a round brush, then part it on the side and, using large hot rollers, coil small sections of hair under, rolling them up toward your part. Then use a paddle brush to coax the curls into a few big waves.

Big 80's Hair
For summer 2009 hairstyles we can expect to see many styles that show off a woman’s best feature, her decollete
(neck and chest area). Stylish looks such as bobs, updos, and even 80’s hair made a big splash on the runway for this season.

Trendy Haircuts with
Blunt or angled, curly or straight, no matter what kind of hair you have, you still can wear bangs. From superstars like Liv Tyler and Janet Jackson to top super models like Heidi Klum, Tyra Banks and Elle McPherson we’re seeing some big bangs! Check this photos and get an idea for your Fall and winter hairstyles of 2009.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Creating an Effective Master Resume

If you've been submitting resumes for many different types of positions, you could certainly benefit from a master resume. Master resumes allow you to organize the different sections of your resume in a clear way, and let you change out key bits of information or certain sections of the resume before submitting your resume to a potential employer.

A master resume provides a great way to create quick, specific resumes for different jobs, especially if you're applying to positions in more than one field. If this sounds like something you may want to create yourself, here are a few tips to help you get started ...

Create a Headline that "Pops"
Your first order of business is to create a headline for your resume (if submitting online) and make it one that "pops." A plain headline is exactly that--plain--and you'll be far more successful if your headline pops out and gives the potential employer a reason to hire you. A headline that simply reads, "Sales Reprentative" is plain, and is more of a waste of space on a resume than anything else. Instead, try using something with more of a personal, professional touch, such as "Your Sales Representative For A Great Return On Investment." What's great about the master resume is that once you create the headline in your first one, you could use its creative wordplay to create other great headlines.

Setting Up an Expertise Section
The expertise section is another part of the master resume that offers flexibility so that you can switch out information as needed. You can either leave this section titled as such, or change it slightly. In either case, you want to develop this section to show your employers the various skills you've picked up over the course of your career. Your master resume can be used to switch out the subcategories of this section of your resume.

Creating a Section for Your Credentials
Depending on the job you're applying for, your credentials may be relevant in some instances and irrelevant in others. Another advantage of a master resume is that it's easy to create a section where credentials can be changed out or added in, which improves the overall quality of the document.

Titling Your Master Resume
Once you've created the resume that you think could stand as the master that you base your other versions of off, it's good to give it a title such as "DoeJane_MasterResume" so that you'll always know that it is not the copy you should send out to employers and instead it is your resume template.

What's great about a master resume is that you're essentially creating a resume template that starts off specific to you, instead of forcing you to fill in the blanks from someone else's resume. So if you think that this type of resume will help you be able to send out number versions to different employers, then it's not a bad idea to get started on yours today.

Monday, December 28, 2009

big hairstyles
As for ideas for looks for the big night, there’s no better place to look than the red carpet. Prom season just happens to occur right after Hollywood’s big awards shows. Coincidence? We don’t think so. Following are some of this year’s best red carpet hairstyles that can be adopted for prom.

2009 Prom Short Hair
Since short hair is a very popular 2008 hairstyle, here are a few pictures of 2008 short prom hairstyles. You can create waves, curls, wear it straight or add a flower for soft sexy touch. Or even a crown.

Ali Landry
Celebrity actress Ali Landry hosts The First Hot Moms Party with long hair in waves. A hot iron and styling products are used to create big, end-to-end spiral curls.

100dC Steamboat, Teppanyaki & BBQ Restaurant

My wife tried out a new steamboat shop in Kuchai Lama and she wanted to bring me over. It's called 100 degree Celcius Steamboat, Teppanyaki & BBQ Restaurant (100dC), funny name but I suppose it means water boiled at 100dC. People are queuing around the shop and we are lucky to get a table for two immediately.

The shop is spacious, clean and stylish. Immediately I scouted around the menu and start ordering, we are starving. The first page explains the restaurant concept, but I got no time to read! I need food ...

Being a special steamboat shop, it offers a total of 9 type of soup base for you to choose, including Original Soup, Tom Yam Soup, Curry Soup, Fish Head Soup, Porridge Soup, Golden Porridge Soup, Herb Soup, Bak Kut Teh Soup, and Thai Sour & Spicy Soup. Phew, long list, but good to know =) Not sure if I missed out anything here ... hehe ...

A choice of the Pick-and-Grill section. The food is also available in the menu, unless you would like to choose your own fresh food as shown above. Looks yummy, especially the meat stick.

Sauce section. Multiple choice of sauces to supplement your food. Someone need to guard the table, so I sent my wife!

My wife made her choice and took back as above. I'm a tradition man, just like the normal chilies =) The rest are too exciting for me. Hehe ...

We wanted to try out other choices, so we opted for the 100dC Sliced Beef Steamboat Set at RM22.80 for a single person. Where is the beef? It comes with next plate of following photo.

The beef is sliced in generous portion for a single person. Seriously, the entire portion is big and I don't think it's for a single person, unless you are really hungry. We wanted to order other grill stuff, so ...

Each single steamboat set only provide you with a single pot and single type of soup. We opted for the Bak Kut Teh because of the recommendation from the waitress. He said he takes Bak Kut Teh soup every night after work. The soup is normal, not too strong but it get very tasty after we mixed up the food & vegetables. Wonder why he choose Bak Kut Teh every night, is it other soups not nice? Not sure, shall try others next time.

One funny thing, the shop name is 100dC but the electronic boiler control allow you to throw in from 0dC all the way up to 240dC!! You will see the soup boil immediately, it's the first shop that allow me to set such a high temperature. Most of the time, I would stay at 80dC till 140dC, from keeping warm to cooking. Really need 240dC? But nice to play though =)

We love fish, so we took up the Grilled Stingray at RM16.80. We chose the Nyonya sauce and it's almost similar to what you got outside. The fish is fresh and again, the portion is very huge. We almost couldn't finish everything!

For drinks, I took up my favourite, Yam Pearl Milk Tea at RM4.50. Cheap for a restaurant like this but not a good choice if you are thirsty.

My wife took up the Honey Milk Longan at RM4.50. It's too sweet, and funny, they use Chinese longan type for this, thought expecting the white longan. Funny.

The total bill round up to RM51.05 including 5% service charge. A considerable cheap dinner for two adults! I thought it would cost more than RM60 considering their decoration and ambience. I've tried many steamboat restaurant, including the Shabu Shabu One Plus (premium steamboat restaurant) and the famous steamboat restaurant in Sri Petaling. This shop steamboat food is so-so only. No doubt a good try for cheap and quick dinner. It's nice for a little gathering & chit chat session as well.

Will I be back? I don't think so. I would just prefer the more traditional chinese steamboat restaurant nearby my place at Sri Petaling. I'm always looking into food quality, so it's preference. You might like this shop, so try it out.

100dC Steamboat, Teppanyaki & BBQ Restaurant
Location Coordinate: N3 05.448 E101 41.398

Yes treat those toes tenderly....

That's my New Years resolution for 2010, especially in light of recent developments. I managed to drop a 45lb plate on Both by big toes while working at the gym two weeks ago and am STILL recovering. Luckily nothing was broken but Lordy it ain't fun walking let alone trying to attempt any type of cardio!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Types of Bonds

You may be thinking about investing your money into bonds. These are viewed as being less risky than the share market, as companies or governments guarantee them. Government bonds are seen to be the most secure of all bonds, as it is more likely that a corporation could go bankrupt before the government. When you take out a bond, you are actually loaning money to that organization or government entity and they will pay back to you your initial investment plus the additional money you earn for lending them your money. Make sure that you consider what is the best investment for you situation. Treasury bonds are possibly the most common bonds you have heard about.

These are in the news a lot as the Uncle Sam is raising money to bail out the economy from the recent financial crisis. These are long term so you need to be prepared to invest your money, most likely for more than 10 years. This type of investment is viewed as one of the safest that you can make. These bonds are sometimes called T-Bonds.

Similar to treasury bonds are agency bonds. Agency bonds are issued by U.S. Government agencies. These bonds are not viewed as being as safe as treasury bonds are. Although these are backed by the U.S. Government they are not guaranteed by the U.S. Government, unlike the treasury ones which are guaranteed. Another type of these are municipal bonds. These bonds are issued by state, local or city governments to raise funds to provide services to the community. These services include roads, schools, community centers and many more. The good thing about these bonds is that are generally exempt from taxes on the interest they earn and your investment is providing worthwhile services to the community. These investments are secure, possible to the same extend that the agency ones are.

Corporate bonds are issued by private companies to raise cash. These bonds are not as safe as the government ones, so they will normally offer higher returns to make them more attractive to invest in. The zero-coupon bonds offer no interest (or coupons). You may think well why would you invest in these? The reason is that these are sold at a significant discount to what they are valued at. This means when they mature you get the value price when you sell them not what you paid for them, which can mean a huge profit to you.

The final type is very well known, it is the junk bond. This is known for giving higher returns or losing all you money, hence the name junk. This type is only those who are willing to take the high risk of losing everything, with the chance to get high returns instead.

Online Banking Benefits

Today, online banking is very wide spread and is used by many people. It provides the convenience of access that cannot be provided for by the bank in its bricks and mortar branches and provides a range of services that is difficult to obtain from one person at a local branch. With the improvements that have been made in technology such as with online security and ease of access from the internet, online banking has become very popular.

Online banking has seen a growth in the number of banks providing these services. The online banks fall mostly within two categories, traditional banks who also operate the bricks and mortar branches and the newer online only banks that only exist online and do not have any bricks and mortar branches. Traditional banks have entered the online market as a natural extension of their existing business. Initially they were slow to take up the internet but in recent years have made significant gains. You have the benefit of knowing that you have a well establish, trusted company who has proven themselves over many years.

Traditional banks have been putting a lot of functionality and information into their web sites as this is a far cheaper way for them to do business than their traditional bricks and mortar branches. The newer online only banks have identified early that the internet provided this low entry to market business opportunity. These banks do not have the history of the traditional banks, but they are governed by the same regulations as the traditional banks are. Since online only banks have lower costs than the traditional banks you will find them having lower fees and offering higher interest. By having an online bank account you can access it at your convenience. You can do this from anywhere in the world and you can be totally self sufficient in managing your banking payments and transfers. Online banking provides you with full audit trials and instant access to information. The information is standardized and this takes out the human error factor.

If you have a business, the standard commercial software is often support by online banking., which makes the necessary booking keeping easier to undertake. Online banking has provided customers with tremendous range of benefits through the use of internet technologies that were not available before with the bricks and mortar branches provided by the traditional banks.

5 Methods To Generate Instant Traffic For Your Website

Yahoo Answers. This is the most excellent manner to generate immediate traffic to your internet site. If you have a Yahoo account, you're good to start. If you don't, well, it'll take a minute or two to produce one. Go to and look for open questions regarding the topic that is the target of your page. You can make use of the built-in search operation. Once you locate an open question, reply the same to the top of your faculties and put down your website's link in the portion where your source is demanded for. Perform this with as many relevant open queries that you can see.

This method will succeed in two means. First, it will create direct traffic to your website because in a matter of 2 years, Yahoo Answers has become one of the web's premiere authority pages. Second, you will be able to create indirect traffic because Yahoo Answers' pages are taken by search engines in a matter of time, and if your URL's there, your page will be indexed just as efficiently well.

Digg it! If you have printed new subject, forward the same to If your subject is engaging and exciting enough, the viewers of the aforementioned website can choose the same by appropriating Digg points. If your content garners sufficient Digg points, it will show prominently well in the site's pages for millions of persons to browse.

Commenting on blogs. Go to popular blogs connected to the subject of your page. Say something on current blog statements and leave your link. Do this in a way that won't create your comments seem as spam. This tactic will work in two approaches, as it will create both direct and indirect traffic for your website similar to Yahoo Answers.

Snitching a spot at Technorati. If you have published new piece, tender the same to Categorize your piece under a proper tag. So here's the clincher: you can make whatever ticket you like. It may be a well-known, well-searched tag, or it may be a ground-breaking and novel label that no one has ever used previously. New pieces always appear at the top of the site corresponding to the stated tags.

The intangible my Wikipedia link. Wikipedia has immediately become one of the web's major resource sites. Search for the topic of your own website in the pages of Wikipedia. Find out if you can put in something that hasn't been discussed about the subject. If you do add something, leave your URL as link. There is no guarantee that your link will stay there for quite some time, but it's forever deserve the try provided the fantastic outcomes you can have from this strategy.

Why Do You Need Backlinks to the Website

Being on the first page of Google search results is the main target for a number of site owners. If your web site is listed in TOP10 results you will obtain tremendous amount of extremely targeted traffic which will result in sales, leads or whatever the purpose of the web site may be.

If you are targeting low value search phrases with less competition on the internet, usually it's rather easy to get on the first page simply by on site search engine optimization. Simply obtain a domain with your keyword in it, ensure your site's description, title, header and articles have the keyword. Generate good articles around associated keywords and voila! Sometimes even without a single backlink you can get on the first page of Google.

In all other situations my friends you will need to get as many inbound links to your website as possible in order to rank for keywords you target. Depending on the competition and the niche the number of backlinks may differ tremendously. You can use Yahoo Site Explorer to find out how numerous backlinks your competitors have, so you can have an idea how much time you will need to spend on link building.

Spying on your competitors isn't only going to provide information about number of links, but where these links are coming from. This is most worthwhile data you can get! Constantly make notes for all sites you'll be able to place the link on. Are those links are coming from related websites? Is your competitor utilizing article marketing or social bookmarking sites?

It could take some time to examine all that info, but it really worth it! You could realize that the keyword you're targeting may be too competitive and if you want to beat competition be ready to work hard for those much needed backlinks.

In any situation it always helps to find a way to get free backlink without spending a great deal of your time. Forget about contacting each website owner for a link trade! Not only Google de- value reciprocal links nowadays, most likely none to zero webmasters will answer your email.

The only occasion you need to try this approach may be if a website you are trying to place your link is very trustworthy in Google eyes, have sizable amount of visitors and what most important RELATED to your website. Then a backlink from this domain can benefit and you can try to email a website owner.

Bear in mind that the website owner or webmaster gets this type of emails everyday and you need to stand out from the crowd. Do your research first, what this web site is about, scan articles so you can prepare customized e-mail.

Better still do something good for the site owner first. Every webmaster wants to get free backlinks. Place a link on one of your sites first, preferably not on the same you're trying to promote. Write a unique article with a link to the website you are contacting and submit it to article directories. This way you will show webmaster that you did some work also and most likely he will agree to mention your web site and give you a link.

New Body Painting Gallery Pictures

New Body Painting Gallery Pictures
This is new blog post about New Body Painting Gallery Pictures.

Body Painting Style

Body Painting Style
This is new blog post about Body Painting Style.

Body Painting Gallery Pictures

Body Painting Gallery PicturesThis is new blog post about Body Painting Gallery Pictures.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Emma Hack Body Painting

Emma Hack Body PaintingThis is new blog post about Emma Hack Body Painting.

Extreme Body Painting Pictures

Extreme Body Painting PicturesThis is new blog post about Extreme Body Painting Pictures.

Origin Body Painting Pictures

Origin Body Painting PicturesThis is new blog post about Origin Body Painting Pictures.

Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas

Let's all hope that next year all of our troubles really will be out of sight.

In the mean time, you all try and enjoy yourselves, you hear me ?!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

PERMANENT by Riot Productions

PERMANENT @ Infusion
2nd Jan 2010

A union of steel and flesh, the art of ink and skin – PERMANENT will dispel the taboos surrounding the world of counter-culture in Singapore.

Join us for a New Year party like you’ve never seen before at the aptly-named Infusion, and prepare to experience a mesmerising night of art where the skin becomes the canvas. With live tattooing and piercing exhibitions and sessions from four of the foremost tattoo studios in Singapore, as well as professional skin airbrushing, Henna painting, and a mind-blowing graffiti showcase, we promise an evening that will be permanently seared into your mind.

Location: 16A Dempsey Road, Infusion
Doors Open: 9.30pm
Door Tickets: $18
Presale Tickets: $16
Each ticket entitles to 1 free drink and 1 airbrush tattoo
For Presale Tickets please contact Kenneth Sim @ 9691 0569

Participating Tattoo/Art Studios:
Immortal Tattoos
2) Primitive Art Piercing & Tattoo Studio
Visual Orgasm
4) Art Inflict
5) Attic Gothic Lolita Punk
6) Path (Body Art & Special Effects)

Event is gonna be a tattoo exhibition/new year party.
Activities going on are the following:
1) Live Tattooing from all studios
2) Live Piercing (Walk-in)
3) Airbrush
4) Henna
5) Body painting showcase
6) Body Piercing showcase
7) Graffiti showcase
8) Live spinning by DJ Nel of Riot Productions

*send your questions to

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Anaconda : Rajanya Ular

Naga boleh jadi dianggap ular terbesar di bumi ini. Sayang mereka Cuma mitos. Di dunia nyata ada dua ular yang bersaing memperebutkan gelar ular terbesar yaitu Phyton dan Anaconda. Phyton menang di kategori ular terpanjang sementara Anaconda menang di kategori ukuran badan. Sebesar apa sih nih ular???


Dalam keluarga ular, anaconda termasuk dalam keluarga ular boa. Ini berarti anaconda menggunakan badannya yang besar dan kuat untuk melilit mangsa sampe mereka kehabisan napas sebelum kemudian di telan. Meski besar dan cukup kuat untuk menelan manusia, anaconda jarang sekali melakukan hal seperti ini (meskipun dalam penelitian pernah ada kejadian seperti ini).
Anaconda lebih senang memakan mahluk air seperti ikan, kiaman (sejenis buaya sungai), dan ular lain. Mahluk darat yang di incarnya adalah rusa dan macan tutul. Dalam memburu mangsanya, anaconda menggunakan kemampuannya mengendap- endap dan mengejutkan mangsa. Taktik ini di pakai karena tubuh besarnya nggak bisa bergerak cepat.
Mirip ular lain, anaconda juga dilengkapi gigi tajam. Bedanya gigi- gigi itu nggak digunakan untuk mengunyah dan nggak ada racunnya. Gigi anaconda hanya dipake untuk menggigit mangsa supaya mereka nggak bergerak dan kabur dari lilitan badan. Tapi gigitan itu nggak akan berakibat fatal, kecuali kalo gigitannya nggak bisa lepas!.

Di hutan- hutan amerika selatan, anaconda biasa mencari mangsa di sungai. Meski termasuk predator dan suka memburu, anaconda termasuk binatang yang pemalu dan penyendiri sehingga nggak sering terlihat. Makin susah di temui, karena gemar berkamuflase dengan lingkungannya baik di rawa maupun di wilayah berair lainnya di hutan.
Berdasarkan laporan sejarah, para penjelajah Eropa di amerika selatan pernah bilang kalo mereka pernah melihat anaconda raksasa sepanjang 100 kaki (30 meter lebih). Beberapa pendudukl asli Amerika selatan juga mengaku pernah melihat anaconda berukuran 50 kaki ( 15 meter). Tapi banyak peneliti mengatakan kalo ini semua Cuma mitos belaka. Tapi sampai saat ini belum pernah di temui anaconda berukuran seperti yang di laporkan.
Mitos anaconda raksasa terjadi karena orang hanya menilai dari kulit yang di tinggalkan anaconda. Nah, kulit- kulit ini bakal memuai ke ukuran yang jauh melebihi ukuran anaconda asli. Nggak heran kalo banyak orang salah mengira.
Udah gitu nih ular hidupnya di sungai sehingga menyusahkan mata awam untuk ngeliat ukuran sebenarnya waktu mereka sedang berenang. Makin susah karena anaconda senang banget menyembunyikan sebagian badannya di air. Ini membuat banyak peneliti sulit menemukan secara akurat ukuran mereka sebenarnya. Untuk mendapat ukuran asli, orang harus menagkap anaconda kemudian di bawa ke darat dan di ukur. Lantas siapa yang mau terjun ke sungai menangkap ular segede gaban yang bisa menelan kita bulat- bulat???

Untungnya ada orang “gila” yang mau berbuat nekad dan berurusan dengan anaconda demi alasan ilmu pengetahuan. Dr. Jesus Rivas peneliti dari Venezuela ngabisin belasan tahun untuk mencari tahu rahasia anaconda di hutan- hutan Amerika Selatan. Hasil penelitiannya termasuk beberapa hal di bawah ini :
· Anaconda punya perbedaan ukuran yang paling besar antara jantan dan betinanya di semua binatang vertebrata (bertulang belakang). Ular jantan berukuran seperlima dari betinanya.
· Ketika kawin, sejumlah besar ular jantan yang lebih kecil akan bergabung mendekati satu ular betina membentuk sebuah bola. Mereka akan berkompetisi untuk mengawin betina tersebut.
Anaconda juga menunjukan perubahan masa biologis yang mengejutkan dari mulai lahir sampe dewasa. Ini merupakan hal istimewa ketimbang ular jenis lain. (Kid-oest News : dari berbagai sumber)

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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Jadwal Piala Dunia South Africa 2010

jadwal dibawah ini termasuk skema babak gugur hingga babak final. (waktu dalam WIB dan hak siar oleh RCTI dan Global TV). berikut jadwalnya :

Grup A:
11 Juni 2010
21:00 Afrika Selatan v Meksiko, Soccer City, Johannesburg
12 Juni 2010
01:30 Uruguay v Prancis, Cape Town Stadium, Cape Town

17 Juni 2010
01:30 Afrika Selatan v Uruguay, Loftus Versfeld Stadium, Pretoria
17 Juni 2010
18:30 Prancis v Meksiko, Peter Mokaba Stadium, Polokwane

22 Juni 2010
21:00 Meksiko v Uruguay, Royal Bafokeng Stadium, Rustenburg
21:00 Prancis v Afrika Selatan, Free State Stadium, Bloemfontein

Grup B:
12 Juni 2010
18:30 Argentina v Nigeria, Ellis Park Stadium, Johannesburg
21:00 Korea Selatan v Yunani, Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, Port Elizabeth

17 Juni 2010
21:00 Argentina v Korea Selatan, Soccer City, Johannesburg
18 Juni 2010
01:30 Yunani v Nigeria, Free State Stadium, Bloemfontein

23 Juni 2010
01:30 Yunani v Argentina, Peter Mokaba Stadium, Polokwane
01:30 Nigeria v Korea Selatan, Moses Mabhida Stadium, Durban

Grup C:
13 Juni 2010
01:30 Inggris v Amerika Serikat, Royal Bafokeng Stadium, Rustenburg
13 Juni 2010
18:30 Aljazair v Slovenia, Peter Mokaba Stadium, Polokwane

18 Juni 2010
21:00 Inggris v Aljazair, Cape Town Stadium, Cape Town
19 Juni 2010
01:30 Slovenia v Amerika Serikat, Ellis Park Stadium, Johannesburg

23 Juni 2010
21:00 Amerika Serikat v Aljazair, Loftus Versfeld Stadium, Pretoria
21:00 Slovenia v Inggris, Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, Port Elizabeth

Grup D:
13 Juni 2010
21:00 Jerman v Australia, Moses Mabhida Stadium, Durban
14 Juni 2010
01:30 Serbia v Ghana, Loftus Versfeld Stadium, Pretoria

18 Juni 2010
18:30 Jerman v Serbia, Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, Port Elizabeth
19 Juni 2010
18:30 Ghana v Australia, Royal Bafokeng Stadium, Rustenburg

24 Juni 2010
01:30 Australia v Serbia, Mbombela Stadium, Nelspruit
01:30 Ghana v Jerman, Soccer City, Johannesburg

Grup E:
14 Juni 2010
18:30 Belanda v Denmark, Soccer City, Johannesburg
21:00 Jepang v Kamerun, Free State Stadium, Bloemfontein

19 Juni 2010
21:00 Belanda v Jepang, Moses Mabhida Stadium, Durban
20 Juni 2010
01:30 Kamerun v Denmark, Loftus Versfeld Stadium, Pretoria

25 Juni 2010
01:30 Denmark v Jepang, Royal Bafokeng Stadium, Rustenburg
01:30 Kamerun v Belanda, Cape Town Stadium, Cape Town

Grup F:
15 Juni 2010
01:30 Italia v Paraguay, Cape Town Stadium, Cape Town
15 Juni 2010
18:30 Selandia Baru v Slowakia, Royal Bafokeng Stadium, Rustenburg

20 Juni 2010
18:30 Italia v Selandia Baru, Mbombela Stadium, Nelspruit
21:00 Slowakia v Paraguay, Free State Stadium, Bloemfontein

24 Juni 2010
21:00 Paraguay v Selandia Baru, Peter Mokaba Stadium, Polokwane
21:00 Slowakia v Italia, Ellis Park Stadium, Johannesburg

Grup G:
15 Juni 2010
21:00 Brasil v Korea Utara, Ellis Park Stadium, Johannesburg
16 Juni 2010
01:30 Pantai Gading v Portugal, Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, Port Elizabeth

21 Juni 2010
01:30 Brasil v Pantai Gading, Soccer City, Johannesburg
21 Juni 2010
18:30 Portugal v Korea Utara, Cape Town Stadium, Cape Town

25 Juni 2010
21:00 Korea Utara v Pantai Gading, Mbombela Stadium, Nelspruit
21:00 Portugal v Brasil, Moses Mabhida Stadium, Durban

Grup H:
16 Juni 2010
18:30 Spanyol v Swiss, Moses Mabhida Stadium, Durban
21:00 Honduras v Cili, Mbombela Stadium, Nelspruit

21 Juni 2010
21:00 Spanyol v Honduras, Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, Port Elizabeth
22 Juni 2010
01:30 Cili v Swiss, Ellis Park Stadium, Johannesburg

26 Juni 2010
01:30 Swiss v Honduras, Free State Stadium, Bloemfontein
01:30 Cili v Spanyol, Loftus Versfeld Stadium, Pretoria

16 Besar
26 Juni 2010, 21:00
Juara Grup A v Peringkat Kedua Grup B, Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, Port Elizabeth (Partai 49)

27 Juni 2010, 01:30
Juara Grup C v Peringkat Kedua Grup D, Royal Bafokeng Stadium, Rustenburg (Partai 50)

27 Juni 2010, 21:00
Juara Grup D v Peringkat Kedua Grup C, Free State Stadium, Bloemfontein (Partai 51)

28 Juni 2010, 01:30
Juara Grup B v Peringkat Kedua Grup A, Soccer City, Johannesburg (Partai 52)

28 Juni 2010, 21:00
Juara Grup E v Peringkat Kedua Grup F, Moses Mabhida Stadium, Durban (Partai 53)

29 Juni 2010, 01:30
Juara Grup G v Peringkat Kedua Grup H, Ellis Park Stadium, Johannesburg (Partai 54)

29 Juni 2010, 21:00
Juara Grup F v Peringkat Kedua Grup E, Loftus Versfeld Stadium, Pretoria (Partai 55)

30 Juni 2010, 01:30
Juara Grup H v Peringkat Kedua Grup G, Cape Town Stadium, Cape Town (Partai 56)

2 Juli 2010, 21:00
Pemenang Partai 53 v Pemenang Partai 54, Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, Port Elizabeth (Partai 57)

3 Juli 2010, 01:30
Pemenang Partai 49 v Pemenang Partai 50, Soccer City, Johannesburg (Partai 58)

3 Juli 2010, 21:00
Pemenang Partai 52 v Pemenang Partai 51, Cape Town Stadium, Cape Town (Partai 59)

4 Juli 2010, 01:30
Pemenang Partai 55 v Pemenang Partai 56, Ellis Park Stadium, Johannesburg (Partai 60)

7 Juli 2010, 01:30
Pemenang Partai 58 v Pemenang Partai 57, Cape Town Stadium, Cape Town (Partai 61)

8 Juli 2010, 01:30
Pemenang Partai 59 v Pemenang Partai 60, Moses Mabhida Stadium, Durban (Partai 62)

Perebutan Juara Ketiga
11 Juli 2010, 01:30
Tim Kalah Partai 61 v Tim Kalah Partai 62, Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, Port Elizabeth (Partai 63)

12 Juli 2010, 01:30
Pemenang Partai 61 v Pemenang Partai 62, Soccer City, Johannesburg (Partai 64)