All models on stage, total 11 of them.
A word of warning though, this post is long and loads of photos! So might take a while to load up. Thanks for seeing =) and comment much appreciated!
My favourite model. She just has some unresistable look.
Crazy posture she has there.
Flashed by other photographer. Still haven't bought mine =(
Flash again. Everyone is shooting, the scene like got lightning storm!
Like going for board meeting, she never smile at all.
She doesn't looks very good on photo, but in real life, she does has some charm and character.
The favourite of most chinese, I suppose. Typical joyful looks that will attract any chinese guys.
Hot. Short hair girls just have some very sporty look.
And this if my wife's favourite model, and I can see why. She got the best smile, it's so sweet and melt in your heart.
Alright, finished the first round. Not sure what's the theme, but it's all white dress. White angels maybe? Changing fast, here they come again. It's evening dress.
Wah, really my favourite. Super cool.
The killing turn around stare.
She just keep smiling. I think she enjoyed it very much.
Trying something different here.
Model lighted up by other photographer's flash. Much better?
Phew, finished the second round. My only regret is I do not have a flash. It really makes some different especially when I manage to grab some photos with other photographer flashing on the model. I would try again next time with my SB-600.
The crowd's gear are crazy. The guy beside me even brought together a ladder!
So finished the shoot-out and walking around. There are some crazy lens on show. Let's see.
Some crazy 400mm lens on display! Wondering how much the filter itself cost!
The Nikon D700 body looks very small. Consumed by the gigantic lens!! Even the tripod is on the lens only. Better off leave the small D700 body hanging.
And of course, the super big Nikon lens. Vibration Reduction, Internal LED lightings somemore!
Nikonian dream cabinet!
It's funny that lots of people will say photographers are actually bunch of wolves. Always only wanted to take photos of pretty girl, either clothes or naked. Ask any Nikonian, if let them choose either any model above or this cabinet, the answer might be surprising. I would take this cabinet at any time =) With these gears, girls will just follow wherever I go =P
Ok, I've learnt something here also. Realised that professional / experience photographer know exactly what they are doing and they only take the shots that count. While for begineer like me, I just set continuous bursting like hell and end up I've got hundreds of photos. Took me forever to sort out and shortlisted the 50+ photos up here. I'll learn to control my shots next time.
We are suppose have our dinner there. Somehow I ended up taking photograph and forgotten about my wife =P Thanks for being understanding. Brought her to Secret Recipe for the super Lamb Shank. Too hungry, so no photos. Cheers!
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